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Posts posted by anon537687643

  1. Don’t believe this figure at all! I guess it includes all 65 million including the village folk in the mountains to get to only 56 hours a year! More like 56 hours a month if you only include Bangkok and surrounding suburbs ! In fact figures have shown that Bangkok is second in the world for traffic congestion behind Mexico City .



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  2. Unfortunately, this solution doesn't work with True as the ISP, due to the way that True handles DNS.
    I have IP Vanish, paid subscription and none of the UK IP's work with BBC i Player or with Amazon Fire TV, been trying to find a way around this, especially for the Fire TV (UK version) and so far no joy, if anyone does know of a way, then tips would be appreciated.

    Yes True internet doesn’t allow any VPN proxies

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  3. Popcorn and comfy armchair time as the expat ( not all just some ) righteously indignant flock to their keyboards.
    Shock horror as developing country discovers police officers are taking bribes. Well I never.
    Of course it offends us. Guess what, we are living in thailand not england or usa where police ( many on the take in those countries anyway ) are paid many many times what thai police are paid. 
    Expats live in thailand because it is much cheaper than 'good old back home'. One of the reasons its cheaper is that their tax take is small hence they dont have the infrastructure. 
    Doubt the expats want to pay for it and neither do the locals.
    Dont expect Switzerland for a swaziland price
    We all absor graft and corruption but if it offends you so much there is only one option. 

    Well there you have it! The old “corruption is ok and don’t Complain” well we can give a opinion and clearly you don’t like it

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  4. Article makes little sense.  Grab drivers find passengers via the app, they don't take to the street to fight local mafia run taxi operations for customers.  And in any case it seems the mafia has infiltrated Grab as some of their drivers even try extortion when faced with issues like going through tollways or when you want to change your destination and the app won't let you.  Uber had these issues solved with a superior app now riders must occasionally deal with petty corruption with Grab drivers. 

    Absolutely ! Grab is used by many of the Motorbike taxi mafia! It’s clear Uber had enough of the s**** going on and left it all to Grab in SE Asia!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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