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tinca tinca

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Posts posted by tinca tinca

  1. 8 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

    By now, most of the spots have been re-opened for at least 2 times, some of them for 3 times and I know of one who was opened up for 4 times already!


    The construction activities look more and more like an unorganized mess, and the dust pollution is horrible. I can't blame any tourist (particularly families with children) who will never return after having experienced a few weeks like this.

    On top of that, with bar/girl fines and drink scams ('me hep to go dance now!') skyrocketing, just as well as police checkpoints up to late night, not even the nights can be enjoyed anymore as a compensation for daytime hassles of all kinds. And one after another condo building leads to the replacement of the last green spots by ugly concrete. Sad.

    so are they ALL OPEN now or shut down again??

  2. 19 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

    It's only the farang tourist who want to carry on drinking till late, Hey Somchai they are long gone never to return I think,

    How about dropping the stupid laws where you cannot buy until 11am - 2pm then 5pm 

    agree and why  are the WAREHOUSES/OUTLETS allowed to sell alcohol at anytime of the day.....I know of at least eight in Jomtien that sell anytime of the day !!

  3. On 2/11/2020 at 11:22 PM, mfd101 said:

    The problem is that ordinary Thai people have little idea how to make things happen - yes, use the media but you need NUMBERS  - not just 5 or 10 people, 500 or 1000. Then the local police & governor start to take notice.


    Then you need PERSISTENCE so they start to actually DO something - like arrest fire burners and fine them with REAL money ...


    Any trade unions in this benighted country? I've never heard of one ...

    THERE are none as far as I know


  4. 10 hours ago, rwill said:


    I have Pacific Cross now because of the O-A requirements.  They have a list of hospitals that have agreements with them, the 3 in Ratchaburi are all private hospitals.  If you go to those hospitals Pacific Cross pays them directly.  Other hospitals you have to pay first and send the bill in for reimbursement.

    think you will be lucky to get any money back from pacific cross, have heard they are <deleted> !!

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