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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Well thats sealed it... I,m not flying Major Airlines again!
  2. Thais cannot get work visas to Aus, hard enough to get tourist visa
  3. Ladies in expensive spas such as mentioned are not paid much more per client than 300bht places, (maybe 150-200bht total)regardless of actual customer price and are generally less busy, with strict managment and work practices.
  4. Hopefully the Russians can improve their score!
  5. Today? May I ask the rate? ATM normal fee is 220bht for non bank ATM
  6. 10AM. bit early for a sleep altho where do these driver/drivers spend the night? Most I see parked up seem to live in the luggage bins.!
  7. He gave the agent extensions the tick of approval by default, so job well done!
  8. Even the slag about IQ testing and learning to read, best you just run along home now!
  9. Soi 5 and that beach intersection is hardly the spot for a quiet meal!
  10. Friend had a german shepherd called HeyYou, dog thought it was great!
  11. I bet you look around when someone yells 'Hey ar$$hole"!
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