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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That clip of Trump’s hand picked DoJ testifying under oath that he told Trump to his face that his claim the election has been stolen where ‘Bull…’. Was Barr lying under oath?
  2. Where as being nasty to those less fortunate is the drug of choice for the right.
  3. 1. The thread is not about Labour or Labour’s policies. 2. Nobody is trying to bring the Government down, you made that bit up. 3. Your assertion that Union Members are used as ‘political pawns’ missiles the fact that it is Union Members who voted for this strike, the Union is found exactly what a clear majority of Union Members are telling it to do. So, misdirection and whataboutary, followed by imagined fallacy and a display of a complete misunderstanding of how unions operate. Keep it up, you are doing wonderfully.
  4. The target audience is not Trump’s MAGA. It is very right and proper that the Congress leaves prosecution to the DoJ. There is ample evidence that the DoJ is investigating and prosecuting those involved in the Jan 6 attempt to overthrow the election result.
  5. Quit gaslighting Loiner, the strike is not an attempt to bring down the Government. ‘Political Pawns’ you say!
  6. Union workers are ‘members of the public’. The Government are failing here, refusing to join negotiations while pitching one set of working people against other working people. It’s a perfect example of Tory divide and rule with the inevitable spite and envy thrown in ( look how much those people earn!). Poverty and the cost of living crisis are getting worse, the way to fix that is improve incomes for working people. Workers who unionize are able to negotiate better pay and conditions, and have every right to do so (or at least for the time being they do). Here’s the laughable bit, Government and the right wing in faux outrage over the impacts on the poor. When did a Tory Government or the rightwing ever care about the poor?
  7. Not just Republicans, but Farage too. If Assange was smart enough to know what’s in his best interest, and there is scant evidence he is, he would be negotiating a plea deal. He was directly involved in Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, he has information to trade. He needs do take the best option he has available and cut a plea deal.
  8. Trump was entirely correct, he could shoot someone dead on 5th Avenue and still maintain the support of his fanatics. Fortunately there aren’t enough of them to win an election. He gained office by conning ‘middle America’ it is they who are the target audience of these hearings. The MAGA brigade aren’t listening, they don’t want to hear the truth.
  9. Juries decide guilt. ‘They’, whoever ‘they’ are do not get to tell juries to convict,
  10. Where did this ‘life in prison’ thing of yours come from? He’s currently in prison because he jumped bail the last time he was afforded the privilege. He is not facing a life time in prison if convicted. He’s indicted, try him in court and let the jury decide.
  11. But didn’t you clam they come to the UK for benefits? If they come to the UK to claim benefits then why would they ‘disappear’ and why do they need tagging?
  12. Again, how do they disappear and still claim benefits? Think about it before responding.
  13. So erm, how do immigrants who have disappeared claim ‘UK Benefits’? Think about it before responding.
  14. Did you think before posting? Immigrants that ‘disappear’ are being put up in hotels or receiving ‘benefits’.
  15. No tell you’re funny. The fluidity of your position on what we are debating. Pot, Kettle, Black.
  16. It’s a meaningless statistic. There are too many other factors at play, including ‘wealth gradient/disparity’ within individual societies. Large numbers of millionaires in a society is not in itself an indication of the strength of that economy or resilience of the society.
  17. Roll on the bi-elections. The cost of living crisis. Housing. The NHS. Broken Tory promises.
  18. I’m sorry to hear you had to give up cycling at such a young age. I’m cycling to York Rally today, I expect to see hundreds of ‘senior’ cyclists out enjoying their favorite sport. You’d be a braver man than I to tell any of them their judgement is impaired for doing so.
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