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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I’d explain it to you, but since you clearly don’t know the definition of ‘propaganda’ and have completely missed on which side of the vaccine debate propaganda has and continues to be propagated, I feel any attempt at explanation would be futile. But don’t be despondent, observable reality is out there. The title of ‘idiot’ to which you say you would lay claim has already been taken by millions of people who refuse a safe effective vaccine in favor of anything the science denying extremists feed them. I suggest you ask the people refusing the vaccine why they do so, but don’t expect a rational answer.
  2. Except vaccinated individuals are less likely to catch COVID and less likely to transmit it if they do.
  3. Why would you self isolate? If you don’t feel sick you almost certainly won’t test for COVID and if you din’t feel sick how would you know you are infected?
  4. Gibraltar has had a total of 98 COVID related deaths which is around 0.3% of the population. There’s a lot more ‘susceptible’ still around.
  5. Ivermectin is not an effective medication for COVID - Period! How’s the list of countries you owe us coming along?
  6. Regardless, be sure he’s not taking it for anything COVID related.
  7. You made the claim. It is for you to back it up. Name the countries.
  8. THe subject of this thread is Ivermectin (a horse medicine). It has uses in human medicine which are supported by scientific clinical trials. None of those uses supported by scientific clinical trials include treatment or prevention of COVID.
  9. I’ll wager the politicians and people with influence in these countries are not taking horse medicines and are themselves being vaccinated.
  10. I suggest your brother takes a look at the Post Office travel insurance, they offer cover for pre-existing conditions and policies that cover long stay trips. As for 'expensive', his insurance is not expensive to you, unlike an illness he might have while staying with you. His insurance is protecting him and you.
  11. Cast your mind back to the start of COVID discussions on this forum, we had daily threads on each miracle cure, information on where these could be bought, including maps and screenshots from 'street view'. This stuff was spreading faster than the virus.
  12. You are presupposing the presence of rational thought. On the one hand there is zero evidence of Ivermectin being of any use at all in the fight against COVID while on the other hand there is substantial and verifiable evidence that the vaccines are safe and effective in reducing infection, transmission, the severity of illness, hospitalisations and deaths. There is no rational thought process that concludes on taking Ivermectin and refusing the vaccine.
  13. The possession of medical qualifications is no guard against delusion.
  14. Studies have been done, this horse medicine does not provide any protection against COVID. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/ivermectin-still-lacks-scientific-support-as-a-covid-19-drug-69049 https://www.bbc.com/news/health-58170809 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02081-w
  15. I have an AETNA policy, sponsors to this sub forum. Their policies cover (up to the value of the policy) side affects from approved medical procedures, a vaccination is an ‘approved medical procedure’. I doubt any insurance company is offering policies for the specific risk of a reaction to the aCIVID-19 vaccines, but it would be good business. The risks are tiny, certainly very much lower than the risk of the disease.
  16. It does not surprise me at all. How many times have we seen hard core anti vaxxers post misinformation on here, have their false hoods pointed out and corrected with detailed explanations and verifiable links, only have them to return later and post exactly the same nonsense? Anti-vaccine dogma is hard wired into the heads of its adherents. To achieve that science, math, observable reality, trust in doctors and even acting in self preservation have been over written. Vaccines have been politicized, the implanting of anti-vaccine messages into the minds of millions of people is the most stunning example of propaganda and mass control I have witnessed in my life time.
  17. So why no link to the ‘pope oar international news network’ article?
  18. I trust you’ll accept I my post addressed the post I was responding to, not anything you said after the fact. In the first you specifically refer to the services paid for by our taxes while in the second your concern is ‘friends who don't have the luxury of an idiotic state to pay them to sit at home’. I’m concerned too, something doesn’t add up.
  19. If you were a bit more honest, skipped the faux concern for others and objected to the impact of the lockdowns on you personally I might have given your comment a ‘like’. Hollow words of concern for others could be filled out by getting your vaccination and encouraging others to do so.
  20. In addition to which many elderly are living in care homes where, due to proximity, sharing facilities and shared space, the virus has an easy path to infecting large numbers of already immune compromised individuals.
  21. Once again you return to your primary habit of posting half truths. The real and full truth is that people who are double vaccinated are far less likely to catch COVID, far less likely to have a breakthrough infection and far less likely to transmit COVID than those who are not vaccinated. But of course you know this, you simply neglected to mention it.
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