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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You read the headline and from that you think the ‘WP seemed to agree’.
  2. ‘Seemed to agree’. But no confirmed facts, just repeating what ‘Conservative Critics’ ( The clue is in the name ) are saying.
  3. ‘Conservative critics’ saying stuff. Well they would wouldn’t they?!
  4. I’m sure I did mention scapegoating immigrants in the post you ‘responded’ to. It’s a thing.
  5. Well almost, the Navy had second thoughts. My bad: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Navy
  6. It’s none of your business what part of the UK I reside in. But let’s be a bit broader and look at how others are fairing. I volunteer at a food bank twice a week, I deliver good parcels to people who can’t afford to feed themselves and can’t get to the food bank to collect the food they need. I see first hand, face to face, the poverty here. This place is falling apart. In the past two months demand at the food bank has gone up and I’ve been asked if I can spare more time. But there’s no need to go to a food bank to see how this place is falling apart. The signs of this Government’s failure and the impact of this Government’s Brexit are everywhere to see, there’s no need to know what part of the UK it’s observed. The country is facing a cost of living crisis, poverty is at a level not seen in living memory, homelessness is on the rise, the NHS is near collapse, the Police (what Police?), aren’t dealing with crime, the lost goes on. Meanwhile the Tory Government PM is brought down by lies, which only put an end to his incompetence and corruption. The ruling party are st each other’s throats and when not stabbing each other in the back all they have to offer the nation is ‘Culture Wars’, scapegoating immigrants and the finger. No policies to help people, nothing.
  7. Seems to me you don’t know how the EU works. But please come on over, get a close up look how post Brexit UK is working out. Its not a pretty sight.
  8. There is no defense for Johnson’s lies, incompetence and corruption so when it comes up for discussion on this ‘expat forum’ his supporters attack the people pointing out the observable facts that they don’t like to hear about. It’s this Tory Government and their Brexit that is ‘trashing the UK’ not comments on observable fact, regardless of who makes the observation or where they are from. Here’s a fact, topics open for discussion on this forum are open to all forum members regardless of any other consideration than that they are forum members. It’s purely - case of ‘don’t like the news, blame the news bringer’.
  9. There’s no need to your self confessed ignorance of the ins and outs of what’s going on In ‘England’ persist, come visit and see for yourself. The country is going down the pan, while the Government takes every opportunity to grasp the ‘post Brexit bonus’ of stripping workers rights, civil rights, strips back consumer protections and moves towards downgrading food safety and hygiene standards. The fox is I charge of the henhouse.
  10. They weren’t fooled, they knew he was lying. They loved the lies because they didn’t like the truth.
  11. He’s a narcissist, he can’t accept any criticism let alone the humiliation off being kicked out of a job he believes to be his birthright. Somebody needs to tell him Leave means Leave.
  12. I seem to recall you saying something similar right up to the middle of last week.
  13. She’s a newly appointed Government Minister, forgive me if I have higher expectations of behaviour of those holding high public office.
  14. She we displaying the contempt this Government has for the public it is supposed to serve. Hand picked by a man who needs to be told ‘Leave means Leave’.
  15. Not at all, it’s an example of the damage Johnson continues to do while he remains as PM. ‘Leave means Leave’.
  16. Johnson surely knows how to pick ‘em. Newly minted Tory Government Minister Andrea Jenkins, expresses her feelings towards the public she is paid to serve:
  17. I believe that’s what the Tories are hoping for. But will the new PM address the problems being faced by the voting public? Do the voting public have any faith left in the Tories? Are the Tories going to elect one of Johnson’s enablers and go straight back to business as usual?
  18. Or maybe she does a good job representing her constituency rather than old school chums.
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