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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Welcome on board to the fight for a SCOTUS more representative of the general population. Expanding the number of judges would be an opportunity to achieve more diversity, I’m all for it. Expand the SCOTUS.
  2. I don’t recall you complaining at all during the last three appointments. Despite clear evidence of the corruption you speak of and ample evidence of other reasons not to appoint.
  3. It’s perhaps not a good idea to raise the point of female nominees to the SCOTUS being unqualified. The last female appointee was a clear example of lowered standards.
  4. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson brings to the SCOTUS her experience of working as a public defender, representing the poor and those without the means to provide for their own defense council. This is experience no other sitting SCOTUS judge has and is therefore a significant contribution to the court’s makeup. The poor are the most effected by the Justice system, it is high time somebody with experience representing the poor sat on the SCOTUS bench.
  5. Harris nailed Kavanaugh with a direct challenge for him to purger himself on record, the idiot Kavanaugh walked right into the trap. She’s got that in her back pocket and she will use it.
  6. Sending the ‘might’ of the Russian military to Ukrainian was also reckless.
  7. The news is even more grim for the Russian military, a pro-Putin Russian tabloid reported almost 10,000 Russian troop deaths and over 16,000 injured, then promptly deleted the report: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-newspaper-blames-army-death-toll-report-hackers-2022-03-22/
  8. I’m not at all sure. But how do you think 40Kms of Russian military vehicles, equipment and personal would hold up against a squadron of A10s?
  9. It’s not simply McDonalds and Facebook. Russia has been denied access to international banking, money transfers/transactions, had been blocked by the two largest internet providers, has had offshore assets seized and is no longer able to access technology supplies. The ‘special economic operation’ is damaging the already weak Russian economy.
  10. Classic doom headline. The reported events are not an example of NATO unity faltering, support for Ukraine amongst NATO members remain unanimous, Lithuania would like to do more.
  11. Thanks for posting, I rather enjoyed hearing an informed opinion, though he did gloss over the most recent help and cover given to Putin by the rightwing in the US and elsewhere. Then came the final question, which served to reveal both the interviewer and the historian captured within the ‘culture wars’ fabricated by the extreme rightwing and fulminated by Putin’s online troll factories. Irony lives.
  12. You seem to have misunderstood the topic under discussion
  13. China doesn’t produce enough food to feed itself, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens grain supplies. The US is a food exporter and China a dependent importer of US foods. Russia is expendable.
  14. Now you throw in your conspiracy nonsense. Here’s a fact. Putin ordered the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.
  15. You are aware most of Russia’s capital is outside of Russia? No need to occupy Russia to get hold of most of the nation’s money. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2017/08/23/wealth-in-offshores-equals-that-of-russians-combined-a58733
  16. It’s not so much the dreaming, as the eagerness to parrot Russian propaganda.
  17. China has not supplied arms to Russia, Biden has explained the problems of doing so.
  18. Ukraine is engaged in a fight for its survival as an independent sovereign nation, it’s a tragic predicament forced upon it by the illegal invasion ordered by Putin. There’s nothing ‘suicidal’ about Ukraine’s fight, so please forgive inferences we might draw from you asserting this clear fallacy.
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