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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nothing at all to do with the job she was paid to do would be my guess.
  2. If you provide ‘a link’ we can all see the full story, not your interpretation.
  3. Within a day of the heinous murder of three children the completely innocent Muslim community were baselessly targeted by the extreme right wing and their fellow Islamophobic and racist thugs. It’s into that victimization of a completely innocent community that you spewed your Islamophobic diatribe.
  4. The murder of the 3 children was not committed by a Muslim, has nothing to do with Islam. Seeking cover amongst Islamophobic and racist rioters isn’t helping you out.
  5. That was during the time of the last Tory Government Jonny. They’re no long mismanaging the country.
  6. And the Home Secretary? The PM with his ‘Stop the Boats’ posters? Dame Sara Khan is spot on.
  7. Tell me Jonny, these ‘BLM, ProPalestinian mob’ injustices you cling to, when did they occur? Who was in Government at the time?
  8. Tell that to the thugs getting arraigned in court and held on remand. https://amp.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/aug/05/ministers-prepare-extra-500-prison-places-for-accused-far-right-rioters
  9. When I mentioned false equivalence, I wasn’t asking for more examples of the logical fallacy.
  10. Law abiding people made their feelings known in the election. Rioting, attacking completely innocent communities, destroying property, torching cars and libraries, looting businesses, and violently attacking police officers is not ‘people voicing their opinion’. Its a tiny minority of violent thugs engaging in coordinated criminality. Unfortunately for them, but fortunately for the vast majority of law abiding people, there’s been a change of Government, the past practice of pandering to the far right has come to an end. Let’s hear it from you Jonny, the rioters deserve to face the full force of the law. They will, but will you condemn their lawlessness?!
  11. A false equivalence. Statements by doctors don’t incite disease in patients. There’s been a change of Government, the very serious social problems that have for the past 14 years been ignored and or exacerbated are now getting addressed.
  12. No doubt about it: “ Private equity firms are sitting on more than $2tn of dry powder — capital that has been committed, but not yet deployed in investments, according to data provider Preqin. “ https://www.ft.com/content/a2c22d6d-aa52-47d5-8415-542027ee33e5?accessToken=zwAGHvsXBvdIkdOiwi1tqlJH1dOEFVQgJ-4z5Q.MEUCIGVjQbYBU-aEs7B9SJo6lmV71ncNZ-dhyxlQH8x_WzGgAiEA2T1ioSVijRDDb4x_3Ut8_n65-OjhXVgTCTCMEtBpoMU&sharetype=gift&token=ce45edfa-8dce-4799-b711-f9aa7db79952
  13. Getting fired for voicing personal opinions in the work place gives rise to a law suit because why? Did Sara Morrison have some clause in her contract of employment that stated she’s employed to voice her personal opinions, or was she expected to perform other ‘work like’ duties while ‘on the clock’?
  14. There is one tier of law. Right now rightwing thugs, who are not ‘the working class’ are on the receiving end. Do crime, do the time.
  15. Idiots. Law and order is the job of the police and the courts. These idiots are making statements bordering on incitement.
  16. Nah, she’s a Tory political appointee to the police Commission who hasn’t come to terms with the undeniable fact that it was her Tory Government that lost control of the UK’s borders and left over 100,000 immigrants living at tax payer expense as her Tory Government failed to clear their asylum claims.
  17. Full blown gaslighting from you today Jonny. Do you have a link to the source of the meme you’ve posted, so we can all see which particular fetid corner of the internet you ripped it from?
  18. I bit of the tough law enforcement the rightwing are normally keen on will sort these thugs out. Then go after the ringleaders.
  19. I suggest reading a bit of Thai history of the 20th century. And then not posting about it online.
  20. I do hope the rioters arriving in court are not representative of the general population, they are for the most part thugs with a history of alcohol soaked violence. Very clearly, the rioters are very tiny minority of hate filled thugs who’s only standout quality is their ability to be easily lead to attack a totally innocent community, loot business premises, torch cars, destroy property and violently assault police officers. Suggesting these low life’s are ‘the general population’ is laughable. The general population are at home, peacefully obeying the law.
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