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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The response so far to this news from Trump supporters (both foreign and domestic) is rather lack luster. I expect the hym sheets haven’t been distributed yet.
  2. Not in the least bit interested in you trying to excuse your completely off topic Islamophobic diatribe. Heinous murder of three children, reach for your Islam/Muslim thing. It precisely what you did. The heinous crime was absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.
  3. I’ve already apologized for calling out your off topic and overt Islamophobic diatribe, is there nothing that can assuage your sense of grievance? Take comfort in knowing you have company, the right wing rioters, they too jumped on the tragedy of the heinous murder of three children to blame Islam and Muslims. Responding to a tragedy by identifying a completely innocent ethnic/religious minority, rioting in their neighborhoods, destroying their property, looting their businesses, attacking them and their places of worship. It’s a thing. I’ll take your ‘Get over yourself petal’ any day of the week rather than get on board with the rightwing attacks on a completely innocent community. Keep digging, you know it makes sense.
  4. Oh dear, do I have another day ahead if me filled with you playing the victim because you don’t like having been called out for posting an Islamophobic diatribe in a thread discussing the heinous murder of three children that has absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims? I apologize, sorry for calling out your overt, off topic Islamophobia. There, feel better?
  5. And it was Trump and the rightwing that set themselves up for it. I said all along, if the rightwing thought Biden was an easy win for the Republicans, they should have kept quiet about it. Baited their own trap, put their head right in and now aren’t happy they trapped themselves.
  6. I think the odds of Vance being Trump’s fall guy just went up. He needs to watch out for busses on the Rikers Island route.
  7. Math not your thing then. As for ‘deflection’, refer topic at top of this thread.
  8. Rioters facing justice. They’re not laughing now, well Curtis isn’t for sure: “Curtis Coulson, 30, sobbed as he became the first person to appear before Sheffield Magistrates Court following disorder in South Yorkshire over the weekend. Coulson wiped away tears with a tissue as he sat in the glass-fronted dock and denied affray. The alleged offence relates to an incident outside Sheffield City Hall on Sunday in which he is alleged to have swung a stick at a woman. Coulson was refused bail and will go on trial at the same court in September.” https://metro.co.uk/2024/08/05/everyone-appeared-court-far-widespread-riots-21366566/
  9. YouGov have polled public opinion and it deflates the claim the rightwing extremists are representative of the general public: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/survey-results/daily/2024/08/05/a3217/1
  10. Refer fig.1 https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/irregular-migration-to-the-uk-year-ending-june-2023/irregular-migration-to-the-uk-year-ending-june-2023
  11. There’s definitely some wallowing goin on. I suggest you return to the topic of the thread and try not to get so personal and emotional.
  12. They are a figment of your imagination's, I didn’t let anyone into the UK. What do you mean I can’t knock Enoch now? Watch this. Enoch Powell was a racist. There, I just did.
  13. Refer the OP at the top of the thread. The subject Conservative Governments were in power for a total of over 14 years, and it wasn’t funny.
  14. Not the last time so checked it wasn’t: UK Government to Convene Emergency Cobra Meeting After Surge of Far-Right Violence
  15. I believe you, and I doubt they were actors. The murder of Lee Rigby, another heinous crime. And another example of you try ing to steer the discussion off topic.
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