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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Alleged letters of alleged allegations. No I don’t think Americans should be concerned.
  2. Oh those other protestors who were nowhere near the coronation. So the police now get to arrest people for protesting where their protest might be seen. Oh, and so you now accept that the support of the British people is clearly not unanimous,
  3. Here, enjoy: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65507435
  4. Well some did, by no means all. Protestors who had already notified their protest to the Met and obtained formal approval were arrested before being able to participate in their democratic right to protest. So yes, we got to see the supporters, these who do not support the monarchy were silenced.
  5. The Tories tried to manage expectations with a pre-election statement that it would be a bad result if they lost a thousand seats. Then they lost over a thousand. Sunak and the Tories are walking towards the departure lounge.
  6. And from the party of small government and the sovereignty of citizens over government.
  7. Nonsense. What part of “late stage abortions are rare and only conducted after careful and detailed medical assessment.” don’t you understand. She’d have a delivery and you know it. But Kennedy knows his audience, always looking for a reason to be offended, no matter how absurd tge fabricated reason.
  8. No there is not. Any level headed person will tell you late stage abortions are rare and only conducted after careful and detailed medical assessment. The yes or no answer is do women hold dominion over their own bodies?
  9. This ‘truth’ you refer to, where is it hidden and how come you know about it if it’s not already out?
  10. It’s a a question, for which the answer is not the ‘yes/no’ Kennedy was soliciting. Late stage abortions are rare and are only conducted after detailed medical assessment. Once again, those who can’t understand there are no easy answers to complex problems don’t grasp this. Few even bother trying. Kennedy was playing to the rabble in the gallery.
  11. No surprises here. Trump turns down his last chance to testify. The judge had wisely offered an extension to Trump to confirm his intent to testify, that extension expired last night. Good luck taking the argument you weren’t allowed to testify to appeal Donny. It will of course play well to his dwindling base, but they aren’t going to decide the next election. https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-40f9bf3da2474c28dc2bc869d68fdb82#
  12. Nah. What you have there is Kennedy attempting to grab the limelight with hyperbole.
  13. Be assured, for millions of American women voting in 2024, it will be.
  14. Corruption free government and governance under the law is probably up there with the important stuff that needs doing. If there is evidence of a President’s son (or daughter) committing crimes, put it to a Grand Jury, if they hand down indictments, take it to trial. Regardless of who the President is, past or present. Nobody above the law.
  15. The Saudi’s don’t eat pork, but they don’t mind buying it. Billions pouring into Trump and his family from Saudi Arabia. Has Trump been ‘Causeway wrapped’? This absolutely deserves investigation.
  16. If the DOJ doesn’t want to prosecute it simply demurs, no need to offer any ‘immunity deal’, just don’t proceed. If someone is given an immunity deal, they have given something in return. Perhaps somebody feels it in the best interest of their client’s safety to not disclose what was traded in return.
  17. That’s the problem with letting your imagination run wild,. You confuse yourself.
  18. For the record. I’m all in favor of nobody being above the law, not a President (past or present) nor the children of a President (past or present) - regardless of who the President is. I do however suspect some here delighting in this report will sing from a different song sheet within the not too distant future.
  19. So you don’t understand the concept of ‘the corollary, (when applied to matters of race). Knock me down with a feather.
  20. The Chinese have experience of how a foreign power can use narcotics to addict a population and render a nation powerless. Narcotics as a weapon against another nation, I wonder who came up with that heinous idea?
  21. I’m very mindful of the fact it is FOX (confessed liars) who are leaking these details. I maintain my belief that FOX are lying about why they have pulled Carlson. I look forward to hearing the real reason.
  22. I think it’s what’s known as ‘A tell’.
  23. Like when did protecting children against abuse or industrial injury ever register on the GOP scale of important issues?
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