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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Sowing discord, mistrust in government, the media, science, and using emotive issues to divide society are the tools of PSY-OPS. Oddly these same methods are being used by the rightwing and by a particular enemy of the US to which the leading rightwing political party have numerous connections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137759/
  2. So you’ve missed all the fake studies, half truths, outright fabrications and unsubstantiated claims that form the basis of so many anti-vaccines arguments. The truth is knowable and misinformation is frequently exposed in the discussions across this forum. The vast majority coming from anti-vaxers.
  3. I’ll forgo responding to your comments on moderation, it’s not open for discussion. I presume you have evidence of members ‘teaming up’, who knows you might even want to share it. You are right most of the arguments put forward by anti-vaxers do not hold up. Yes you’ve stated many times ‘you are a vaxer’ these statements reside within all the other statements you have made. If alternative views are based on sound reason, science and data they can’t be ‘crushed’ alternative opinions based on misinformation or a misrepresentation of facts are of easily dispatched. My personal view is anti-vaxxers need to raise their game, stop cutting and pasting misinformation from where it is they find it, read and check the references they use and desist from the intellectual dishonesty of telling half truths while omitting pertinent facts even when the omissions have been repeatedly pointed out. Your assertion “it is just extreme fear that is transforming probably nice people on this thread into little monsters.” is an ad hominem. I see a false flag.
  4. Precisely, you did it for selfish reasons and are incapable of understanding others might vaccinate for more altruistic reasons. The lack in some of altruism as s motivator is nothing new. But altruism is alive and well in many others. That said, I’m not in the least bit bothered on why an individual gets vaccinated, so long as they do get vaccinated. What’s very odd is getting vaccinated and then engaging in promoting anti-vaccine messages.
  5. One of the objections put forward by anti-vaxcers, and some who themselves have been vaccinated but engage in promoting anti-vax sentiments is not feeling they should take any vaccine for the benefit of others. We’ve even had the laughable claim that ‘I’ve only ever taken a vaccine to protect myself’. Firstly all national/international vaccination programs have an objective of defeating a society wide disease threat; example the ‘fight against small pox’ was a program of vaccination to eradicate that scourge. Secondly, promoting vaccination to protect others is a very effective means to encourage large numbers of people to get vaccinated. I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s witnessed younger members of families seeking vaccination in order to protect elderly parents/grandparents. That the terminally selfish are themselves unable to even comprehend vaccination to protect others (despite several times in their life having been vaccinated to protect others) is only an insight into their own selfishness, it is not an argument against vaccination to protect others.
  6. It’s a half truth, you know it’s a half truth and yet you continue to post half truths. Others will continue to call you out for posting half truths and hope at sometime you’ll finger out that you’ve been rumbled, your credibility in tatters.
  7. Being ‘socially isolated’ has nothing to do with coming into close proximity with others. ‘Social Isolation’ is the absence of relationships, friendships, companionship and engagement with community. It’s common amongst the old, the immobile, people who are unemployed, people suffering mental illness and it’s very common amongst expats. People who are ‘socially isolated’ still go shopping, stand in queues, ride public transport and engage in any number of day to day activities that put them at risk of infection.
  8. A lot of folk say they’ll quit, few follow through: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/unvaccinated-workers-say-theyd-rather-quit-than-get-a-shot-but-data-suggest-otherwise/
  9. You’ve researched?! Have you published your research? I’d like to read it to see what constitutes ‘research’ for a person who calls others misinformed while at the same time relying on RT for information and views.
  10. The report that the Kremlin propaganda network RT (you posted) misrepresents has already been discussed in depth elsewhere within this forum.
  11. I don’t get my news from the Kremlin controlled RT, which as we see in this case mischaracterizes the research it reports. Your loaded ‘which bias news source’ question is not worthy of an answer. The trustworthiness of any major news source is easily checked.
  12. We often hear rightful complaints about people repeating lies, we are Ben have a thread on the subject. But complaining about repeating the truth is new.
  13. OK so you accept the Florida Admiration is manipulating the data. We’re getting somewhere at last. How about the administration refusing to publish the full data set, what do you think that is about?
  14. I pontes out you didn’t understand primary sources, there was absolutely no reason for you to punctuate the pint. But you did anyway.
  15. No, tge NU Times is reporting the data Florida has (after cooking) reported. You’ve just exposes your failure to grasp the rest of us understand what constitutes a ‘primary source’. .... LoL.
  16. DeSantis is cooking the data. This widely reported piece of information is yet another one of your ‘omissions’. https://m.orlandoweekly.com/orlando/florida-gov-ron-desantis-is-cooking-the-books-on-our-covid-numbers/Content?oid=29913288 https://www.newsweek.com/florida-covid-19-data-lawsuit-carlos-guillermo-smith-deaths-cases-delta-variant-1624859
  17. Is there a cure for this self medication madness I wonder?
  18. How many times have we all seen this before? When the boss can’t manage the job he starts managing the numbers.
  19. But everyone needs access to medical facilities and when those facilities are overloaded with COVID patients there is no access for anyone else. And those percentages you mention, they refer to millions of people who have families, fathers, mothers, children, brothers sisters, wives, husbands, partners. People who loved and were loved. Away with you and your myopic fixation on percentages that hide human misery.
  20. You are wrong again: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109004/coronavirus-covid19-cases-rate-us-americans-by-state/
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