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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. And a bit of info on the '24 Oz NRL draw as well, great news!
  2. Swift from home bank to my Bkk Bank here,roughly 800bht per 1K aud,takes an hour usually, cant be stuffed with wise etc
  3. Retired undefeated, way to go woman!
  4. You should have skipped it altogether.. "*most Russians are ok"! WTF
  5. Why does brian the brown bread buyer never go shopping earlier?
  6. Australia welcomed the poms 250 yrs ago, biggest mistake they ever made!
  7. Your sounding more n more like a 'Road scholar', but do try not to talk down to your listeners.!!
  8. ..… 'commute to Pattaya central' really?
  9. Dan gave him some time away from his current role!
  10. He is auditioning for the role as resident AN villiage idiot, going really well so far!
  11. See your language skills are on the up
  12. Still at it Hank, hope you realise your ST bargirl is charging you the 'non resident rate'too! Kick off a new dual pricing tangent now!
  13. The 'seasoning' provisions can be waived by the approving IO, under certainconditions , so pre and post not required
  14. Seems its progressed from the verbal phase !
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