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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. In perhaps related news, Director of the Secret Service announces his retirement: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3549211-secret-service-director-to-retire-this-month/amp/
  2. I suggest you you pause your outrage and do a little back ground reading into why these 42% of women are having multiple abortions. This from Canadian research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC550633/
  3. Only a very slight hitch in what is turning out to be a wonderful year for Justice. The ‘perp walk’* which will come with her inevitable capture is going to be a moment to savor. *Thank you Rudy, however can we thank you?
  4. 12 years of Tory Government. Nothing fixed, nothing improved, nothing getting better.
  5. People who were up until last week were crowing in support of Johnson, went awfully quiet for a few days during his humiliating ouster by his own party. Now back in force pretending that the events of the past week are nothing but good new for the Tories. After 12 years of the Tories in power, the nation is in a shocking mess. This is the reality that changing the PM will not fix.
  6. I think it was the fault of the rapist.
  7. Perhaps those who spent a lot of time arguing reports of this child’s pregnancy was a ‘hoax’ can take a moment to admit they were wrong.
  8. I’ve got some shocking news for you. This isn’t the last election.
  9. I suspect it’s her messaging on ‘old style Conservative values’. She’ll need support, the Tory Party are deeply divided, at best this next PM is going patch over the gaping cracks.
  10. To win the PM post the candidates must attract the vote of the rank and file members of the Conservative Party, who are predominantly old, white, reactionary and relatively affluent. They are not in any sense representative of the voting population as a whole. Tge next election will be won on policies that address the concerns of ordinary ‘floating’ voters. I’m not hearing anything from any candidate that addresses the Taft of problems the UK population is facing.
  11. Correct, but Johnson had already made misleading statements to Parliament, ensuring this was no long simply a matter of breaking the isolation laws/regulations. Photographs showing Starmer’s activities that at the time the photos were taken were not breaking any laws or regulations. No matter how unequivocally precise and simple the police conclusion of their second investigation is, it still can’t get through to some. ‘No case to answer’.
  12. Clearly it is bothering you, which is very odd if you believe ‘it isn’t going to change anything’.
  13. Focus now, work on a defense for Trump and his co-conspirators. Something factual might help.
  14. Cheney’s statement is of course correct, but it won’t last. Trump is being cornered, when he has nowhere else to hide, no more specious appeals left to lodge and he’s left staring at a prison cage, he’ll claim mental incapacity. He has after all been hiding the facts of that for sometime now.
  15. Is that the same God who is referred to in those oaths to uphold the Constitution and a protect America against all enemies, foreign and domestic?
  16. But but but whatabout this dreamed up anti-Biden nonsense. But but but!!!
  17. They know precisely why they are in Prison. Well, unless of course they lack the intellect to grasp reality.
  18. Tell that to the insurrectionists locked up in prison.
  19. She’s putting Country and Constitution (the things every elected representative takes an oath to defend) before her personal political career. The GOP has gone so far off into rightwing extremism that Liz Cheney is being applauded by patriots for doing what until 2016 was regarded as expected solemn duty. It’s well past time to turn the investigation onto the enablers of Trump’s crimes in the GOP.
  20. The revelations get uglier by the minute. Lock him up!
  21. You need to revisit the history of migration to America. It’s got nothing to do with US Left/Right and everything to do with push/pull. Poverty, war, corruption, climate change are all pushers. The ‘American Dream’ is a powerful pull. Any American who’s job/income is seriously challenged by an undocumented immigrant, who lacks social connections, probably doesn’t speak English and almost only low skilled Labour to offer has bigger problems than immigration to worry about.
  22. Sounds like more atrocities committed that shame the SAS and evidence of an attempted cover up.
  23. Oh, so it’s the demand by the Left for domestic staff that’s driving immigration from south of the border? The various US industries aren’t employing any in documented workers? Nothing happening south of the border is driving people to seek a better life?
  24. *deleted post edited out* I first visited Beijing in 1989. You might have heard stories of baby girls abandoned in the streets by families wanting a boy. These are not just ‘stories’, I saw babies wrapped in bundles, abandoned on the pavement outside the Beijing railway station, not once, but every time I passed through the station, not one baby but several every time. It remains one of the most disturbing things I have ever witnessed.
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