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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You might recall, that by example, fishing quotas and the laws around fishing quotas were discussed at the time. You might also recall legal ‘experts’ giving their opinions and the response from Brexit supporters ridiculing the views of experts on the grounds that they were ‘experts’.
  2. Can you point to the clause in the lockdown regulations to back up your claim. I suggest you send a link to Johnson too, because he hasn’t been able to make that argument, of course he hasn’t, because it’s a claim based on nothing. Just admit it, he broke the law. (Hence the fine).
  3. I was in the Netherlands last week, it’s doing far better than the UK, as is most the developed world: https://www.newstatesman.com/chart-of-the-day/2022/04/the-uk-is-once-again-the-sick-man-of-europe The UK is suffering high inflation and pitifully low growth.
  4. No, the regulations were still in place. And let’s be clear, several Downing Street Parties held over months throughout periods when lockdowns were in place.
  5. Irrelevant argument and whataboutary. Vaccination status and the actions of others do not excuse breaking the law.
  6. Nonsense, the nationalists, who you correctly state have won a majority are not demanding changes to the protocol (Part of the UK/EU treaty), it’s the DUP, who don’t have a majority, who are demanding the protocol be abandoned.
  7. I think unable to heat ones home or afford to eat is a pretty good definition of poverty.
  8. I’m in the UK at the moment, it’s in a shocking mess that is only getting worse. Millions living in poverty, millions can’t afford their fuel bills, millions skipping meals. Shortages of skilled workers, shortages of medical staff, shortages of carers, shortages of farm workers. Supermarket stock selection reduced. Inflation running at 9% and climbing. I went to help out at a food bank yesterday, they are struggling to keep up with demand, not just food but basics like tampons and sanitary towels. And it’s getting worse by the day.
  9. I, and many others, have called Johnson a liar. Nothing to do with Left/Right, Johnson is a liar. I’m not sure why you would object to such an easily observable fact.
  10. First paragraph whataboutary. Second paragraph whataboutary wrt something that was within the law at the time (investigated and cleared). As for Boris and Ukraine, his weakened political position gives cause for concern where he might blunder into making deadly decisions in the hope of maintaining his position as PM. He lied to Parliament, he needs to resign.
  11. It’s nothing to do with ‘Left/Right’ and everything to do with Boris Johnson’s habitual lying. The man is a stranger to the truth.
  12. It says absolutely nothing about the pandemic and the necessity for lockdowns/isolations and everything about the sense of entitlement of Johnson and his cronies.
  13. Another day another mass murdering gunman slays school kids: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/24/texas-school-shooting-uvalde-robb-elementary
  14. Can you show us this ‘plan’ you refer to? A link will do.
  15. ‘Screwed up’? Or is it parents who raise their kids to abuse others on the basis of their gender?
  16. Admitting your claims are unsubstantiated doesn’t get you off on making unsubstantiated claims.
  17. Well that’s a claim for which you’ll struggle to find data to back it up with.
  18. Nonsense, it’s one group of kids repeatedly harassing and bullying another group of kids.
  19. What constitutes ‘proper English’ has always been subject to constant change, it’s why we no longer speak like Chaucer did...
  20. Harassment and bullying has always been a part of misbehavior in schools, sadly it has not always been investigated or otherwise dealt with. Grade school kids harassing and bullying other grade school kids wrt their gender is troubling behavior. I don’t feel triggered by reports that such behavior is being investigated.
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