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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. If words written on a piece of paper had no consequences you’d not be gleefully crowing. Enjoy your moment, but take note of the wide spread public response.
  2. Can you tell me what decisions you allow your neighbors make about your personal control over your own body?
  3. If the guy was praying in his own time and not involving any students or staff in his prayers then the ruling is correct. If he was on the clock or involving students or staff in his prayers then he was in clear breach of separation of Church and State. There are other religions that require followers to break all activities for prayer several times a day, I’ve personally witnessed followers of one such faith praying halfway through business meetings. Let’s see if these folk are extended the same ‘Constitutional Rights’.
  4. The callous disregard for the rights of women to hold dominion over their own bodies is even more disturbing.
  5. You don’t think?! There in lies the problem. Removing the right to abortion subjects women’s choices to what other people think. We need only read this thread to understand precisely what kind of ‘thinking’ goes on.
  6. No we are not. We are discussing a woman’s right to abortion. I have explained precisely why all conditions of pregnancy must be considered and precisely the risks that arise if the full spectrum of pregnancy outcomes are not considered.
  7. A moderate view might, by example, encompass how people actually live their lives, the mistakes people make and the fact that nobody or no thing is perfect.
  8. Yes it was, and not just because you yourself often require others to state ‘the obvious’. However, there are a couple of far more serious points to be made. Firstly, if abortion is outlawed then women who miscarry are at risk of being prosecuted on the basis of mere suspicion. This Inevitably gives rise to an increased likelihood of women who do miscarry failing to seek the medical attention they need. Secondly, there are multiple ‘non viable’ pregnancies for which abortion is the only means of avoiding death or serious injury to the pregnant woman. Not stating the obvious negates consideration of these very real risks.
  9. That’s not entirely correct. There are very many pregnancies that excluding abortion do not result in a living human being. https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/miscarriage-rates-by-week#causes
  10. I think it’s quite clear women having rights enrages some men’s feelings.
  11. So what’s the alternative of a court ordering a man to pay for the children he’s fathered? Someone else paying.
  12. So it’s the court order that causes all the harm?! No court order, no harm?!
  13. It matters when the immigration issue that was used to drive voting isn’t resolved.
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