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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It’s a nice switch back from your trolling ripped videos to the topic of this thread, GOP making mid term case for Biden. Keep stamping on women’s rights, they are the majority of voters.
  2. I take it you mist Patel’s dog whistle remarks ‘North London Liberal Elite’. A term often used by the British Nationalist Party. Anyway, don’t let that interrupt your outrage.
  3. What’s her ethnicity got to do with anything? She openly expresses hard rightwing views and nothing about her ethnicity has ever stopped her scapegoating immigrants or trying to enact policies against immigrants in contravention with the UK’s human rights law.
  4. Here’s the take away: More women than men register to vote. More women than men vote. Now who’s rights are being curtailed and who is it doing the curtailing? https://cawp.rutgers.edu/facts/voters/gender-differences-voter-turnout
  5. Undoubtedly there are, but as Mo says himself: "What really saved me, what made me different, was that I could run."
  6. I don’t need to keep telling myself anything. Pete Buttigeig’s excellent academic achievements are a matter of public record, his intellect clearly displayed when he speaks. And that’s a thing, we can very reasonably come to judgement of others on the basis of what they say.
  7. He graduated Harvard magna cum laude, won a Rhodes scholarship and graduated Oxford with first class honours. It is ridiculous to claim his intellect is not his defining characteristic.
  8. Not discussing stuff that’s off topic. How odd is that?!
  9. I’m wondering how any of that inflammatory nonsense relates to the topic of discussion.
  10. How so, do they have a time machine that enables them to retroactively change the law and regulations applicable at the time the photos were taken? The Police have unequivocally stated: ‘No case to answer’. How simple to understand does it need to be in order to get through?
  11. Is this an admission that you’ve got nothing? It certainly adds nothing to the discussion other than you don’t like the President and you’ve got some sort of conspiracy problems with the media. Nobody owes you evidence to back up your claims, you start with the evidence then you base your claims on that evidence.
  12. 1. If the law requires a Doctor to report abortions performed on minors, why would a Doctor in Ohio, who did not perform an abortion, report an abortion performed by another doctor in Indiana? 2. You are correct, we should consider the source of stories. 2.1 The source of the allegations is/are un named ‘Conservative Critics’. 2.2 You yourself do not provide links to back up claims you make.
  13. Or so a Conservative Critic has claimed without producing any evidence to back up the claim.
  14. A story that isn’t true illustrates a greater truth?! That takes a rather peculiar logic, perhaps an Old Peculiar logic.
  15. You seem to have forgotten the last incumbent had a Cognitive Test in the middle of the night, rushed to hospital for the very purpose.
  16. US Jobs news just keeps getting better: https://www.ft.com/content/fb584dce-a910-4579-adc2-6421896dc905
  17. A windfall tax on energy companies was a Labour Policy, re-hashed and re-named in a Tory U-Turn. Next.
  18. There is no ‘Police Cover-Up’. Refer forum rules on spreading misinformation.
  19. As disgraceful and unacceptable as Johnson’s constant lying is, I believe there is something far more serious deserving of a full and public investigation. Johnson has admitted to having a private meeting with an ex-KGB spy on the immediate aftermath of Putin’s use of biological weapons to murders political opponent in the UK. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/boris-johnson-a-risk-to-the-country-over-private-meeting-with-ex-kgb-agent-alexander-lebedev-12648085 We could of course simply ask Johnson to explain, but he would almost certainly lie.
  20. Yes you did. But at the time it took place it was not in breach of any law or regulations. As the police have unequivocally stated: ’No case to answer’.
  21. Cameras produce images taken at a moment in time. At the moment in time when the images of Starmer drinking beer with his takeaway food was taken, he was not breaking any law or regulations in place at that time. As the police unequivocally stated ‘No case to answer’. Try to grasp that reality.
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