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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Let’s see if Andrew shows his face at the Jubilee, life continuing as usual and all that.
  2. Since the report comes secondhand I suspect something got lost between translation and people hearing what they imagined. Multiple reports on this forum attest to how well organized and efficient the vaccination centers are. Everything is being done to procedure. There might be a rogue misinformed individual but it’s more likely people are being turned back because they haven’t yet met their respective ‘date’.
  3. It’s been explained to you many times, she 17 and trafficked across a state line for the purposes of paid sex. 1. Trafficked across a state line. 2. not legally competent to consent to paid sex. You cannot conclude that because an individual is not charged that they did not commit a crime. Nor can you conclude anything from something not being reported in the media.
  4. Once again, she’s a smart cookie. Prince Andrew demanded take this before a jury, that didn’t happen either. Prince Andrew is not a smart cookies. He’s done.
  5. Which does not stop some here engaging in attacks upon her. Figure that.
  6. She set off to get $5million and wound up getting over £12million + a formal apology. Well done!
  7. Here’s a better summary. Prince Andrew settled out of court for £millions and a formal apology to Giuffre. Just the bare facts will do nicely.
  8. We’ll all that’s left for Prince Andrew’s defenders is to attack the woman he has been forced to apologize to and to whom he must now hand over £millions. One has to ask, Prince Andrew clearly decided doing so was in his very best interest, so why the incandescent rage from his male supporters? Read their comments and decide for yourself.
  9. Public opinion is already demanding Prince Andrew be stripped of titles and duties, it’s also playing into growing Republicanism. Your man paid up, he’s lost in the court of public opinion, he’s done.
  10. The fallacy of your continual references to the non applicable English law has been explained to you more than once. Your man paid up, he’s done.
  11. I call her a victim because she was a victim of sex trafficking when she was a minor.
  12. UK is now offering COVID vaccination for 5-11 year olds: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o411
  13. Don’t get fooled into tempting probability. Darwin wrote a book on it.
  14. The matter is to be raised in the House of Commons: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/16/duke-of-yorks-sexual-abuse-case-settlement-to-be-raised-in-parliament
  15. And there cannot be an examination of the case until the court has determined if it has jurisdiction.
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