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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The jury has found her guilty on four counts, she’s going to spend the rest of what was her gilded life behind bars: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/29/ghislaine-maxwell-sex-trafficking-trial-verdict
  2. You mentioned ‘speculation’, and did so without an ounce of introspection.
  3. Probability is calculated on the basis of factual data: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10344695/Unjabbed-people-catch-Covid-60-TIMES-likely-end-intensive-care.html
  4. What is possible and what is probable are not the same thing. That said, anti-vaxxers not understanding or otherwise misrepresenting relative levels of probability is nothing new.
  5. You are playing semantics. Vaccinations greatly reduce the probability of infection*, serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID. The gap in infections, serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths between for vaccinated v unvaccinated individuals is what the vaccines have prevented. *For the record: No vaccine prevents infection, pick any vaccine for any virus; the virus has to enter the body (infect the body) before the immune system starts to fight it. Infection is not the measure of a vaccine’s success, vaccines are measured on their ability to prevent the diseases that arise when the infection gets past the immune system. Infection is not the same thing as disease. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/vaccine-efficacy-effectiveness-and-protection https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/in-depth/germs/art-20045289
  6. The vast majority of people at elevated risk are old - being old is not a personal choice. Provide your evidence that ‘the virus and its variants are a Chinese creation’. - Before doing so, refer the notification on misinformation at the top of this forum.
  7. 1. More cherry picking. 2. There’s no such thing as ‘COVID Prison’. 3. You have no idea of the vaccination status of the ‘Israeli guy’ - but don’t let that stop you making stuff up.
  8. 1. I’m not in fear of anyone. 2. You are injecting truth, you are cherry picking to misrepresent fact. 3. ‘Liberal new world order’ ‘Woke multicultural agenda’ - What on earth are you on about and whatever it is you are on about, what has it got to do with anything in this thread or even this sub-forum?
  9. What’s this, the condo management are in league with communists to create a totalitarian regime. You could get a Pulitzer if this turns out to be true.
  10. Once again cherry picking to misrepresent the fact the vaccines have prevented countless infections, serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths. One has to wonder what you get out of your constant efforts to undermine the truth of how effective the vaccines are.
  11. The only authority they Condo committee has over residents is that stated in the Condominium’s rules and regulations. Ask them to provide you with the Condominium rule book highlighting where this requirement is recorded.
  12. People scared of taking a jab of a safe and effective vaccine insinuating others are cowards is hypocrisy writ large.
  13. “Considering the number of vaxxed and boosted people that are getting it is still not shown that a booster shot has much of an effect.” Unless of course you look at the incidence of serious illness, hospitalization and deaths. (All the stuff rational people wish to avoid).
  14. “I am amazed about the number of cowardly old folk though. And whom appear to have no shame in displaying their fearful nature. When I was young, men didn't ever show fear.” Easy enough to call others cowards…. from behind your keyboard: https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/mid-south/102-year-old-wwii-hero-becomes-first-veteran-at-missouri-va-hospital-to-get-covid-vaccine/
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