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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That nothing burger has just turned into convictions for ‘Seditious Conspiracy’. But well done, you’re bang on that trajectory of denying the path of Justice I predicted so many months back.
  2. And there ladies and gentlemen ends the debate over whether or not the J6 attack was a protest or an act of sedition. From now on we can all refer to the J6 sedition and reference court verdicts to demonstrate this to be true.
  3. Excellent news. Now to follow the trail of the conspiracy. The serious jail time these guys are facing opens an opportunity for a cooperation deal. Rat upwards and reduce your sentence, it’s a deal to be considered.
  4. Another one of those ‘could be’. It’s not for anyone on this forum to explain where any of these alleged transactions came from or for what purpose. It’s not even for any of the Biden’s to make such an explanation. If Comer, or indeed you, wish to make criminal accusations, then it is for Comer, or indeed you, to provide evidence of criminality. I, and I’m sure many others amongst the members of this forum, frequently make international cash transfers in excess of $10,000, each of which will get flagged by the corresponding banks. These transactions and the flags attached to these transactions are not evidence of criminality.
  5. The Hill is reporting Trump is returning to ‘probably attend the trial’. It’s all theatrics. First decline the opportunity to testify before the court. Then when Trump realizes he’s likely to lose the case, turn up too late to testify. Then claim to his followers he was denied the right to testify in his own defense and claim the trial rigged against him. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3987892-trump-says-he-will-probably-attend-e-jean-carroll-trial-to-confront-this/
  6. Wrong thread, wrong President. But yes I agree.
  7. There’s the little problem of evidence of crimes, getting a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence and a Jury to convict on the evidence. I’m sure the ‘too old and too senile’ excuse to avoid trial, jail or remaining in jail will show up in the not too distant future, but it won’t have Biden’s name attached to it.
  8. More of the Republican accusation / confession thing. Perhaps Comey should get the alleged evidence in hand before making allegations of criminality.
  9. I agree, but I think it’s a two way street. I think education for citizens and training for cops is key. I also think the militarization of the police is an added problem. Policing is a complex issue, we need a lot less of the ‘simple fixes to complex problems’. Removing bad cops to enable the very many good officers do the public service they signed up for is a good thing.
  10. 55555 FOX again. Losing viewers in their droves, so decide to go down the ‘National Enquirer’ route. Next up, ‘Elvis is alive on the moon, he’s dressed as an ancient Egyptian and he abducted my cat’.
  11. The police had already arrested him. Then Officer Chauvin took it upon himself to kill the suspect he had under arrest. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/justifies-arrest-probable-cause.html
  12. Can you provide a link to the statute that states suspects of tendering fake money shall be subject to extra judicial killing?
  13. He obviously wasn’t a threat as he was being unlawfully killed.
  14. I’m not by what twisted logic you came to that conclusion. The jury, who saw the evidence, heard the testimony and the legal arguments convicted Floyd’s killer.
  15. Incorrect, I don’t watch videos posted as ‘comments’ in this discussion forum. I watch plenty of videos elsewhere.
  16. No amount of police training obviates the duty not to unlawfully kill civilians. If officers are, as you say trained, then they should be handling the situation and continually assessing developments. Multiple people standing near by telling police officers that they are killing the guy who one of the officers has his knee on his neck is the kind of thing trained officers ought reasonably be expected respond to. The Jury agreed. But back to this training you mention, I wonder which part of police training covers holding a person to the ground with your knee on his neck for over 9 minutes?
  17. I’ve read Great Expectations, I don’t recall the race of any of the protagonists therein being mentioned.
  18. Can you state under which statute the penalty for not immediately obeying a police officer is death?
  19. My opinion is backed by the facts. He was investigated, a Grand Jury handed down an indictment and a jury convicted him.
  20. Actually they charged him following an investigation and a Grand Jury indictment. Nothing to do with your BLM grievance thing.
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