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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You obviously do not understand the evidential weight of sworn testimony. Stay tuned to the hearings and the following DoJ investigation.
  2. And yet the Democrats won by over 7 million votes. Harris nailed Kavanaugh with a question that will come back if the Democrats take both houses in the mid-terms.
  3. Yes they did, but they did not teach Latin to my auto spell checker.
  4. They are not ‘US Fighters’ they are Americans who joined the Ukrainian army.
  5. Oh look; https://www.lawsociety.ie/News/News/Stories/brexit-human-rights-and-the-good-friday-agreement
  6. That’s is not what ‘magna carta’ says, if you had ever read ‘magna carta’ you would know that.
  7. You’ve read ‘magna carta’ haven’t you? Do remember the bit about forbidding banishment overseas?
  8. Have we got to the bit where supporters of this ‘appalling’ policy are baying in support of the Government stripping them of the protections they themselves enjoy from the ECHR?
  9. I don’t think your arrest record is the subject of discussion.
  10. They can only do so in compliance with the law. Government are not above the law.
  11. The Government enact an ill conceived failing policy. It’s the Government’s fault.
  12. Why would an Afghani in Kabul be talking to a Ukrainian about UK council house waiting lists? That doesn’t make any sense at all.
  13. I think it’s building up more public opinion that the Government doesn’t know what it’s doing.
  14. So the flight left, loaded with refugees then? I missed that!
  15. It’s difficult not to see this whole debacle as an example of a Government unable to produce workable policies. A totally unnecessary mess of their own making.
  16. And there will be more appeals. Of course the Government could wait until the full judicial review next month but that would be far too sensible.
  17. Perhaps I’d recognize the failure of a twelve year Government to provide affordable housing, and not blame people in need,
  18. The ECHR is there to adjudicate matters arising within signatory nation courts with respect to compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights. The UK is a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights and played a leading role in its drafting and establishment. These are matters for which the UK may be justly proud. Please, I urge you, spend some time to read about the history of these institutions, how they operate and how UK law relates to the Convention.
  19. While seemingly forgetting that they themselves are protected by human rights law.
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