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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The ‘man’ in question had the opportunity to defend himself, his extreme wealth assured him of the very best legal advice.
  2. Under the law it doesn’t matter who did the trafficking. And yes I know precisely why this was filed in NY in August 21, I’ve already remarked Virginia Giuffre is a very smart cookie.
  3. I’m not the subject of this thread. Refer the Opening Post for a clues at to what is.
  4. Away with you faux outrage. At age 17 she was not legally competent to consent to paid sex, by definition she was trafficked. Her record on helping the victims of sexual abuse and trafficking is solid.
  5. And she was very well advised to do so. All those titles had zero meaning in a NY Court.
  6. Agree. But of course Epstein might have been working on behalf an organization that can’t be ‘gotten rid of’.
  7. Not quite, your statement was “Law in US applies if incidents happened there. UK not relevant. Media reports 17yo” The alleged incidents occurred in the UK, US law applies because a US citizen under age 18 was trafficked across a State line for paid sex.
  8. I don’t think Andrew is pleased with the justice he’s just agree to pay for. His public life is over.
  9. 1. At age 17 she was not legally competent to consent to paid sex. 2. I’m sure Andrew’s lawyers explained to him that admitting to statutory rape is not something he should do, let alone something he should be proud of.
  10. There is no need to proved ‘forced’ she’s a US citizen trafficked across a state line while under the age of 18 for the purposes of paid sex. She was not legally competent under US law to give her consent to paid sex or to cross a state line for the purposes of paid sex.
  11. You are misinformed. The first ruling by the court in this case was to answer the question ‘Does the court have jurisdiction?’. The US court has jurisdiction.
  12. Erm, I started the thread. Andrew at last got some good advice, on the stand giving testimony regarding sex with a trafficked minor would not have been a good look. As I said a few months back, he would settle out of court, if smart he would settle immediately. We all know, he’s not smart.
  13. I don’t know where you get your information from but your claim Gates is on any flight log to ‘depraved island’ is a libelous slur. You could of course check such claims before posting: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-bill-gates-epstein-island-idUSKBN22R2C4
  14. This was not a ‘Criminal trial’, it was a ‘Civil Suit’. Nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal justice system.
  15. She’s a US citizen, she was transported over state lines for sex while under the age of 18. Read up on the law.
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