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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No amount of police training obviates the duty not to unlawfully kill civilians. If officers are, as you say trained, then they should be handling the situation and continually assessing developments. Multiple people standing near by telling police officers that they are killing the guy who one of the officers has his knee on his neck is the kind of thing trained officers ought reasonably be expected respond to. The Jury agreed. But back to this training you mention, I wonder which part of police training covers holding a person to the ground with your knee on his neck for over 9 minutes?
  2. I’ve read Great Expectations, I don’t recall the race of any of the protagonists therein being mentioned.
  3. Can you state under which statute the penalty for not immediately obeying a police officer is death?
  4. My opinion is backed by the facts. He was investigated, a Grand Jury handed down an indictment and a jury convicted him.
  5. Actually they charged him following an investigation and a Grand Jury indictment. Nothing to do with your BLM grievance thing.
  6. Yes, I read that. But why several months notice? It seems more like a strategic move on part of the investigation than a urgent public order issue.
  7. Tacopina, petitioned the judge to declare the case a mistrial on the claim of the judge himself being biased. It seems like a bit of theatrics for an audience of one, it certainly did not impress the judge. The question is, if Tacopina believes he’s winning the case he wouldn’t want a mistrial. It all the stink of that ‘life’s not fair’ plot Trump Likes to lay out for his supporters. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-lawyer-tacopina-asks-judge-mistrial-e-jean-carroll-case-2023-5
  8. Several months is a long ‘heads up and be ready guys’. I wonder if she’s trolling the multiple targets of the investigations, setting a few nerves on edge that might need soothing with a cooperation deal. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock….. Oh and I don’t mind waiting, just do it right, by the book and water tight.
  9. It’s the Republican way, they want to choose which Americans can vote, wanting to choose who runs debates is no surprise at all.
  10. Why would Trump want to skip a debate if he believes everything he himself says about Biden?
  11. People trafficking the new GOP election wining strategy. I can’t see it winning any swing voters but it’ll keep what’s left of the red hats on side.
  12. I watched the video of Trump arriving and waving from the top of the steps. Given repeated reports of low turn out, and Trump’s own claims regarding drawing a crowd, it’s surely past time for news reports to swing the camera around to show us who, if anyone, Trump is waving to.
  13. The adults in the room have had a word.
  14. A privileged bigot getting a high on seeing people at the bottom of the pile scraping a living from other people’s trash.
  15. FOX tells lies. Why would anyone believe the reasons they give for firing their single biggest audience draw? I don’t believe we’ve been told why Carlson was fired, I certainly don’t believe it was for making racist or offensive comments within internal communications. There’s always a profit and loss calculation in business, the profit was Carlson’s audience draw, what was the loss? It certainly wasn’t some text message that people will argue was or was not racist.
  16. The NY Times is the news reporter, the source is Carlson’s text messages.
  17. Whether or not he was a ‘terrorist’ is a matter of opinion. It is however indisputable that he’s just become a martyr for his cause.
  18. So let’s just pause for a moment and contemplate where on earth such a bitter hate filled comment came from.
  19. It started in a rightwing political strategy meeting. The rightwing invented it.
  20. I agree. The problem for Trump is, his base can’t win him an election. He needs to attract middle of the road swing voters.
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