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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Unfounded nonsense. https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/133843435
  2. The existence of such a ‘5th Column’ is debatable, but it’s a debate Putin cannot afford to engage in. A number of special forces units have been exposed, captured and killed. This will be big screen stuff feeding Putin’s already demonstrated paranoia. Enjoy.
  3. But not too keen to agree with Ukrainians fighting for the liberty of their own country.
  4. So if Putin decides to keep moving and invade more independent sovereign countries how far are you willing to support the ‘surrender to him it will save lives’ argument?
  5. ‘Massive ant-mandate protests’? Their ‘we are fighting tyranny’ and ‘freedom or death’ mantras are ringing a bit hollow these days.
  6. The current events demonstrate the need for NATO. But please do tell us how you see Russia becoming ‘friendlier’?
  7. Oh look, another ‘capitulation’ post. The Ukrainians are still free to make their own decisions, many clearly value their freedom more than their own lives.
  8. Putin’s locking up protestors and arresting children laying flowers. People in Russia are not free to say what they think. Shall we conclude things are not going well for Russia?
  9. It’s also been said, the first casualty of war is truth. (Aeschylus) Some are more willing to have a hand it’s it’s death than others.
  10. As the Russian economy takes a dive, Ukrainians receive a welcome tax break: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/03/ukraine-authorities-say-seized-russian-tanks-dont-need-to-be-declared-on-tax-form
  11. Are you seriously arguing the Russian economy is not collapsing? I for one am glad I’m to paid in Rubles.
  12. All well and good, but for some odd reason Johnson’s government have announced sanctions but delayed their implementation. What Johnson says is not necessarily the truth. https://inews.co.uk/news/uk-sanctions-on-russian-oligarchs-delayed-over-fears-they-will-take-the-government-to-court-in-response-1494901
  13. The economy is collapsing by the minute, the people of Russia are getting plenty of ‘motivation’ to do something about Putin, particularly the hyper wealthy people of Russia.
  14. Putin unleashes new weapon to pummel Ukraine into defeat, currency controls: https://finance.yahoo.com/m/52f09776-5fbd-3163-8b4f-accb9c649468/putin-signs-decree-to.html
  15. Refer the post I was replying to. And my apologies, I wasn’t trying to usurp your position as leading authority on what Putin is thinking.
  16. Precisely, but of course the ‘free thinkers’ are in chorus claiming this a victory for all the anti-vaccines, anti-public health measures garbage they’ve married their heads to.
  17. What are on about. The idea that mask mandates and other public health measures would be removed as vaccination uptake slowed hospitalizations has been a fixture in discussions on this forum. Your assertion that anyone is ‘invested’ in mask mandates is a strawman argument.
  18. Completely different situations. 1. The Iraqis wanted to see the back of the murderous Sadat Hussein regime and we’re not about to take up arms in his defense. Most of the Iraqi army were not prepared to do that. 2. The US and coalition forces were well trained, well equipped and motivated. Not so Russia’s army. Ukraine is not Chechnya.
  19. Putin clearly thought it would take two days, he was wrong. On what basis do you claim two weeks?
  20. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has assured the future of the two organizations he has spent so much time and effort undermining, NATO and the EU. The Western politicians onboard with his efforts to get rid of these organizations need to re-set their messaging. Support for Russia and Putin is not going to sell well after this debacle.
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