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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. One the primary and oft repeated ‘justifications’ offered by supporters of the SCOTUS ruling on abortion was that the SCOTUS was placing responsibility to make abortion laws with the individual States and that it should not be a matter decided at Federal level. And yet now we Pence and Republicans calling for a national abortion ban. Silence from those who only yesterday were arguing this must be a matter for individual States.
  2. But you have not provided evidence of late term abortions being conducted without medical advice. So let’s leave it at that.
  3. You have yet to provide evidence of late term abortions carried out without medical advice.
  4. That is not a link providing evidence of your assertion ”The abortions are not carried out on medical advice , as you suggested .” Please provide a link or retract your assertion.
  5. Oh, so you are admitting you posted a fabricated image. Again, this is a ‘discussion’ forum, it’s not ‘Instagram’.
  6. Fabricated image, it’s not real, somebody used a computer to create the image. Do can we get back to discussion and leave your collection of images to your instagram account?!
  7. The part played by men and women in causing pregnancy is not in disburse. However, I think it fair to say most men grossly over estimate the size of their contribution.
  8. If words written on a piece of paper had no consequences you’d not be gleefully crowing. Enjoy your moment, but take note of the wide spread public response.
  9. Can you tell me what decisions you allow your neighbors make about your personal control over your own body?
  10. If the guy was praying in his own time and not involving any students or staff in his prayers then the ruling is correct. If he was on the clock or involving students or staff in his prayers then he was in clear breach of separation of Church and State. There are other religions that require followers to break all activities for prayer several times a day, I’ve personally witnessed followers of one such faith praying halfway through business meetings. Let’s see if these folk are extended the same ‘Constitutional Rights’.
  11. The callous disregard for the rights of women to hold dominion over their own bodies is even more disturbing.
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