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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I agree, not everyone saw the clear evidence of Johnson not being fit for office, not everyone predicted he’d be ousted.
  2. Duplicate post deleted, even if it was worth repeating.
  3. Nothing at all fascicle about her trial. The jury heard the evidence, the jury found her guilty.
  4. It couldn’t be something to do with generations of cops killing unarmed black people and getting away with it?
  5. Johnson couldn’t even get resigning right. He’s trying to fob the nation off with ‘resignation from the Leader of the Tory Party’ while staying on as Prime Minister. Some body needs to tell him: Leave means Leave.
  6. A black man handcuffed and face down on the floor is murdered in cold blood by a cop, the world sees the video. The cop gets dealt the Justice he deserves. A bunch of right wingers start howling, pouring out whataboutary and generally airing their bruised sense of grievance.
  7. More conspiracy nonsense for the addicts who feed on this stuff.
  8. While clearly you don’t care, othered thankfully do.
  9. But it was the point wasn’t it. It was his lies that brought him down.
  10. You did get the bit where his ministers resigned and pointed out his problems with telling the truth?
  11. He’s always up to something, usually handing tax payers money to his chums and impregnating women who are not his wife.
  12. I was never once taken in by his lies, which together with his incompetence were clearly on display; I said from the start he was a self serving corrupt liar. Which is exactly what he’s revealed himself to be. Good riddance to bad stuff.
  13. Jonathan Pie has done a masterful ‘Bye Bye Boris’ video. Look it up, he nails it.
  14. Mogg’s too busy running his hedgefund, he can’t even stay awake on the front bench.
  15. Tory MPs hopeful of getting Johnson’s job are talking about Brexit, it’s central to the mess the Tories are in.
  16. Not quite true, it was the threat of revising the 1922 committee rules for a second confidence vote that convinced Theresa May to resign. Johnson has lost the confidence of his party, he needs to man up and resign.
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