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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Despite attacks from all quarters of the anti-science, anti-vaccine extremists Dr Faucci’s reputation remains intact. Let him be judged by who are his enemies.
  2. What else in life do you believe is perfect? You were lied to, but not by the scientists and medical professionals.
  3. Your ‘strawman’ argI’m ent is the very same logical fallacy exposed by Voltaire ‘Perfect is the enemy of good’ and so very well expressed by Watson-Watt: Watson-Watt, who developed early warning radar in Britain to counter the rapid growth of the Luftwaffe, propounded a "cult of the imperfect", which he stated as "Give them the third best to go on with; the second best comes too late, the best never comes." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good That the Polio vaccines was near perfect is not an argument against the safe and effective COVID vaccines.
  4. 1. Please do not truncate my posts when quoting me, is especially when you respond with ‘I won’t deny all of that’. 2. Dreaming up future side effects without any evidence of such side effects existing falls squarely into the false claims/misinformation/scare mongering that is so characteristic of anti-vaccine arguments. 3. Your imagined side effects are skewing your calculation of risk.
  5. What all the millions of people who have swallowed these nonsense vaccine fallacies? Your having a laarf.
  6. It doesn't matter where it originally came from, it has become an item of faith amongst a significant number of people who align with rightwing politics. But don't get hung up on this one issue, there are plenty of other whacked out anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, all obviously nonsense but eagerly believed by those who at the same time refuse to believe what science is telling them. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/doctors-debunk-9-popular-covid-19-vaccine-myths-and-conspiracy-theories#Myth:-The-COVID-19-vaccines-rewrite-your-DNA
  7. People who are fully vaccinated are far less likely to become infected, far less likely to have a 'break through infection', far less likely to become seriously ill, far less likely to be hospitalised and far less likely to die of the infection.
  8. Yes, population density is a significant factor undermining simplistic comparisons between outbreaks of complete different diseases that are separated by decades.
  9. But vastly less infectious and therefore vastly fewer serious illnesses, hospitalisations and deaths.
  10. Rightwing Politicians: https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/state-lawmaker-promotes-debunked-vaccine-conspiracy-theory-on-senate-floor The Christian Right: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-evangelical-right-pushed-microchip-vaccine-conspiracy-theory-2021-9 Leaders of Rightwing Organisations: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/04/29/don-wagner-vaccine-tracking-devices/ Rightwing TV Commentators: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/fox-news-viewers-bill-gates-coronavirus-vaccines-tracking-1004415/
  11. I have absolutely no problem with any rightwinger throwing pelters at me regarding my views on vaccination, they are based on best scientific and medical advice and pro vaccination messaging has not cost a disgustingly high number of unnecessary deaths.
  12. Indeed the COVID virus is not at all concerned with an individuals political persuasions and only with their vaccine status. However, political persuasion is a demonstrably signifiant factor in vaccine acceptance. Yes the unvaccinated are becoming statistics and those statistics are weighted heavily towards victims being followers of rightwing politics, rightwing news sources and rightwing leaders.
  13. The simplest way to meet the vaccine requirements is to get vaccinated and you can do that as soon as your COVID infection quarantine is ended. I'm not sure on what basis you believe you have time to wait for the new vaccines, my advice is get on the first bus going your way, the later ones might not turn up in time, if they turn up at all. There are a number of safe and effective vaccines available to you, the safety and effectiveness of those not yet available is unknown.
  14. You have the horse before the cart. The then US President placed COVID misinformation at the heart of his policies, the US rightwing stepped into line and remain inline following COVID misinformation with anti-mask, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine doctrines. The reason this shows up in what is a multinational forum is because, for good or bad, where the US leads much of the rest of the world follows. What US progressives do not have in common with large parts of the US Conservative/Christian rightwing is an adherence to science based policies in the fight against this disease. Your 'both-side-ism' is noted and recognised for what it is.
  15. I suggest you first identify who is proffering anti-vaccine opinions then go look at their wider political views. If you do this it will disabuse you of the fallacy that political persuasion has no part in vaccine acceptance/refusal.
  16. OK I get it, you don't like the fact that political affiliation is a distinct indicator of vaccine refusal. The discomfort this fact causes you does not change the fact. https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2021-07-23/coronavirus-vaccines-highlight-a-deadly-political-divide https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)02099-7/fulltext https://healthpolicy-watch.news/political-views-and-vaccine-refusal-rates-an-increasing-concern-for-policymakers-and-public-health-officials/ I could provide more links but you don't need them, just look at who the anti-vaccine posters are here on this forum, they are all right-wingers.
  17. Apart from the fact it is rightwing political leaders propagating anti-vaccine misinformation and predominantly right leaning individuals who swallow it. The predominance is right wing with a much smaller subset of left wingers.
  18. Let’s be clear, people holding left wing views have indeed been caught up in the anti-vaccine misinformation. But it is rightwing political leaders who have formulated national and state policies based on COVID/Vaccine misinformation and who continue to propagate misinformation to bolster the policy lines they have established.
  19. There are two issues, firstly refusal or hesitation in accepting vaccination, itself problematic for a group of people whose profession brings them into direct contact with a disproportionate number of people suffering diseases and health conditions that leave them vulnerable to COVID. The increased COVID risks from these diseases and health conditions is well documented, widely known and absolutely something health professionals refusing vaccines are aware of. The second, addressed by the joint statement, is the use of one’s standing as a nurse while willfully disseminating misinformation. We frequent see references on this forum of anti-vaxxers posting misinformation that has at sometime been endorsed or claimed to have been endorsed by a health professional. As I have argued before, the possession of medical training and qualifications does not protect against falling victim of misinformation. With millions of people only receiving news and current affairs opinion from rightwing and extreme rightwing sources it is to be expected that health professionals will be within that audience. Even more so when the links to political affiliation and religious beliefs are included. However, a health professional is duty bound to use verifiable facts when offering their professional opinion. The line of argument that starts ‘I’m nurse and.....’ immediately invokes professional standing and therefore is subject to professional regulation. The joint statement makes this professional duty to not spread misinformation on any platform clear. I’m not sure if the governing bodies for Doctors has done likewise, but it is past time they did.
  20. Two highly improbable events witnessed by the same person can be described mathematically by conditional probability: Pr(a)|Pr(b) =extremely unlikely. I suggest you go buy a lottery ticket, then take your winnings and back those on a horse. You are having an extreme run of luck to witness two events that support your long expressed preconceived positions. Of course there might well be another explanation for these extremely unusual coincidence between what you believe and what you report.
  21. I think it is worth sharing, as the similarities with COVID are interesting. Maybe I should underline that there is no definite proof that OC43, which is still around, was the culprit. 1888/1890 Pandemic . I see this as glimmer of hope as it would show that we can indeed develop herd immunity, even without vaccines. But doctors seem to agree that to get there everyone must get exposed multiple times to the virus. Doctors also agree that infection without vaccination results in large numbers of unnecessary serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths.
  22. Leading US nursing governing bodies have issued a joint statement on the duty of nurses to not disseminate COVID misinformation and on the possible consequences they face if they do so: https://www.ncsbn.org/16370.htm
  23. The vaccine I received (Pfizer-Biotech) is fully approved. The side effects you refer to are not showing despite now billions of inoculations. ’Typically’ is not ‘always’ and what was ‘typical’ before may no longer be so.
  24. The COVID vaccines have been tested and approved. They are safe and effective. It used to take weeks to cross the Atlantic, it now takes a few hours. That something used to take years is not an argument against it now being done in months.
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