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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Check for Anglo/French cockups or countries otherthan Australia that James Cook barstardised!
  2. Aust hotels had 6 PM closing(6 oclock swill) till 1967.
  3. One case I assume does not support your claim, why notpost you instead of tourists(multiple)?
  4. You must know a lot of sick gullible people to make that claim!
  5. Dumb response, hes off to the airport to fly out.. Eh sorry officer, no passport. And if he checked your photocopy with smart car.ooops overstay.... IDC pronto... No hassle?
  6. Just noticed you post. No not random, been there but not for long overstay.Mate also got 12 months ban, tried to return, denied.Nothing is certain despite what rules state and yes, its a laugh for the IO,s!
  7. 100 stops in one trip, say 50x10 baht = 500 bht per trip! No wonder they work that route😂
  8. 'Go with the flow' or 'push $hit uphill'... up to you!!
  9. Your choice of sport needs some refining!
  10. Spell cop, off topic and abusive! well so much for the credible poster theory! Off you go bluey! lol
  11. I have 20 grand kids, does that count?
  12. Wrong again, but your not from Qld, so who cares.! 😂
  13. Not correct, not give ALL, it may possibly be available to workers effected by the outcome. Qld is redneck country you know!!
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