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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No it’s a matter of precise use of English when making an accusation. Your statement was both unequivocal and factually incorrect. So I agree, let’s not have you twisting things.
  2. Actually you also owe a fair bit of it to a Saudi Arabian Prince, who I’m sure has your ‘freedom’ at heart.
  3. While I’ll definitely be commenting if this murderer’s actions have indeed been motivated by the hatred that is core to MAGA, I don’t think it reasonable to link the political persuasions and actions of the murderer’s grandfather to his crimes without evidence. Let’s see what the investigation, court filings and trial turn up.
  4. And yet it is reported the UK Government are at this moment negotiation a Swiss-Style Trade Agreement with the EU. The Swiss Trade Agreement includes alignment of standards, being subject to the ECJ, and is within the EU area of freedom Freedom, Security and Justice. Apparently Rees-Mogg has gone into conniptions over the matter, his nanny just doesn’t know how to calm him down.
  5. Doing so would have left the UK with the resources to maintain control of its empire. The empire had to go and it did.
  6. Last week Jeremy Hunt made the statement that ‘unfettered trade with the UK’s nearest neighbours would be good for growth’. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to work out what he was referring to. For those that struggle to do so there is this little gem, reports of the UK Government seeking a Swiss-Style trade agreement with the EU. I know, Brexit is done, except clearly it is not and very clearly the divisions in the Tory Party are bubbling up under the surface: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11448055/Government-considering-putting-UK-road-Swiss-style-relationship-EU.html
  7. Holding the UK to repay its wartime debt was a deliberate policy of the US with the aim to divest the UK of its empire. It worked. Those paying attention understand what this means for claims of a special relationship.
  8. Let’s make it even more simple than that. Rees-Mogg was appointed as minister of ‘Brexit Opportunities’, he couldn’t find any. Or rather he omitted the ‘Brexit Opportunities handed to him and that other hedge fund manager Crispin Odey to place bets against the UK. So why did hedge funds managers who where betting against the UK back Brexit? The bitter irony is, Rees Mogg is as thick as two short planks, but he and his hedge fund managers raked in vast fortunes by convincing ordinary Brits that Old Etonians had their best interests at heart.
  9. The bone spurs ‘mocking’ arises from the high probability they never existed, they certainly never got in the way of cheating in a game of golf. Are you telling me the guy who bragged about ‘grabbing women by the….’ Was trying to hide his sexual exploits out of some kind of shyness, or was he trying to hide his debauchery from the religious, moral, family value proclaiming voters he was reliant on? I would however accept that criticizing him on the basis of his obesity constitutes hate speech, though criticizing his blatant lies about his weight and health does not. Now can I expect a similar outrage from you the next time someone is criticized for allegedly suffering cognitive problems? Or you going to be right on it, joining in?
  10. Yes Twitter has indeed been in the news, it appears you’ve not been keeping up with it.
  11. The UK has not been able to do as it pleases since around the time of the Second World War. The latest example being Washington Schooling London on what is and is not acceptable wrt the UK’s post Brexit plans for Northern Ireland.
  12. Not unless it attacks Trump on the basis of his race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability it’s not. Just like your own hating on the left wing is not hate speech.
  13. But, and it’s a big but, the wall was a failure. Or to be more precise, it was a failure in terms of preventing migrants crossing the border. It was arising success at feeding the rightwing with something to be outraged over and a rather effective means of stripping Trump supporters of their hard earned cash.
  14. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said the quiet bit out loud: https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/brexit-jeremy-hunt-quizzed-on-rejoining-single-market-as-he-concedes-damaging-trade-barriers-created-by-brexit-deal-3923127
  15. Most Trump supporters have no problem at all with biased law enforcement, so long as it was Trump and USAG Barr in charge of the bias. Those days are gone. The DOJ is now acting independently and the appointment of a special council is a further segregation between the Administration and the delivery of Justice.
  16. You’d like to see the GOP interfere in the process of Justice wrt to a former GOP President. Think about where that goes.
  17. 2022 really has been a stellar year for Justice. I have high hopes of more to come.
  18. And yet here she is tossed on the slammer under a Democrat Administration and a Democrat appointed USAG. How does that fit with your ‘recent observations’?
  19. More to help point politicians receive such huge contributions from pacs and corporations that they are controlled by the personal financial benefits. Repeal the perversely named ‘Citizens United’ Act and make publication of personal finances, stock/business holdings and taxes a condition of registration to stand for election.
  20. I’ll tell you who’s struggling. The people who said they were going to fix the problem. I suggest you go ask them for an explanation of their abject failure in the matter.
  21. Arguably the most twisted logic I’ve read on this forum, The photos of migrants see by the Leave campaign were not white Europeans, and at the time the implicit racism of the Leave messaging was widely criticized. By what twisted logic you turn that into your nonsense above is a mystery. Racism was a core of Leave messaging, give up trying to transfer that on those who spoke up against the racism in Brexit messaging.
  22. Sorry, please accept my apologies if I’ve been a bit ‘assertive’ in my responses. I mistook your posts as having a familiar ring to them, but my bad, I hadn’t realized you are a brand new member and therefore perhaps deserving of a little softer responses. Anyway, welcome to the forum, you’ll soon catch on how it goes.
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