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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. But there’s a problem. The rational members of the GOP know that the extremism that had got a grip of the party is losing them votes and motivating the opposition. Those facing re-election in 2024 need to think very carefully about what message they want to send voters in their own constituencies. It’s the extremists who cost the GOP the ‘red wave’. I doubt very much anyone missed that.
  2. I don’t recall you complaint when the NYPost was backing Trump. But maybe I missed that.
  3. Trump is under DOJ and State Prosecutor investigation for multiple crimes while in office. These investigations are widely reported, as are the facts of individuals being subpoenaed to give testimony, including Trump himself. And of course there’s the glaringly unmissable case in which the DOJ obtained a legally issued warrant and conducted a legally authorized search of Trump’s property in which top secret documen ration that Trump had no legal right to was recovered. The investigation continues. I don’t expect any Trump supporter to accept these facts, I don’t expect any Trump supporter to agree the warrant to search and the search of Trump’s property were lawful, I don’t expect any Trump supporter to agree with any indictment that might be issued against Trump, I don’t expect any Trump supporter to agree any trial Trump might face is lawful and I certainly don’t expect any Trump supporter to agree to any convictions against Trump from any of the multiple criminal investigations he is under. There is no evidence against Trump that will ever convince his supporters he is a criminal. He was entirely correct when he said he could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and not lose supporters. That’s precisely how cults are.
  4. Trump is the subject of this thread, or did you miss that?
  5. He’s headed for a lose. And just like last lose, he’ll take his losers with him.
  6. How about the contents of certain top secret and classified document folders?
  7. Or Trump’s ‘Baku Tower’ cushy deals with the Iranian National Guard. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-iran-irgc-revolutionary-guards-tower-baku-azerbaijan-sanctions-a8861736.html
  8. Here’s the bestest bit. Trump cultists wedded to the idea of a second coming. I’m loving it.
  9. And another, his concerted efforts to undermine the efforts to combat a deadly disease that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
  10. And then there were those other boxes stuffed with national security documents that Trump had absolutely no legal right to retain. But there is hope for you and Trump, maybe the DOJ aren’t on the case.
  11. Inciting an attack on the Capitol. Kissing the ring of Putin. Handing that N.Korean dictator a publicity coup. Destroying the Iranian Nuclear arms pact. Undermining the UN. Politicizing the DOJ. Do I need to go on?
  12. Cheered on by all his ‘democracy defending’ supporters.
  13. It would be very convenient for Trump, but that’s not how any of this works.
  14. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support, did you feel your ears itching?
  15. What I find curious is the people Trump conned the first time are lining up gagging to be binned again. Just keep sending your hard earned dollars bois.
  16. I doubt they are in the least bit concerned. Trump will be behind bars before the 2024 election.
  17. No, there is protection for candidates, or would be candidates against prosecution, there are policies regarding not making announcements wrt investigations of candidates within 90days(?) before an election. But Trump announcing his run will not protect him from prosecution.
  18. It’s the betraying the country bit that matters.
  19. He says a lot of things, seldom is any of it the truth. But here he is making an unsubstantiated claim which will swiftly become an article of faith amongst his supporters. It doesn’t have to be true, only needs to be something Trump said, locked it to be breathlessly defended.
  20. I wonder, has it not occurred to Trump and his supporters to look at the midterm results and see if they can spot any messages it might have for them?
  21. Trump being rushed into hospital in the middle of the night to be given the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Exam is the only ‘mental capacity/cognition’ issue of any relevance at all to the topic of discussion. So let’s discuss that shall we?
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