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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. What private businesses do is, provided it’s within the law, their business. If two private businesses mutually agree to something like the following then I don’t have any issue with it: “Play does not stop while matches are in mid-flow, but at the earliest convenient moment during a goal-kick, free-kick or throw-in. Teams and match officials will discuss beforehand whether a pause is required and an approximate time for the stoppage will be agreed.” ‘Pause’ agreements are common in sport, always have been, it’s usually called “Good Sportsmanship”. I believe Brits regard it one of their defining characteristics.
  2. Of course, it’s the men who are the victims. Or was that more rightwing self asserted grievance stroking?
  3. Actions do indeed have consequences. Here’s hoping Republicans reap the consequences of attacking the right of women to hold dominion over their own bodies.
  4. It would be interesting to know if there was a breach of Hazardous Area Classification or if deregulation has removed/reduced the Hazardous Area Classification requirements.
  5. Most people do indeed see a compromise position. Leaving women and girls with dominion over their own bodies works for me.
  6. There is absolutely nothing in this report that confirms Trump actually did answer questions. Statements made by his Attorney are all in advance of his deposition.
  7. A bit of a hit coming the way for Florida women who are past the age of viable pregnancy but nevertheless become pregnant.
  8. So let me get this straight. You yourself never make any judgment on the mental state of people you come into contact with?
  9. Pay attention all. An object lesson in how breach of the Espionage Act is treated is about to be given.
  10. Trump being Trump he’s gone on the verbal attack, making repeated accusations that AG James is a racist. There are two things to note about this. 1. It’s clearly another example of Trump’s accusations being confessions. 2. Trump really isn’t happy to be sitting opposite a black female AG.
  11. I guess the Republicans think the lunatic fringe is big enough to win elections.
  12. Link please to the basis of your claim asylum/refugees must stop at the first ‘safe country they enter.’?
  13. UK Government data on UK economy. Your ‘I’m alright Jack’ pov is noted.
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