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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nevertheless, a Tory Prime Minister and her Chancellor of the Exchequer embarked on a ‘policy’ of economic madness which has directly resulted in what is for very many a crippling increase in mortgage interest rates. As I said at the time, I look forward to the May Elections. The people have spoken.
  2. Well it’s one of those separation of powers things, coequal arms of government and all that. Unlike Truss’ private grandstanding.
  3. If you have evidence of perjury, Trump’s attorney will be delighted to hear from you.
  4. Of course, men are the victims here. More fuel for that self proclaimed grievance thing that’s all the rage among some men these days.
  5. Pelosi was acting on behalf of the US Government and adhering to US Government policy on China. Truss is a loose cannon on the deck.
  6. She’s not standing up to the Chinese ‘regime’, she’s grandstanding. The solidarity she should be focussed is that of the British Government’s official policy lines.
  7. That’s not the crazy bit. The crazy but is millions would still do so.
  8. Nevertheless, sworn testimony is evidence. The claim there was no evidence presented is nonsense.
  9. Trump wasn’t convicted (well not yet). The jury found against him, he lost the case. It is not a ‘conviction’, though there is a penalty.
  10. I’m getting rather tired of this ‘if they can do this to Trump they can do this to you’ argument. We are accountable under law for our actions, Trump must not be an exception.
  11. Sworn testimony is evidence. Especially when it’s corroborated by other sworn testimony.
  12. Ah, so you seem to have evidence of spin. I thought I’d have a longer wait. Thanks for investigating this and bringing your discovered truths to our attention.
  13. I very much look forward to it, and the subsequent denial/conspiracies.
  14. That’s why the criminal Justice system uses investigative processes and why courts see evidence and sworn testimony. As you yourself demonstrate, it’s too easy to confuse people with news and social media reports. Evidence and sworn testimony is the way to go.
  15. I think it’s the sexual abusers who need to be on alert. I myself feel chilled on the matter, you’ll see that from my own responses in this thread. Others perhaps not so.
  16. Well he certainly needs to get on with building his defense for the next time he’s in court, and the time after that, and the time after that…..
  17. Now the difficult bit George. You are going to be questioned by Federal Agents, if you choose to speak you must tell the truth, lying to Federal Agents is something we call ‘a crime’. When you get to court you will be placed under oath, you must tell the truth, not telling the truth under oath is something we call ‘perjury’, which is also a crime. Live in the moment George, for the next few months you’re a star attraction.
  18. I’ll repeat what I’ve said before. Trump supporters will not accept accusations against him, they won’t accept court trials against him, they won’t accept jury verdicts against him, they won’t accept court sentences against him. I’ll also repeat what Trump himself said. ”I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.’’. We are witnessing a cult responding as it’s leader predicted.
  19. Is it the hatred of Trump that’s blind to Justice here or a hatred of women?
  20. Because of course 80 year old women don’t deserve the rights get to defend themselves against definition in the non crazy America you would prefer.
  21. Wrecking the economy wasn’t enough, now she wants to play with matches around a powder keg.
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