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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Polls conducted in June 2014, just five months after the Ukrainians had thrown out the Russian puppet government and while Ukraine was still itself very much in political turmoil. But like you say, ‘preconceptions’ and ‘propaganda’ have a part to play. I wonder what news people living in the Crimea were being fed over this period? Regardless, it’s what the people in Ukrainian think right now that matters.
  2. Now you’ve given us your carefully constructed arguments against Western News Media and in doing so destroyed our trust in these sources, where do you recommend we should go for unbiased factual news reporting?
  3. It’s not simply a matter of academic excellence, indeed in terms of cultural influence academic excellence is hardly an important measure. Far more important is exposure to ideas and social discourse. China offers compliance to a totalitarian framework, not so universities in liberal democracies.
  4. Phew, that’s a relief. The hyper wealthy families that control Thailand’s beer and spirits industry were on the verge of cold sweats.
  5. Nobody is asking you to do anything. Despite which you happily run cover for Putin’s crimes.
  6. Don’t kid yourself. If either the husband or wife are living in the UK OR if either the husband or wife have assets in the UK, then a UK court has jurisdiction regardless of where the marriage took place.
  7. Cut a deal with her. See if she’s willing to go home and take everything in Thailand as her settlement, she’d almost certainly get it all anyway. If you try to force her home she’ll use provisions in the immigration laws to remain in the UK while she cleans you out. If you can’t get her to cut a deal then you are going to have to get lawyered up. And as others have said, she is getting advice from her Thai friends, most of which will be nonsense, but some will be extremely risky for you ie fabricating accusations against you. The first step is to find out what she’s looking for.
  8. I’ll remind you Trump tried to extort Ukraine by threatening to withhold Congressionally approved military aid. Military aid Ukraine needed for its defense against Russia.
  9. Apart from the clear indications of Russian money being used to set policies that are not in interest of the British public. The UK had a heads up on what Russian influence in the UK was bringing when Jill Dando was murdered on her doorstep. As the heading at the top of this thread says, ‘Dancing with the Russian Devil’.
  10. 80% with a state controlled media feeding a one sided propaganda.
  11. China will play ball because it can’t feed its population without food imports largely controlled by the U.S. NATO has been given a new lease of life and the war will not cross into Russia. This illegal invasion has reaffirmed the unity of western liberal democracies and the need for international cooperation, reversing years of undermining international unity and cooperation by both Putin and the Rightwing in the US and elsewhere. As an added bonus the myth of effective governance by ‘Strong Authoritarian’ leaders has been trashed by the total incompetence displayed by the world’s leading ‘strongman’.
  12. The hike in fuel prices increases VAT returns into the exchequer. There might even be a profit left after arms donations are taken into account
  13. Somebody didn’t read the demolition manual, or perhaps they took a bung: https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-hi-tech-warfare-system-seized-ukraine-hold-military-secrets-2022-3
  14. You’ve managed to weave your long expressed views on electric cars into the thread, well done.
  15. A rehash of your arguments against COVID vaccines. Curiously another subject in which Russia played a leading role generating and disseminating misinformation.
  16. I see you’ve changed your mind on who it is that needs to be removed I order to end this war:
  17. Peace is not everyone’s goal. Putin’s goal is the obliteration of Ukrainian and the murder of Ukrainian’s political leadership. Ukrainian’s have a choice, fight, or die. There are no signs of arms supplies slowing.
  18. It’s nothing new for criminals to not see their acts as crimes, Putin is no different. Your obfuscation of Putin’s criminality is again noted.
  19. The Ukrainians have demolished Putin’s hopes of a quick victory, humiliated the Russian military and exposed Putin as weak and dangerously fallible. Of course the Russians will deal with Putin. but when they do it will because and only because of the Ukrainian’s fight for their liberty. A fight you have continually spoken against.
  20. So prior to the election candidate Biden considers who he might appoint to the SC. He’s presented a number of likely candidates and settles on the superb and highly qualified Ketanji Brown Jackson. He then, during the election campaign, offers a vote gleaning teaser along the lines of; ‘I’ve decided who I’ll nominate to the SC and she’s black’. Que Outrage (pun intended). Like every other nomination to the SC, Brown Jackson was selected by recommendation. String pulling and influence peddling. There is no ‘open, transparent and fair competitive selection process’, like the objectively ‘best man/woman for the job’ it doesn’t exist, never has existed, Unlike almost every other nominee to the SC, Ketanji Brown Jackson is superbly qualified and she will be the only SC Justice on the bench with experience of representing poor and ordinary blue collar Americans facing the justice system. I look forward to toasting her appointment to the SC with a rather good Single Malt.
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