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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Disenfranchising the poor and marginalized has become a matter of mirth, what a spiteful and bitter place the rightwing had become.
  2. That’s an exaggeration, although admittedly only a slight exaggeration.
  3. Because voter identification requirements disproportionately disenfranchise the poor and marginalized members of society. Refer paragraph “Voter identification in polling stations‘ in the attached link: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/who-we-are-and-what-we-do/our-views-and-research/our-research/public-attitudes
  4. I was in a Tesco Supermarket in the UK this morning, a number of people were bitterly blaming Joe Biden for the UK’s inflation. I heard similar in the Netherlands a couple of weeks ago.
  5. Johnson has fallen foul of the old political adage ‘you can fool some of the people some of the time…’. His lies have caught him up and his contempt for the public is on full view. It’s not the ‘boos’ arriving at the Queen’s Jubilee that matter, it’s the constant disgruntled complaints that can be heard in the shops, on busses, in the pub, anywhere where people have a chance to vent their thoughts. The public know what a lie is, they know what a liar is and they know truth matters. Of course Johnson was booed, I’d be surprised if he was not.
  6. Away with your false equivalence. Collisions with dear are accidents. Heavily armed young men walking into schools then gunning down children and staff is premeditated mass murder. None of this has anything to do with the ‘southern border’.
  7. She needs to be hauled in on multiple counts of perjury and falsifying evidence.
  8. I’m not sure it’s another polarization issue. I find myself in broad agreement with people on this trial with whom I am diametrically opposed on a wide range of other issues.
  9. Alternatively, MeToo is not the bogeyman you are being told it is. Read up on Borderline Personality Disorder, you’ll get to see precisely why she destroyed herself.
  10. It is Heard and her lies that have damaged the MeToo movement.
  11. I followed the trial closely, Depp’s victory was obviously the right ruling. On multiple occasions Heard was demonstrated to have lied (perjured herself), on multiple occasions Heard was demonstrated to have fabricated evidence (a crime), on multiple occasions Heard was demonstrated to have referred to evidence that did not exist (baseless accusations). But the clincher was the evidence of Heard’s Borderline Personality Disorder. She’s toxic, she secretly filmed Depp as she herself goaded him in an attempt to entrap him into an act of DV that she had escalated. Angry as he was, and had a right to be, Depp takes it out on the furniture, he does not turn on Heard, who is still goading him. This is classic behavior of a person with Borderline Personality Disorder. Take some time to read up on it. Heard was very clearly the abuser in that marriage, Depp very clearly the abused.
  12. Depp has won the case. As I said earlier Heard is now done. Her career is over, she can look forward to facing indictment for perjury. The woman is toxic, a classic example of Borderline Personality Disorder. Next up, why did she lose her driver’s license?
  13. I used to own guns for shooting game for the kitchen pot, lots of people do. There are whole areas of the US in which hunting with a rifle provides the majority of meat consumed by very many families. Hunting for food is an age old custom, it’s a thing.
  14. I’m not for removing all guns, but I do believe gun ownership should be licensed and controlled and that predictors of gun violence should be used to determine who doesn’t get a gun. eg any history of violence, including domestic violence, any behavior relating to threatening others with weapons, any felony that resulted in prison time, any history of mental illness that is associated with a risk of violence. And absolutely limit gun ownership to above 21 years old.
  15. Everyone has the same level of security where I am, gun own ship is restricted, licensed and controlled. Even to the pony most cops don’t carry guns. Freedom from fear, you should try it.
  16. “Guns should only be given to responsible people and not given to potential mass murderers ” So in principle you agree with the necessity of gun controls.
  17. Yes, and mass murderers in the US have a predilection for using guns to commit their murders and a particular type of gun. Mass murderers don’t tend to use ‘set squares’, ‘G-clamps’ or ‘pop riveters’. Come to think of it when was the last time you heard of a ‘Drive by chiseling’?
  18. Can you find anything similar for developed nations with gun controls, eg Canada, the UK, anywhere in the EU…… ?
  19. People use guns to kill people, banning people isn’t a thing. People who use guns to commit mass murder use a particular type of gun.
  20. Go back to the top of this thread and read the OP, it’ll give you a clue what the topic of discussion is.
  21. And a particular type of gun is the weapon of choice for mass murderers. But you don’t see that.
  22. “How does that even come into it?”, via democratically elected representation. One party represents the majority on gun control, the other is bought by and represents the gun lobby.
  23. So that’s you signed up for denying idiots guns is it?

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