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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. We already see governments acting to reduce precautions with the Omicron variant, arguing it is a virus with less serious outcomes. The idea that governments wish to impose public health precautions for any other reason than the virus being a threat to public health is an ‘Anti-Vaxxer/Anti-Public Health measures’ conspiracy theory. The public health precautions will disappear when the virus is no longer a threat to public health.
  2. Nonsense, vaccination has freed millions of people to be able to return living a more normal life, has enabled businesses to re-open, facilitated travel, protected people in vital service jobs and massively reduced the load on health services. Let alone the countless lives vaccines have saved.
  3. In the meantime vaccines have saved countless people from serious illness, hospitalization and death and too the immense related impacts of misery, grief and healthcare costs.
  4. Also added in large quantities to food here in Thailand.
  5. Already debunked in the thread addressing this very news item.
  6. Nobody infects others with obesity simply by breathing near them. And I quite expect the same people arguing against vaccines would get in line to argue against the means to combat obesity.
  7. What was it you said earlier?: “No, I can’t provide a link, it’s just my own pessimistic prediction,“ However, you could look at the past history of pandemics and observe the fact that they eventually disappear as the virus that caused them mutates until it eventually ceases to be a public health treat and/or disappears. But of course that would not fit your predilection to ‘pessimistic prediction’ and certainly undermines your ‘endless booster’ doom mongering.
  8. “They will also never accept that the vaccine is ineffective, you just need more boosters.” Of course, not because claims of the vaccines being ineffective are a lie. The data demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccines, fewer serious illnesses, fewer hospitalizations and few deaths.
  9. That didn’t take long: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/13/veterans-ask-queen-to-strip-prince-andrew-of-honorary-military-titles
  10. Endless booster shots for every is a figment of your own imagination.
  11. No it’s not. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109281/covid-19-daily-deaths-compared-to-all-causes/
  12. Neither, but if you think the ‘court of public opinion’ doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter, watch what happens to Prince Andrew. He’s already losing his positions as head of charities and foundations. He’s in a world of hurt right now and almost all of it relates to the impact of this case on his public image and the image of an institution into which he was born.
  13. Good night Sidney, Rest In Peace. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jan/07/sidney-poitier-obituary
  14. The jury has found her guilty on four counts, she’s going to spend the rest of what was her gilded life behind bars: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/29/ghislaine-maxwell-sex-trafficking-trial-verdict
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