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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The bits that explain it isn’t related to the attack and is being false claimed to be. I understand why Republicans would do so, they may wish to score some political capital with the chronically ill informed.
  2. We hardly need a thread on this, just read the responses in the first 12 hours of yesterday’s news item.
  3. There’s your ‘quote’ Jonny, but why no link to where you got it from?
  4. Well I think we know he was a bot of an anti-Trumper.
  5. I agree. And in the coming days the shock will produce a reaction.
  6. While we await actual facts from the FBI Investigation we can inform ourselves, by means of direct observation, of some other interesting and informative facts. We have 11 full pages and counting of insights into precisely who amongst us, in the absence of reliable facts, leaps to crack-pot conspiracies. But it gets better. The posts we have so far only tell us who resorts to conspiracies in the absence of reliable facts. Once the investigation reports facts we’ll get to see, by means of direct observation, the subset amongst the conspiracy mongers who aren’t intersted in facts at all.
  7. No need to prove it wrong, it’s a false equivalence.
  8. From your link: I suggest we wait for what the FBI have to say.
  9. Opinions differ. Plenty of posts in this thread pointing the finger at the left and President Biden. So do save your outrage until we learn the facts.
  10. Because of course the political affiliation and motivation of the killer doesn’t have any bearing whatsoever on this outrageous crime of political violence?! Or because you’d rather these things were not examined?
  11. And when you get it wrong, do you retract and apologize?
  12. Has that been confirmed by the FBI or is it just a rumor?
  13. I look forward to learning the political affiliation of the shooter and what motivated him to commit this outrageous act of political violence. Until then I’ll not point any fingers.
  14. The rightwing suddenly get on board with the idea that words have consequences.
  15. Well there’s a start. More details will follow.
  16. I expect we’ll learn the killers name, political affiliation and motivation within the coming days. In the meantime enjoy posting wild and baseless speculation, we can always circle back to it when we have the facts.
  17. You assert something which is a fabrication of your own imagination.
  18. Yes, and I called you out at the time for accusing others of lying.
  19. This attack is very rightly being condemned from across the political divide. There is absolutely no place for violence in politics. RIP the bystander who has been killed.
  20. The Conservatives had a majority of 80 seats: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_United_Kingdom_general_election#:~:text=The governing Conservative Party led,margin than that achieved by
  21. No, just point out you’re ripped videos are absolutely nothing to do with the UK.
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