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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You dreamed up your ‘scenario’ and then declared it madness. What can I say?!
  2. I’m not sure how you draw that conclusion. Oh, you make an assumption on my views on the matter and then argue with your own assumptions. Here deconstruct this statement, give it your best shot:
  3. Not entirely true, precincts are given a degree of leeway on what to release.
  4. “If, in a moment of madness, any government were to suddenly give everyone an £11000 a year payrise, prices would soar. Within months no one would be any better off.” This ‘moment of madness’, that was your idea wasn’t it? Oh, so it was.
  5. You seem to have missed the bit about stalling wages already costing these self same people £11,000 per year. Nah, let everyone’s wages fall behind so long as your own costs do go up.
  6. It doesn’t upset me one bit. Trump has said he wants to be cuffed, so don’t give him what he wants. It’s of no importance at all. Once arraigned, Trump will be under arrest, he’ll be finger printed and have his mug shots taken. He’ll then be put before a judge. From the moment he surrenders he will be under the control of the Justice system.
  7. I take it you’ve seen the indictment(s). Please do share.
  8. I suspect he’s surrounded by people who tell him what he wants to hear, not what he needs to hear.
  9. It’s worse than that. Droves of ‘free thinkers’ regurgitate the spite and envy they’ve been fed every time the subject of decent pensions arises. Mention good work place pensions and instead of demanding good pensions for all they complain that those who still have decent pensions should be dragged down to the level of those who don’t. Like crabs in a bucket.
  10. Correct, which is the point I was making. A lot of talk about longevity, it means nothing I’d you aren’t fit to enjoy life, let alone work.
  11. So it turns out Trump was almost caught out telling the truth. Yes he will be arrested on Tuesday, he just didn’t say which Tuesday. I wonder if he’ll try to incite a mob? It is he worried nobody will turn up? Trump Making Arraignment Guest Appearance.
  12. It’s funny how his followers seem to know something’s he ‘meant’ but not others.
  13. Work until you’re knackered, no thanks: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthandlifeexpectancies/bulletins/healthstatelifeexpectanciesuk/2018to2020
  14. I guess it distracts from real problems back home eh?
  15. I’m sure Putin or indeed Russian front line troops aren’t laughing: https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-ukraine/
  16. Slight correction, . Grand Juries review evidence and testimony presented by prosecutors to determine if there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, within the jurisdiction, and were probable cause does exist issue an indictment(s).
  17. Slight correction, . Grand Juries review evidence and testimony presented by prosecutors to determine if there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, within the jurisdiction, and were probable cause does exist issue an indictment(s).
  18. You’re all over the place, how does that accusation relate to your claim Biden did the same as Trump wrt to Breaking the Constitutional separation of powers
  19. ‘’Trump may be an odious person, but Biden is just as odious.” There is news available where you live?
  20. I’m sure, but will they have any evidence or is something they’ve been spoon fed?
  21. Trump gave us multiple examples of breaking the constitutional separation of powers Biden has done no such thing.
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