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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. They were all safe from Ukrainian munitions when back in Russia, or wherever else Russia is bringing them from.
  2. It doesn’t have to be an anti tank missile. The UK is supplying anti-tank shells and armor piercing rounds each very capable of unzipping the Russian vintage tanks. Have a thought for the Russian crews, Putin won’t.
  3. Manufacturing these missiles creates profits, secures jobs, returns taxes and economic growth while propping up the West’s strategic defense industries.
  4. I’m not sure it was possible millions of people to prepare for the madness of ‘Truss-Economics’. Regardless her policies are directly responsible for hikes in interest rates and that impacted millions of people holding mortgages, who also happen to be voters. Clearly an issue in the elections of last week.
  5. Also forgot to mention the economic catastrophe that Tory MP Truss visited on the nation and which has been a direct contributor to millions of people being faced with increased mortgage interest payments. Surely on the minds of millions of voters as they headed to the polls. ’Anti-Government’ well anti Tory for sure, nobody votes to be poorer. https://www.ft.com/content/7bad4783-e6d1-4776-8fa7-4188bbb9d86f
  6. I wonder which direction Russian troop moral goes when they see what they are being sent to war with?
  7. I’m sure it was reported on RT, or other Russian Propaganda channels. But here’s two question: 1. I wonder how it’s armor will stand up to modern anti tank munitions. 2. How many luckless crew are in each of these soon to be pressure cookers?
  8. Nobody voted to be poorer. Obviously the electorate didn’t pay a lot of attention to Dianne Abbot when they went to the ballot box last week.
  9. There’s at least a 4% boost to economic growth begging to be plucked from the Tory Brexit mess. Nobody voted for the trade barriers the Tories decided to erect between the UK and its largest trading partner.
  10. Apart from the fact he was a rightwing white supremacist with the white nationalist and Nazi sympathies bolt package.
  11. There was a time when we had to rely on Godwin’s Law for discussions to arrive at a probability of Nazi’s being mentioned rising to 100%. These days news of atrocities and other crimes committed by rightwing extremists in the US start off with a baseline of them being Nazi sympathizers.
  12. In terms of the topic under discussion I think the only Brexit issue is ‘failed expectations’. The Tories sold Brexit on the basis of promises of a better future for the people of the UK, they raised expectations that have not been met. Voters have responded accordingly. The Tory Brexit Bus has crashed. I look forward to the next General Election. In the meantime I’ll enjoy the Tories at each other’s throats as the impact of the local election on the prospects of individual Tory MPs finds it’s mark.
  13. Back around the time Truss set in motion her economic irrationality that has resulted in millions s of people in the UK paying significantly higher mortgage interest, I commented ‘I look forward to the May elections’. Well they’ve been and the immediate results have met my expectations. Now I look forward what the results deliver in terms of friction within the Tory party between now and the General Election. I’m not sure the Tories are daft enough to replace Sunak in the run up to the General Election, but then again in recent performance I wouldn’t put any madness past them.
  14. Exactly , understaffed due to underfunding funding and failing to retain staff by means of low pay rises…. Oh and that other Tory thing that gave rise to staff departures.
  15. A change of Government will effect how the impacts on ordinary people are addressed.
  16. It’s not a bad slogan, pretty close to the truth. Private health companies are backing the Tories: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/private-health-firms-donate-to-conservative-party-amid-nhs-crisis/
  17. It’s pretty obvious from my experience (Last updated in February 2023) the NHS is being well managed and the root cause of its problems is chronic underfunding. I’ll get a new update when I’m in daily contact with NHS services starting again around the third week of this month.
  18. You are correct, he doesn’t need the money. He does however need the platform and the adulation, he’s hooked on it, willing to lie through his teeth just to keep in the gaze of his low brow audience. FOX and Carlson, they really do deserve each other. I can’t wait to hear why FOX really canned Carlson, their biggest audience draw.
  19. I’m not sure how you got from your ‘if’ to your assertion. Regardless, I suspect the calculation being fretted over right now is by a number of Tory MP’s looking at an enforced unemployment in 2024.
  20. I suspect we will Carlson back in the media, but perhaps not as you imagine.
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