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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. But everything that was produced prior to the drop in price was subject to higher energy costs. And the energy costs are still way higher than the same time last year.
  2. You are misquoting me, I gave ‘oil and gas’ by example. Which I pointed out is, among other things, used in transportation, the production of fertilizers and to power farm machinery (all of which have direct impacts on the cost of food production and food distribution, which are contributors to the cost of food to consumers. … Have you noticed that the members who claimed the lockdowns were the cause of the inflation the Uk is suffering have not been back with any evidence to back their assertions?!
  3. The ONS begs to differ, identifying high food prices as the main contributor:
  4. She’s not under criminal investigation, there is no realistic possibility of her being in prison anytime in the future. She’s a smart cookie, she knows what she’s doing. I don’t like her, I certainly do not like her politics, but there is absolutely no way I’d assume she’s beaten. I don’t understand either why right wingers are so keen to join Trump’s attack on Cheney. It is very clear why Trump is attacking her and funding those to replace her, but if Trump goes down his alleged crimes then the GOP is going to need a fall back away from Trump’s control of the party. It is to me an example of the madness that had taken hold of the GOP.
  5. Let me drive a bus through that for you. 1. I have not denied the lockdowns caused inflation, I have asked those who claim they have to back up their claims with evidence. 2. “Inflation is rampant in each and every country in the world, unless you gonna deny that also, and the one and only thing all those countries have in common with the UK is that they had extended periods of lockdown caused by Covid.” Quite clearly all these nations have many other things in common, by example (you’ll like this): They all rely on oil and gas to fuel their economies, transport systems, for the production of fertilizers, and to power the machinery of industry and agriculture. You might have noticed the price of oil and gas has gone up recently, it’s been in the news. ….. Please don’t come back telling us the lockdowns caused the hikes in the price of oil and gas.
  6. That’s not how debate works. If somebody makes repeated statements linking the current inflation crisis to the lockdown it is for that person to demonstrate that the lockdown caused the inflation. I have questioned the assertion that the lockdown has caused the inflation, I do not need to provide the actual causes of inflation. Those claiming the lockdowns cause inflation need to back up their assertion. It will not be difficult if they have any evidence.
  7. Whether this matters or not depends entirely on what her future plans are. She’s clearly not courting the alt-right Trump wing of the GOP, perhaps she’s concluded it has no viable future. I don’t particularly like her politics, but she’s nobody’s fool.
  8. Please provide the evidence you have that the lockdowns are the cause of the current inflation in the UK economy?
  9. What election? What particular results from that election?
  10. Well yes workers wages are taking a massive hit. Not so the incomes of CEOs, perhaps they are living in an alternative economy: https://www.ft.com/content/af0d30bd-f6ee-4ab4-abfe-94e58aa27b12
  11. Do you have any evidence at all that the lockdowns have given rise to the current levels of inflation?
  12. You seem to have missed the bit about over the past 12 years of Tories failing to address energy self sufficiency and knobbling the development of reusable energy in England and Wales while Scotland did the smart thing and continued with Green Energy to the benefit of their nation.
  13. Why should he do that? He has no business interfering in workers exercising their right to strike. People are struggling to pay their bills, union action to demand better pay is a perfectly natural response.
  14. It’s a point of view shared by the most likely future PM. It goes under the heading ‘sticking it to the powerless in favour of the powerful’.
  15. The Greens have stepped in with their proposals. Again taking advantage of the Tories being AWOL while the nation suffers. Opposition parties taking a firm hold of the public narrative on energy prices and the cost of living crisis: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/17/green-party-calls-for-nationalisation-of-big-five-energy-firms
  16. Perhaps you can invite a few on here and ask them. Votes cast are secret.
  17. I didn’t even mention the causes of the problems the people of the UK are facing. I simply pointed out that the solutions many are choosing and increasingly supportive of are, unions, and industrial action, bringing back utilities and essential services into state ownership. I expect water companies to be next on the list.
  18. All this bleating about Unions and Socialism. Somebody seems not to have noticed that in the face of the worse cost of living crisis in living memory, unions and industrial action are becoming quite the thing again. Likewise support for nationalization of utility and railway companies https://yougov.co.uk/topics/utilities/trackers/support-for-bringing-energy-companies-back-into-public-ownership https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2014/05/11/why-do-people-support-rail-nationalisation
  19. Not being charged with something is not the definition of being innocent.
  20. You could keep guessing all day and night and still not get it right. None of us know anything about document security at the White House during Trump’s administration, we do know that he removed TC/SCI documents to Mar-a-Largo. If you find anything certain on sloppy document security at the White House under Trump’s administration, so let us know, I for one would love to hear it.
  21. Nah they aren’t. They're concerned that money id not being given by the truck load to their already fabulously wealthy donors and controllers. Worse still, they can’t stomach the idea of Democrats doing anything for ordinary Americans.
  22. They will not ‘wake up’, they are attached emotionally and psychologically. Each newly exposed Trump outrage is a reason to double down. Trump himself said it best, ‘I could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and not lose support’. He meant it. The investigation continues, tge extent of the damage to IS security had not even been addressed yet, when it is addressed his supporters will be in lock step with him regardless of whatever it is he has done.
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