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    Banglamung, from USA

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  1. Many good things other than a big bank balance... 90% of things I see and witness from the expats here who have double or more income than myself is they all spend it on themselves....I have very little monthly income but spend about half on the local Thai people's businesses, Thai companions,Thai massage ladies.... other spend it all on their motorbikes, cars, fancy Western foods, meals, and trips to places for the 3rd or 4th time, travelling back home and all sorts of stuff that as a retiree I could care less....been there done that. All good for those who still have "yearnings" for more and more stuff they want but likely do not need in their life I have Enough as someone else said here....cannot complain as that is good situation to be in as a retiree and the only attitude I need in the last chapter or so of my life
  2. Wow! I assume no wife and kids in your past or current home owned free and clear? .... That seems like a lot of baht saved at 50 yo to me....370k USD equivalent
  3. In the USA Bank of America highest interest is 0.45% . England must be doing a lot better with the post pandemic inflation than the USA.
  4. Why I live i Pattaya, Walk next to the beaches, and have an ocean view from my balcony
  5. I kept my house and get 50K baht a month income from renting it....Property taxes, insurance, and maintenance lowers that amount. May take a few months to legally evict tenants if I need to move there, but it is possible. Always have a plan B and C man ???? Peace and Love . + Plan ahead for retirement
  6. Yes, everybody lies, so any conversation can be that way. There is an app called Thaifriendly for females seeking males, they are mostly freelancers not working in bars, and come directly to your condo. Bars I go to play pool and yes buy a lady drink or 2 if I am enjoying some games with a girl there. Just like the numerous massage parlors, there are women everywhere, and the little bit of philanthropy I can share with them is more times than not, well worth it. For me it is all about helping the Thai people who have to make a living.
  7. I prefer to call it imbibing and enjoying female companionship. As a retired expat, cannot think of a better way to spend my time and money than to help out as many hard working Thai entrepreneurs as possible . Can anyone tell me a better way to spend time and money? Only have 45000 Baht per month pension, so travelling and staying in hotels is beyond my means. Yes I live in Pattaya
  8. And they all drive cars and motorcycles! That is what bothers me. See so many leaving the bars at 4-5 pm after drinking since 1pm or worse at night on Soi Buakhao . WTF, why not take a baht bus or walk it off a little?
  9. I have lived at a condo with JLL management and now Peak management. Our problems have been with the "board" or Committee and JP. and also security. Even though Thais only own 51 % our board is 100% Thai as well as the JP. There seems to be more foreigner full time residents actually living here, yet when annual vote comes, we are told there are hundreds of proxy votes from Thai owners living elsewhere. I asked about this but not possible to have a uniform board as Thais and Thai representatives have larger ownership and always get voted on to the committee as far as we know. Annual tax audits look fishy as well, a Canadian friend told me there are 100's of thousands of baht seemingly unaccounted for from the common area fees and expenses in the audit . But again believe the committee chooses the tax auditor. Security is a subcontractor and never follow the "by-laws" or what is in the annual reports saying their responsibilities are. They are basically there to call taxis for guests (yes likely 30% + of renters are illegal short time AirBnB) and open doors for Thais whether they have a key card or not... TIT This is Thailand
  10. I wear a hat outside to protect my exposed head from sunburn. I wear sunglasses to protect my blue eyes from glare. I wear a mask at times to protect from smells of car and motorcycle exhaust, children coughing and sneezing, and protection from sun on my nose and face under my hat. Lived here all during the pandemic and mandates were not enforced as with so many laws or mandates, Really a non-issue in Thailand during the pandemic except inside some larger grocery stores where the management required masks, similar to requiring a shirt and shoes while inside a business. Not a problem for 99% of people IMO Cannot see how this is an issue in 2023
  11. I do not see what everyone's problem is. I have used Thai post EMS 4 years in a row with no problems. I received the SS "proof of life" form by mail, I return the completed form by mail. It actually says in the instructions to just mail it back.
  12. There is assisted life through the umbilical cord to a viable fetus after 27 weeks, but come on. not comparable. Death of the brain is permanent , you cannot save it by some type of man made umbilical cord.
  13. Am from USA as I state under my avatar. My ancestry is English Irish, but no upper class that I ever heard of. Yes I have a fairly sensitive nose/sense of smell. I think I look cool and mysterious outdoors with my fedora and mask and large dark sunglasses. People cannot tell who I am or my age. 555 Also can walk by tourists/youtubers with their gopro camera and am incognito as well! Am 66 now, yet 20 years ago when I had long still blondish hair and beard people sometimes mistook me for Richard Branson! Here in Pattaya many female personal companions/massage therapists will show up at my condo with masks....I would say more than 50% still wear them. With a mask and sunglasses and cap, a young Thai lady can literally "save face" when showing up at a large condo lobby, because people cannot see her face! 555
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