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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. In the age of social media and internet search engines it has become a deal more complicated than that. Algorithms monitor what information people respond to, ‘like’, ‘share’ or even how long they spend with an item ‘on screen’. The algorithms then feed more of the same. This is not simply a single social media platform issue, online searches are examined and used to feed articles and advertisements to the users social media. The (confirmation bias) is being fed by algorithms. As we frequently observe here in this forum, misinformation from obscure sources winds up being posted by numerous members, that isn’t caused by these individuals independently stumbling on the same obscure sources, their confirmation bias is being fed.
  2. It’s a major public holiday - offices closed and all that good stuff.
  3. Classic non sequitur. That a pharmaceutical company/companies negotiate a liability shield is not evidence that their product is not safe. There are a number of reasons why they might obtain/be granted a liability shield, these have been explained to you. No right minded CEO would voluntarily take on a liability if there were means to avoid it. By avoiding a liability the companies do not have to allocate funds to cover the liability and can therefore return higher profits to their shareholders, to whom they answer. Where is your evidence of the vaccines not being safe?
  4. Perhaps only in comparison to the other places you frequent.
  5. I don’t expect you would have seen the evidence of discussion on these matter on this forum, you’ve only been a member here since the past 30 minutes.
  6. I’ve never claimed vaccines are 100% safe and effective. Another one of your imaginings?! I can think of a number of reasons why blanket immunity was given, in order of what I believe to be most likely: 1. The pharmaceutical companies had a very strong bargaining position (government desperate for them to deliver vaccines), so they used their bargaining power to get blanket immunity. And/Or 2. People within the government who have long sought to deregulate the Pharmaceutical industry lobbied for blanket immunity. Meanwhile the vaccines are safe and effective.
  7. No, my argument has not changed. But you are catching on, technology has changed.
  8. The FDA approved the vaccines, and they are both safe and effective, that’s the relevant bit.
  9. That things happen faster in the 21st century than they did in previous centuries is news to you? It’s certainly not an argument against progress, the Luddite’s lost that argument at the beginning of the 19th Century. The COVID vaccines are approved, safe and effective.
  10. No, it start with the OP, who misinterpreted a statement that was not relevant to the vaccines in discussion. Correct compression of what’s written is not ‘word play’.
  11. You start of by accusing me of lying and then move on to your presumption that I owe you some examples. As a brand new member you are perhaps not aware that it’s not acceptable to accuse others of lying without very good evidence.
  12. The vaccines are tested and approved. So back at you, why don’t you provide evidence that the vaccines are not safe and effective? Oh and a warm welcome to the forum.
  13. I wish I had known that, I only recently renewed my passport. But it’s a good point that might be useful information to others.
  14. Thanks for your prompt That’s a grim prospect, so I’ll stick with dates I have.
  15. For various reasons I would prefer if my annual visa extension date were 6~8 weeks early than it actually is. Is it possible to change he renewal date? For example, if rather than applying for 365 days extension, would applying for 320 days, thereby bring the next renewal 45 days earlier, cause a problem?
  16. Annual health policies from Aetna (sponsors to this sub forum) cover COVID and COVID related illness to the value of the policy. By example, an Aetna Platinum policy with ฿5million per health incident coves all health issues arising from a COVID infection up to ฿5million.
  17. Well if this doesn’t bring the anti-vaxxers onboard, nothing will.
  18. Absolutely right. But we all make decisions based on the information we receive. Sadly there are far too many pedaling dangerous misinformation and too sowing distrust in the medical professionals who provide reliable information.
  19. This is true for many lung diseases. Again, the accuracy of your O2 meter cannot be relied on, keep an eye out for negative change.
  20. Then take baseline readings, record them and watch for negative change.
  21. The medical professionals advising vaccination disagree with you. But yes, please let’s have a vaccine against Dengue and other mosquito borne diseases, if only to put an end to your whataboutary.
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