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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I say it again, I (a man) have competed scores of times against women in cycle races, open national events, not novelty races. Prizes get awarded by gender and competitor classification. It happens all the time, it’s common place. Putting assure some stiff the Russians and East Europeans were up to decades ago, transgender participation in sport is a relatively new occurrence. The sports ruling bodies need to update their rules and regulations accordingly, it’ll happen. Then we can all park our angst and get back to the stuff that really matters.
  2. Hyperbole. Removing a foetus/child within days before labour and killing it would be murder.
  3. Feminists have long argued that the shortest route to equalizing women’s rights is to get men on board to support their cause. Out of the blue help comes from the almost insignificant transgender population, the aversion to which being so strong in some men as to get them on board with women’s rights. Now all that’s needed is to translate the faux outrage over an imagined transgender man legally beating up a woman in a boxing ring into fighting the actua endemic violence against women and girls perpetrated globally by men who don’t wear frocks.
  4. Yes, women competing against men at the top of their sports. It’s common place.
  5. I raced alongside Beryl Burton, she was like all great athletes exceptional, something of a hero to me an very many other cyclists, male and female, and hence fondly referred to as ‘Our Beryl’. But she was not the only female competing against men, women competing against men in cycling has been common place for decades.
  6. You are over 57 years late. In 1967 Beryl Burton (AKA Our Beryl) set a new UK 12 hour time trial record of 277.25 miles, beating the men’s record by 0.73 mikes. Beryl held the all comers record until a man finally passed her record in 1969. Women have been competing against men in cycle races since the 1940s.
  7. Oddly you don’t mention something as fundamental as rightwing administrations stripping women of dominion over their own bodies. You go straight to your transgender thing.
  8. During the rainy (flood) season we open one of our higher fields to local people who keep cows and so have in exchange a good supply of cow dung which I compost for 12 months before use. But I don’t think it has the necessary trace elements, the cows can’t add elements that aren’t available to them. I’ve found a foliage fertilizer that has the trace elements I’m looking for but don’t want to spray with the risks of inhaling. If I can’t find an alternative I’ll use this by applying to the irrigation system. It is soluble and I could make an inductor to mix it into the irrigation lines downstream of the pumps.
  9. Putting aside your wit, it is entirely logical that growth hormones fed to the food people eat wind up in people. The accelerated physical maturing of children is a fact. Physical maturity and brain/emotional maturity are not the same thing.
  10. But also, modern food production includes the widespread use of growth hormones that accelerate the maturing of live stock used in the food chain.
  11. There’s something else interesting going on. Puberty suppression drugs are becoming more widely prescribed as the onset of puberty in both boys and girls has become significantly earlier in a what is historically very short period of time. There are also significant differences in hight gain, visible here in Thailand were teenagers are commonly head and shoulders taller than their parents, a generational change. These are society wide changes across multiple populations and epidemiology 101; when society wide health changes are seen, look for society wide causes. I wonder if the dysmorphia and other related psychological difficulties children are increasingly exhibiting are anything to do with this generational change in children developing adult bodies way earlier than brain and emotional development?
  12. They’d have a moral outrage fuzzy fit when the audience starts shouting ‘behind you’.
  13. My bet is Liz Cheney will split the Republican vote, Trump is running on fumes.
  14. What you seem not to know is the J6 hearings have nothing at all to do with the multiple Federal and State criminal investigations in which Trump is the target.
  15. In fairness to your ‘American, White, (mainly but not exclusively Non-Hetero) Liberals’, there are recognizable political maneuvers that are characteristic of fascism and Nazism: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rsc/Editorials/fascism.html There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling these out when they appear in political speeches at national political conferences.
  16. Elected members of the GOP have stated they wish to be referred to as ‘Ultra MAGA’. https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights
  17. That’s not old fashioned, it’s the view of the vast majority of people regardless of where they are in the political spectrum. It’s also such a tiny minority case that it is not in anyway representative of transgender issues.
  18. And yet here we have an example of a rightwing politician grandstanding the issue at a national rightwing political conference. Go figure.
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