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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well done, you’ve done it again. Posted a link to an article that blows your arguments out of the water. The question now remains do you read the articles you post before hitting ‘return’?
  2. So to refute the arguments that the unvaccinated are filling hospitals and ICUs you post an article confirming the effectiveness of vaccination at clearing ICU units at a hospital in DC of COVID overload. DC with its 63% fully vaccinated tally. Sibley Memorial Hospital’s experience with the dramatic positive impact of vaccination on reducing hospitalizations is a text book example of vaccination working. Thank you for posting and blowing a gaping hole in your own arguments.
  3. A whole month you say, I would never have guessed. It takes a few minutes to administer safe and effective vaccines, the supply chain is running smoothly, vaccines are available and one nurse can administer hundreds in a day. The savings in medical costs, hospital beds and hospital resources are so significant and yet ignored by you who so often argues on the basis of cost.
  4. You do know there’s a shortage of doctors, nurses and health service professionals? https://www.npr.org/2021/08/10/1026577164/hospitals-face-a-shortage-of-nurses-as-covid-cases-soar
  5. Unfortunately people have been denied treatment and have died as a direct result of hospitals being full of people who have refused COVID Vaccination: https://www.foxnews.com/us/houston-afghanistan-veteran-dies-treatable-illness-wait-icu-bed
  6. I think most p pole understand the virus has no respect of national boundaries and needs to be denied victims everywhere. In the context of vaccines which businesses are suffering, certainly not those producing, filling, distributing and administering the vaccines. Tax payers paying to fight a virus that is a threat to them and businesses seems like a fair use of taxes.
  7. As has been explained many times, it’s an incomplete truth, the part you omit being that which is inconvenient to your point of view. Not that that omission necessarily implies you are being deliberately dishonest, you might simply lack the ability to process nuanced arguments.
  8. A little reading around the kinds of people who buy into anti-vaccine pseudoscience, conspiracies and faux fear mongering suggests these officers are doing their bit to raise standards in policing.
  9. You just made the logical error you accuse jeffr2 of. That you personally have insurance in no sense negates anything jeffr2 said.
  10. The basis of my premise (and one that TBL was very happy to see I hold) is that nobody should be denied medical care when they need it. Now you wade in with your off topic attempt at diversion waffling on about people who are overweight and smokers, and a number of others you are getting your hate up on.. Well yes it would be wonderful if these society wide health issues were not so society wide present, it would be even better if the risks they raise of serious illness, hospitalization and death could be drastically reduced by a couple of safe and effective vaccines. The topic is COVID-19 and the safe and effective vaccines that dramatically reduce serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. You could ask the mods to open a sub-forum on the other issues that concern you.
  11. I find the HCA troubling. On the one hand letting people see the real outcomes of COVID is a god thing but on the other the HCA borders on mocking the afflicted. Don’t get me wrong, I see absolutely nothing wrong with mocking COVID victims who themselves have used their influence and often their power to undermine the fight against this wretched disease, by all means give them what they deserve, they’ve earned it. But I do not hold with mocking the very many people who they convinced with their lies and misinformation. Many of these people lack the intellect, education or have been directed away from science/medicine based advice, far too many others suffer emotional and mental health issues that have made them susceptible. The last thing these people and the families they leave behind need is mocking. Finally, I don’t think it helps pursued a single anti-vax adherent to take the vaccine. If these people aren’t able to start asking questions when they hear the talking heads on TV ranting against vaccines have been vaccinated, ranting against mandates work in organizations that have for sometime mandated vaccination and rant against masks in front of a camera crew all wearing masks - well no, mockery will not get to the parts logical arguments fail to reach. It’s time to stop indulging these people and mandate vaccination.
  12. Contagious disease and car accidents are not comparable. Unless of course you have evidence of road accident victims infecting others with broken bones and other forms of bodily injury.
  13. I’m very pleased to hear you are. Now perhaps you’ll accept its utter selfish lunacy of people being denied medical treatment because hospitals and ICU are unnecessarily full of people suffering COVID outcomes that they could almost entirely have avoided had they accepted vaccination. It’s past time to mandate these vaccines. Nobody should be denied medical treatment because of the selfish lunacy of others.
  14. Actually in many places they did. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/how-cities-flattened-curve-1918-spanish-flu-pandemic-coronavirus Stay in school kids, there’s stuff like history to be learned.
  15. Because l, as you yourself demonstrate, science, facts, best medical advice and continually growing hard evidence are trumped in the minds of a minority by misinformation, conspiracy and allegiance to cult like articles of faith. Thanks for asking.
  16. I think most understand the vaccines dramatically reducing the chances of being made seriously ill, hospitalized or killed by the virus while it’s still around.
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