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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Holocaust denial is not a ‘view point’ it is deliberately constructed lie.
  2. No, you imagined incorrectly, again. Carlson platformed this vile holocaust denier to make money. I think advertisers should consider if they want their products and services to be associated with such filth.
  3. There is not an American alive more firmly latched on to the Federal tit than Musk. The man is a Federal Dollar subsidy junky.
  4. Judge Merchan once again demonstrates what a very fine judge he is.
  5. Here’s the audience for the filth Carlson chose to platform.
  6. Not a bad idea, but perhaps start by repatriating some of the thousands of foreigners in UK prisons. Asking Albania, Poland Romania and Ireland to take care of some of their criminal citizens would put a dent in the over UK Prisons overcrowding problem. https://www.statista.com/statistics/872023/leading-nationalities-of-foreign-prisoners-in-england-and-wales/
  7. Let me make it very clear for you. There is no ‘may’ about it, the guy is denying the most heinous crimes in human history. Nobody should be giving him a platform to spew his hate, let alone defending him. Check your absurdity.
  8. Longest sentence so far - 9 years + an extended 5 year license period. Clearly a very dangerous individual. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/sep/06/rotherham-man-jailed-nine-years-longest-sentence-summer-riots
  9. What is very clear is the swift and sharp response to the organized and coordinated riots across the country very effectively put a stop to the lawlessness.
  10. Once again misrepresenting the facts of convictions that have been explained to you with links to the actual charges/convictions. Clearly trolling the forum with misinformation.
  11. 9. Mocking a disabled reporter by mimicking his disability to entertain his supporters. 10. Backing Putin against US Intelligence and security services. 11. Fawning around tyrants. 12. Promising to be a dictator on day 1. 13. Disrespecting the graves of fallen servicemen and women at Arlington. 14. His disrespect of John McCain wrt to his capture, imprisonment and torture during the Vietnam War. And much much more.
  12. Let it go stoner. I invited you to produce some evidence, not to continue making unsubstantiated accusations.
  13. More to the point, significant numbers of Registered Republicans don’t support him, his performance in the primaries was abysmal.
  14. The hate you allege but can’t substantiate. By definition an unsubstantiated personal attack.
  15. So that’s a no then, you have no evidence of me engaging in spreading ‘vile extreme left hate’. You made an accusation you can’t substantiate. That truth thing you mention, you should give it a try.
  16. Can you give an example of this ‘vile extreme left hate’ you accuse me of spreading? A quote from one of my posts would do.
  17. That post deserves reading in the full, it starts off with an accusation and finishes up with an example of the same accusation.
  18. As I said earlier, Labour MP’s May well defeat this proposal when it comes to a vote. In the meantime ‘means testing benefits’ for all its faults is a means of ensure resources are directed to those in need and away from those who don’t need.
  19. Oh so now Starmer is guilty of the excess deaths from winter 22/23 caused by the Tories protecting energy company windfall profits at cost to consumers. But let’s look at energy prices over the period you want to use to back your baseless claim. Clearly prices over that period where at historical highs and have since reduced significantly. Apples and Oranges Jonny. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/press-release/energy-prices-fall-again-winter
  20. No, it indicates I don’t fall for baseless predictions. Do you have a link that demonstrates these deaths you predict?
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