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Posts posted by anon537687643

  1. I honestly despair of the nonsense and horrible snootery I see on this site and I think it's time to go.  Not necessarily all directed at you retsdon, (although the next part certainly is), but:
    The boxes ARE lit!  Of course they are!!  Just because a news report on a website didn't specifically mention lighting all the Thai bashers come smugly crawling out.  Of course they are lit, these rescuers are not morons!
    And do people really think that Navy Seals and all the best rescue forces available, all the other amazing volunteers fighting for these kids' lives (rather than sniping on a website) would send mobile phones along expecting the kids to pick them up and phone in their location just so superior on here can look down on them?  Do you really??  Are they floating iPhone 10s along and thinking all will be ok now?  If they are close to shafts perhaps there can be an occasional signal, is that not worth trying?  Even if there's a slight chance it has to be worth trying, even if it only gives them some light.  But of course the smug guys on here would not bother.  Silly incompetent Thais, not like us Westerners.  Makes me sick.    Maybe they are not even mobile phones but a badly translated piece of writing - maybe they are walkie talkies, who knows.
    This is a horrendous situation which has the best people in the country trying their utmost to rescue these kids.  Everything is worth trying.  For all the people on here looking down, SHAME ON YOU!!

    It’s the real world in Thailand and if you don’t like folk who been here a long time and now how it works (or doesn’t work ) then don’t read the stuff !

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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