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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I doubt they were. I’m sure if you trawl through past threads you might find that incident t under discussion.
  2. Yes, because I can read the same report from multiple sources, and frequently do. I, and anyone else, can also copy specific text/statements, use those in discussion and link to the source.
  3. That’s the guy. Clearly attempting criminal damage. I hope the police can track him down and prosecute him. There is zero excuse for criminal damage, regardless of who is doing it.
  4. I don’t watch videos for a number of reason. 1. They are already edited versions of events, starting with simple things like camera angle, through to cutting and splicing. 2. They are subject to fakery, 3. They normally address multiple issues and therefore open to wide interpretation. 4. They eat bandwidth. 5. This is a discussion forum.
  5. So how about the rest of my post you chose not to respond to: “ I did something you don’t do. Pointed out who it was who committed a crime and expressed my support for him being prosecuted. Not something you do when discussing the rightwing thugs rioting up and down the country.”
  6. Have you figured it yet? Neither I nor your curiously fixated and entirely baseless fantasies about me are not the subject of the thread.
  7. I didn’t watch the video, I read the news report I posted a link to. I did something you don’t do. Pointed out who it was who commented a crime and expressed my support for him being prosecuted. Not something you do when discussing the rightwing thugs rioting up and down the country.
  8. Rightwing violence in Hull too: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj622z0w7n0o
  9. Here’s a news report. One hooded guy attempts to slash the tires of the Sky News Van. Totally unacceptable vandalism and criminality by that one individual. Let’s hope he can be tracked down and prosecuted. But it wasn’t a riot was it Jonny?! https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/masked-man-stabs-tyre-sky-29683369
  10. So no written news reports that can be verified? Just something you saw in some video.
  11. The last Government declared they had taken back control. It seems they were telling porkies.
  12. I’m not ignorant of history, neither are you. What you post on this forum is open to criticism, regardless of who you respond to. ”Southport Stabbing: Child Killed and Several Injured in Taylor Swift-Themed Workshop Attack” Absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.
  13. Or maybe you missed the news that rightwing thugs are rioting and attacking Muslims.
  14. Let me stop you there. Utter nonsense, nothing that I support and not my people. Stop making stuff up.
  15. Multiple coordinated riots across the county over several days are ‘a one off event’? I’ll be kind. Perhaps you’ve not been keeping up with the news this week.
  16. And I hope remanded in custody while they await trial. They are all a clear threat to the public peace.
  17. Yet more of your off topic ‘Muslim issues’. Let’s try this. The heinous murder of three children has been taken advantage of by the extreme rightwing to demonize and scapegoat a completely innocent ethnic/religious community. Extreme rightwing agitators have directed hate against this ethnic/religious community resulting in the thugs that follow their doctrine of hate attacking that completely innocent community, rioting in their neighborhoods, destroying property, looting their business, and attacking their places of worship. This isn’t mindless thuggery, it is focused, directed and it has an historical precedence that you are absolutely aware of. Now all you have to do is decide which side of this moment of history repeating itself you’re on.
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