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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Perhaps, and it’s just a thought, you should consider the merits of leaving personal information out of discussion. I can assure you doing so will not prevent some attempting to introduce their assumptions of that which is personal to you, but their attempts will be baseless. If however you introduce a personal detail it is only to be expected that others will discuss that which you yourself have introduced.
  2. Perhaps not a surprise, It seems the UK Government couldn’t tell the truth on this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/11/uk-covid-death-toll-ons
  3. This lie ‘Deaths within 28 days/road accidents etc counted as COVID deaths’ has, as I have demonstrated with links to reliable sources, been wide spread in the UK and the US. And has been debunked on both sides of the Atlantic. Now we find it being spread, and swallowed, Germany too. What is it about utter and transparent nonsense that people swallow it so easily and then stick to it when shown that it’s nonsense?
  4. I’ll ignore all your emotional nonsense accusation in the above and go to this: You’ve stated ‘[obesity] is embedded in the culture’. Your starter for ten, explain what this ‘Culture of obesity is’?
  5. So is the CDC, but simply mentioning the CDC (or RKI for that matter) in a post doesn’t not provide verification of anything else in the post. Refer my link above to the UK Office of National Statistics to get an idea of how to provide verification of a claim. Provide evidence to back up your claim! Before you do, have a read of this: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/covid-deaths-car-crash-comorbidities-coronavirus-death-total-counts-john-hopkins-study/65-e3842ed2-f753-4a15-8b97-c2ae75c2b2ce The self same garbage ‘car accidents counted as COVID deaths’ is spread in the US and debunked in the US. But you think it’s true in Germany. Present your proof.
  6. I haven’t commented on the link between obesity and COVID outcomes. My response you you is in respect of all the other nonsense in your post. You’ve packed it with enough nonsense to warrant disregarding the whole, hence my suggestion you consider starting a thread on your misunderstandings of the issues around obesity. But, full marks for trying to distract from the Government’s multiple failings in the fight against COVID.
  7. *Deleted post edited out* Demonstrate your claim to be true with reference to the official procedures for identification and recording cause of death and I will remove my confused emoji. Before you start, the exact same claim has been made by purveyors of false information regarding the recording of deaths in the UK. A claim that has been debunked: https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/whetherthosewhohavediedfromacaraccidentwithcovid19willbecountedinonsstatistics
  8. I phrased my question in response to the content of your post.
  9. Perhaps you’d like to start a thread on your misconceptions surrounding obesity.
  10. Good night Sidney, Rest In Peace. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jan/07/sidney-poitier-obituary
  11. The jury has found her guilty on four counts, she’s going to spend the rest of what was her gilded life behind bars: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/29/ghislaine-maxwell-sex-trafficking-trial-verdict
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