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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. He’s not going to be executed. The UK/US extradition treaty does not permit execution.
  2. It’s also the ‘grip’ house prices have on voter sentiment. Research by Prof. Glen Bramley (Herriot Watt University) concludes there is a backlog of 3.9 million households seeking accommodation, most living with parents and grandparents. To address the backlog the UK needs to build 340,000 homes a year. Such a building plan would put at risk UK house price inflation (The inflation homeowners obsess over). It would also undermine the private rental market. Building the homes the UK needs would undoubtedly cost the Government support at the ballot box. https://pure.hw.ac.uk/ws/files/24741931/HousingSupplyMay2019.pdf
  3. Nobody is proposing tenants are allowed to ‘squat’. The proposal is to end ‘no fault evictions’, if a tenant breaks the terms of a contract that is ‘a fault’ for which eviction might be the remedy.
  4. These proposals would not be made if there was not widespread abuse by landlords. If you decide to invest in a business in which your ‘get out clauses’ dump problems on the State then don’t r surprised when the Government respond to widespread abuse by other investors with increased regulation.
  5. And skipped his scheduled appearance at a ‘Leveling-Up’ conference in Doncaster. Roll on the bi-elections.
  6. It’s attitudes like this that make this change in the law necessary.
  7. It’s not simply Ginni Thomas’s role in the attempted coup. Her husband was the only SCOTUS judge to vote against the release of Mark Meddows’ text messages, 29 of which were from Justice Thomas’ wife. This stinks of corrupt intent, Justice Thomas needs to be removed from the SCOTUS. https://amp.theguardian.com/law/2022/mar/25/ginni-thomas-texts-clarence-ethics-supreme-court-conflict-of-interest
  8. Did you ever doubt that Tory policy is to push wealth and capital up the ‘food chain’? There are £Trillions in plain view lining the streets of the UK currently in the possession of ordinary working people, don’t expect that to be allowed to continue. Home ownership is already out of reach for millions and that number is growing. The logical trajectory is for homes to wind up in the possession financial institutions and businesses.
  9. The same can be said of people who spend there life living in private rented accommodation.
  10. Remind me if I’m remembering the sequence here, all that came after selling off council houses, and cutting spending on building replacements.
  11. All that testimony under oath from Republicans within Trump’s administration, even Trump’s own daughter giving evidence against her father’s lies, yes awfully ‘one sided’. Let’s take the evidence to a criminal court and see how it goes.
  12. Anybody paying attention to the Jan 6 hearings will understand how near the US came to losing its democracy.
  13. The proposals in this bill are excellent. Well done those who drafted the bill, now get it passed without being watered down.
  14. If they are not in the UK how are they claiming benefits? Or is your ‘broad negative stereotyped generalization wrt to foreigners from the EU’ getting in the way of you working that out?
  15. But you nearly doubled the EU citizens and halved the Indian Pakistani population.
  16. I’m not sure where you are getting your numbers from. There are 1.45Million people of Indian ethnicity in the UK and almost 1.2 million people of Pakistani ethnicity: The ‘best estimate’ for the number of EU citizens in the UK is 3.5 million. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Indians https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Pakistanis https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2021/07/02/are-there-really-6m-eu-citizens-living-in-the-uk/amp/
  17. You might want to try and quickly delete the link you provided before someone fixes it in a quote…. Oops, too late. Here’s the verdict provided in the link you so kindly posted: “WHAT WAS CLAIMED Under the Geneva Convention refugees should seek refuge in the first safe country they come to. OUR VERDICT Incorrect. The UN Refugee Convention does not make this requirement of refugees, and UK case law supports this interpretation. Refugees can legitimately make a claim for asylum in the UK after passing through other “safe” countries.” The other two claims addressed in your link also make interesting reading. Thank you so much for sharing,
  18. To be absolutely correct, if their application for asylum is rejected they become ‘’failed asylum seekers’ and are justly liable for deportation within the law.
  19. Perhaps because the racists and bigots in the UK make the most noise. It’s of course wrong to judge a nation by the behaviour and language of a few, but if that ‘hate filled few’ make the most noise, it’s their behaviour and language that give the biggest impression. As I said earlier most Brits do not dislike foreigners, far from it. However, it is not hard to see why an outsider looking in might think otherwise.
  20. And once they make a claim for asylum they are legal ‘Asylum Seekers’.
  21. In general you are correct, British people in general don’t dislike foreigners. However very many British people do dislike foreigners.
  22. The people the Government tried to deport to Rwanda are recognized by the British Government as ‘Asylum Seekers’, the Government’s ‘Rwanda scheme’ claims that the people being deported will have their claim for asylum examined while they are in Rwanda. These people are not ‘illegal immigrants’.

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