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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I expect she has something else on Musk too, she’s participated in his ‘party life’.
  2. I agree, she’s done. But I think the exposure Borderline Personality Disorder is getting through this trial is the real win.
  3. As testified by Psychiatrist Dr Shannon Curry PsyD MSCP, Amber Heard has Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. (Clearly on view in the trial). Depp’s Attorney Camille Vasquez has done an excellent job exposing Heard’s lies and histrionic fabrications. I’m rather looking forward to the final ruling.
  4. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it you who posted a link to this ‘news item’ from msn.com? If that is indeed correct, please explain which rug it is that these stories are being swept under?
  5. “I have a kid in Thailand and I'd rather educate her here in Thailand then subject her to the loonie tunes in USA. Better education my as*” Good luck with that.
  6. Not permitting the hyper wealthy to determine how taxes for the hyper wealthy are calculated would prevent any misconceptions on the matter of tax calculation. As it is they’ve already convinced people who are no where near wealthy to argue on their behalf. There in lies an example of precisely why the hyper wealthy wish to own the media and control to discourse.
  7. A complete misrepresentation of progressive taxation.
  8. Get a handful of ‘entrepreneurs’ together, plonk them down in sub-Sahara Africa, or some such place lacking infrastructure, regulation and a functional legal system. See how they get on.
  9. Out of curiosity and since you took the trouble to mention it, what has the birthplace of the CEO got to do with anything at all in this thread?
  10. There’s nothing wrong with everyone paying taxes on the same percentage basis. Just like the vast majority of working people do.
  11. Your prediction of where The Twitter share price is going is interesting, do you have crystal ball, I feel you could make an investment killing.
  12. He doesn’t make a rocket himself. He employs some very talented people who do it for him. He’s a modern day ‘Edison’.
  13. He can’t get into private parties in Berlin, now he can’t get into Twitter.
  14. There’s always one.
  15. Sweden’s economy is approximately 50% the size of Russia’s. A not unsubstantial addition to the combined economic power of the combined NATO nations.
  16. Take a look at a map and see if you can figure out which nations’ territory/airspace would need to be crossed in order to attack Switzerland. An attack on Switzerland from a none NATO nation is inherently a violation of NATO territory / airspace.
  17. There’s not much evidence of the Russians being able to determine anything the Ukrainians are doing
  18. Regardless, this unprovoked Russian war of aggression has brought about a change strategic policies policies throughout Europe and beyond. Tge world digging in for the long haul against Russian aggression is not good news for Russia. A policy of isolate and contain is going to present Russian citizens with a grim future. What a home goal.
  19. News reports suggest this is not uncommon amongst Russian troops and commanders. Perhaps that’s where you got the idea.
  20. They are the evidence of how important information and perception via social media is in modern warfare. Why they so willingly play their part on behalf of the aggressor is a question that deserves attention.
  21. Can you please provide links to leaders of Western Liberal Democracies calling for the ‘removal of Russia from the world map’. Links to Russian propaganda claiming Western Liberal Democracies want to remove Russia from the world map won’t get you out of being owned by your ridiculous post.
  22. Utter nonsense. Twitter enables anonymous users to spread the messages they post to a large Twitter user base. Harmful messages, absolutely do find an audience and are spread further by those who ascribe to the harmful views. You perhaps need to revisit the history of broadcast harmful messaging and the consequences of broadcasting harmful messaging and precisely how harmful messaging takes hold in societies.

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