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Posts posted by soap

  1. Chiangrai Family Friendly HHH 100th Run Saturday 18th February 2011

    Founded 15th November 2003

    To celebrate the Chiangrai Family Friendly 100th hash the mismanagement committee are organising a fun hash weekend,we will travel to

    the very scenic Chiangrai Elephant camp by long boat, Able Semen as set two trails the tough trail will test the FRBS for well over an hour

    the second will take the walkers about one hour half.

    We will return to Chiangrai by long boat,the circle will be held at the boat pier,in order to keep to schedule there will be a limit of one

    hour on the circle,those not wishing to take part in the circle can relax at Ricos restaurant and bar till the start of the On On On at 7-30pm.

    Our founder member Brian health as kindly donated 4 trays of beer for the event.

    To keep a tight schedule please sign in at Ricos no later than 1-00pm to receive a hash shirt

    Fees, Hash drinkers to pay 700B Hash non drinkers to pay 600B includes Beer/Soft drinks, hash shirt,long boat ride, On On On

    Children under 12 pay 200B include long boat ride,On On On hash shirt optional

    As it is customany to reward the Chiangrai hares with a hash shirt for their time and effort there will be a 200B discount for those

    Chiangrai hashers who volunteer to hare a trail in the future.

    To welcome are guest hashers Namron will organise a pub crawl on Friday the 17th starting at 7-30pm

    For the compulsive hasher we hope to organise a hangover hash on the Sunday morning

    Further Details PM Soap

    On On

  2. hope the mods dont mind this special mention for the 100th hash

    Chiangrai Family Friendly HHH 100th Run Saturday 18th February

    Founded 15th November 2003

    In order to celebrate the Chiangrai Family Friendly 100th Run the mismanagement committee are organising

    a fun hashing weekend. We will travel to the very scenic Chiangrai Elephant camp by long boat were Able Semen as

    set two trails,the first trail is a really tough FRBS trail that will keep them busy for well over an hour,the second trail for

    the walkers will take about one hour half.

    We will return to Chiangrai by long boat,were the circle will take place at the boat pier

    in order to keep to a schedule there will be a limit of one hour for the circle.for those who don't wish to take part in the

    circle they can relax at Ricos restaurant and bar over a coffee until the On On On starts around 7-45 pm

    Our founder member Brian Health as kindly donated 4 trays of beer for the event.

    To keep to the tight schedule please sign in at Ricos restaurant & bar NO LATER than 1 pm to receive a hash shirt.

    Fees for the 100th Run

    Hash drinkers will pay 700B that includes Beer,Hash Shirt,Long Boat Ride, plus the On On On

    Hash non drinkers pay 600B includes soft drinks,Hash Shirt,Long Boat Ride Plus On On On

    Children under 12 pay 200 B ------100 B long boat ---100 B On On On -----hash shirt optional

    As it is customary for the Chiangrai Family Friendly hash to reward the hares for their time and effort,any Chiangrai

    hasher who volunteers to hare a trail in the future will receive a 200B discount off the price.

    To welcome our guest hashers Namron is organising a hash pub crawl on Friday 17th February starting at 7-30pm

    opposite the cabbages & condoms restaurant.

    For those compulsive hashers, we are hoping to organise a hangover hash on the sunday morning after the main hash.

    All Welcome,if you wish more details Pm Soap

    On On

  3. Robert Walker (Pineapple Bob)

    In accordance with Bobs wishes,he will be cremated at Watdongknongped,Muang Chiangrai

    tomorrow Friday 3rd February at 2pm.


    Head north on the super highway taking the slip road past Central Plaza ,take the left turn that is opposite the Sinthanee complex,(you must take the slip road otherwise you cant turn left off the super highway because of concrete bollards) the Wat is 50 metres along this road.

  4. The sad passing of Robert Walker (Pineapple Bob)

    Bob lost his battle with cancer today peacefully at home aged 75.

    Bob was one of the first pioneers of expats to reside in Chiangrai over 30 years ago, he farmed about 50 rai

    of now prime land opposite the Mae Fah Luang University.He will be sadly missed by family and friends

    Rest in peace Bob

  5. Chiangrai Family Friendly Hash Run No 99


    The 99th CR Hash proved to be like a good beer, mellow at first blush, but with a pleasant, lingering aftertaste. None of the high drama, of, for

    example, the infamous outstation hash (which shall forever remain under a veil of silence), but nonetheless an enjoyable afternoon.

    The first part of the walk was along a delightful forest path, not strenuous at all – as Wirgin Bluce remarked, if Shocking is in front, there must be something wrong with the difficulty level.

    The second half was perhaps a touch anti-climactic, but only due to the expectations raised by the scenic first portion, and before we knew it we were back at the cars, none of which had been broken into, this being Thailand.

    Some ungrateful souls suggested the walk had been too short and easy (Pat on the Back even did a push-up at the end in order to fill her exertion quota), but all in all it was agreed that the trail was well chosen and we would like to thank the hare Handcock for his efforts in clearing the path, he still has the scars to prove it. The usual suspects came in first, namely Namron, Fired Up, Able Semen, Flying Dutchman and Crash.

    Numbers at this hash were modest, to the extent that the majority of the attendees were called Molly, which spurred our wordsmiths to crowbar the words “mollify” and “mollycoddle” into their Circle orations, very droll.

    Five virgins were inducted into our sect, Red Hot from NY, Pole Dancer from Oregon, Lost Potato from Idaho [this is a state in the US], and Barely Able and Barely Legal from the Philippines. Our Filipino inductees seemed slightly nervous in anticipation of what initiation rites the red-faced brutes would make them go through, and were visibly relieved after the naming ceremony was over.

    Able Semen was extremely warm and welcoming towards our new members Red Hot and Pole Dancer, at which point they began claiming that they were leaving the country shortly and wouldn’t really be coming to that many more hashes. Hmmm.

    It must be mentioned that newcomers, Janey from Canada and Sh”*ç%”ç% from Japan did go through a truly cruel and unnatural hazing ritual (voluntarily!), namely drinking glasses of Coca Cola down in one.

    The Circle was held in the middle of a road, but members did allow the public to pass, and even greeted some of them, in the vernacular (“Sawatdikup”). Let it never be said that members of the CR Hash do no engage with the local community.

    Our GM, the aptly named Shocking, was as usual an MC extraordinaire, and I don’t care what anyone says behind his back, it doesn’t matter if most people can’t understand him, it’s the thought that counts. After some time we had a switch to received pronunciatim Able Semen, and then Wirgin Bluce took over and injected his customary gravitas into the proceedings. Various administrative matters were dealt with, such as the next confirmed hares: Able Semen in Feb, Scotch on the Rocks and Cop Out in March, Lost Samurai in May and Special Needs and Special Services in Oct, but the important point to remember is that Brain Health committed to funding 4 (four) cases of whichever beer is chosen for the 100th hash, regardless of how many bottles there are in each case.

    On! On!

    Comes Twice

    Hash Scribe (Pro Bono)

  6. Chiangrai Family Friendly HHH no 99

    Date 21st January,Start 3-30 Prompt


    The HHH will begin at 3.30pm on Sat 21 Jan. Computer literates types can see the start point here. The coordinates are 19°59'23.05"N 99°46'15.65"E for satnav types. A Google Earth .kmz is attached.

    (Those with long memories will recall Helping Hand's 2007 route in this area.)

    Beginning at the Little Duck Hotel go north along the Asian Highway and then turn left at the first road (traffic lights) you come to after passing over the Kok River.

    Continue along this road (passing the Phowadol Hotel on your right) approx 5 km until you reach a T-junction and then turn

    right (HHH sign).

    You are now heading north along Road no 1207.

    After about 5 km you will come to another T-junction. Here you

    turn right (HHH sign) and continue to follow the main road (don't turn left to the Huai Mae

    Sai waterfalls).

    Continue until you reach kilometer stone 12 (these markers are on your right).

    Turn into the dirt road on your right (HHH sign) and go about a kilometer towards Ban Suksasem.

    Park where the road reaches a Y junction where the right branch leads up a hill and the left branch becomes a very rough road.

    Plan on 40 minutes drive from the Little Duck Hotel to this site assuming no traffic jam.



  7. Chiangrai Family Friendly Christmas Hash

    Report of Run #98: Saturday, December 17, 2011

    Location: Able Semen abode in Sang Nong Bua village

    Hares: Able Semen assisted by Bare Back Rider and Khun Dang

    Forty-eight hashers should up for the Christmas hash including 21 men, all foreigners, 18 women, mostly Thai and 10 children. There was no difficulty getting them together as they immediately gravitated to the spacious tent to escape the sun which still beamed warmly at the 3 pm launching time. The challenge was to get them to leave the plastic chairs in which they comfortably ensconced themselves.

    Ever ready to provide leadership when it is most desperately needed, your faithful correspondent was the first to start off and led the pack for at least a kilometer until the notorious Nam Ron, urged on by Immaculate Conception, Soreasses and Virgin Fred, abandoned his off-spring and finally caught up. The others followed in the usual disorderly fashion.

    Conspicuously present among the following crowd was Bang Cock Chris who never content to walk on his own two feet brought two walking sticks which might conceivably serve as crutches. However in the process of extending the lengths, he managed to disassemble them. Then Scotch on the Rocks leap to the rescue on condition that she got to use one. Once they were repaired, Second Hand Sally observed that she had twisted her ankle. The only one not interested in gallant Bang Cock’s walking sticks was Cop Out who knew that these sticks were too short to provide her satisfaction.

    The trail was an A to B to A each lap being 5.5 kilometers. To everyone’s surprise Flying Dutchman now reincarnated after eight months absence managed to arrive at point B just moments ahead of this truthful witness. That last hill however was too much for him and once he spied the hare’s two vehicles hidden in the woods he refused to go a step further. This set an unfortunate example eagerly embraced by all who followed.

    Ever conscious of his responsibility to witness all that might transpire, you faithful readers will be relieved to know that your diligent scribe resisted the temptation to rest and persisted along the trail to glory. Shortly after leaving point B he found himself lost in the middle of a field without paper. It seems our frugal hare chose this moment in the middle of a corn field to save on paper. Fortunately Virgin Fred was still within earshot and was able to lead him back to the straight and narrow. In fact only four hashers went beyond point B. Nam Ron and Immaculate Conception managed to find their way back following paper and were rewarded by a filthy tramp through a swamp for their efforts. Knowing that preparation is the key to success, Virgin Fred bought a house immediately behind the Able Semen spread one month before so he could study the land. Thus he and your devoted reporter managed to arrive back at A with dry feet and in spite of the lack of paper.

    Meanwhile back at point B, the hare fearing some heart attack might floor our courageous leader, Able Semen showed Shocking how to avoid the hill. All those following in his enormous wake, including Pat on the Back, Superglue, Hom Noi, Sperm Bank, Missed Period and the three Powder Puffs eagerly took unfair advantage of this inside information.

    Now back under the tent at Able Semen residence, Shocking called the circle to order to deal with the usual business. The assistant hare, John Robinson was named “Bareback Rider” in recognition of his skills as a professional horse trainer. His better half Noi Nah in turn received the name “Lady Godiva” in view of her legendary equestrian skills. Finally Sean, son of this honest scribe, Wirgin Bluce and Wild Woman became “Immaculate Conception.”

    Nam Ron splashed the four teachers for significantly reducing the average age of our group. Wirgin Bluce then condemned them and everyone like them for failing to wear a hash t-shirt. Instead of being inspired by grace and beauty of Nearly Virgin Joi who appeared for her second hash in an award-winning, S2ATO hash t-shirt, it seems these lost souls were led astray by the deployable sartorial example of Special Needs and Special Services who after so many hashes still dress as though they are special. Able Semen concluded the circle by splashing special guest star Nii, wife of the local village headman, who contrary to all hash etiquette, two years ago provided lift to On Fire, Wirgin Bluce, Hand Cock and Helping Hand.

    Immediately after the circle, Dang, the better half of Able Semen, provided a wonderful Thai food buffet which the hungry masses consumed totally along with all the beer, soft drinks and every other edible thing which could be found.

    The annual Christmas gift giving followed. Everyone brought a present to exchange except Thaitanic and Iceberg who had become so attached to the gifts they had bought that they left them at home. At just the right moment Santa appeared. Some suspect that this Santa might be Dirty Dancer but don’t tell anyone especially Ranger who accused Santa of being a fake. This Santa however convincing demonstrated that no one needs to study at Penn State University in order to create excitement. It was an unforgiveable performance.

    Notes by Hash Sec Wirgin Bluce

  8. Hi

    There are 6 Hash house harriers coming to Chiangmai from Chiangrai tomorrow to attend a Chiangmai hash ,

    we will be staying for 2 nights,my friend reckons most of the hotels in Chiangmai are full this week.

    Anyone give a opinion if we will have a problem getting a hotel/guesthouse room say 1,000Baht in the next 2 days


  9. Chiangrai family friendly Christmas Hash Saturday 17th December Start 3pm prompt

    Hi everyone, some good news. I have spoken to the owner of the adjacent field and he is happy that we use it for car parking. I will put up a Hash sign at the entrance and please just drive in. In the event of an unseasonal downpour, I will think again! On On. AS

    Remember please be there by 2:45 pm so we can start promptly by 3 pm. That way we can get the whole event finished including dinner and distribution of presents before night fall.


    If you wish to attend PM Soap to confirm

  10. The 98th Running of the

    Chiang Rai S2ATO Family Friendly Hash

    The Christmas Hash, Saturday, 17th December 2011 Start 3pm Prompt, All Welcome

    Hare: Able Semen

    According to custom and practice, the Christmas Hash has started and finished at a private house. For some years, Well Oiled and Oiled Well put on a splendid party at their home to mark the occasion. Last year, Wirgin Bluce and Wild Woman did exactly the same at their home. This year, for reasons which I now find totally incomprehensible, I agreed to hare the Christmas Hash and so the event will be staged at my home. I do not intend to try to rival either of my predecessors mentioned above but there will be food laid on (traditional Xmas fare such as fried rice, sweet and sour etc.) and, despite a very heavy schedule at this time of year, Father Christmas has agreed to try to put in an appearance.

    First of all then, I need to know rough numbers so that people do not leave the premises unfed. Can you please email me back setting out whether you will be attending and how many will be in your party. If I can have this info by Tuesday noontime, then that would be ideal. Many thanks.

    PM Soap if you wish to confirm

    Next, the days are at their shortest at this time of year and so it will be advisable for us to start no later than 3pm. There will be a long and a short(er) trail and I would estimate 1.5+ hours to complete the route. Therefore aim to be at my place around 2.45.

    OK, now on to the driving directions. It has to be said that my place is not the easiest to find - ask Well Oiled and I am sure that he will concur. Wherever you start from, get on to the Old Chiang Mai Road (or OCMR) and proceed southwards (ie in the direction of Chiang Mai) and watch out for kilometre stone 13 which is on the right hand side of the road.

    If approaching by the Superhighway, proceed south until you reach the White Temple traffic lights at Ban Rong Khun. Turn right here and proceed for about 5 kilometres to the end of this road (technically this is a cross road but the road ahead is very small). Turn left here. You are now on the OCMR. Start looking out for KS 13 which will come up on your right after 800 metres.

    Remember - it is the number facing the road which you should note. There are actually three numbers on these stones. Use the one facing the road.

    Slow down here. After some 2-300 metres, you will see a flashing yellow light on the left side of the road. There is a turning to the left here (it is the first turning to the left after the kilometre stone). Turn left. There will be a Hash sign posted here. Carry on for about two kilometres until you see a white water tower on your right. Turn sharp right here. There will be another helpfully positioned Hash sign here. Carry on for a further kilometre and you will find my house on the left, with yet another Hash sign at the gate.

    Once you have arrived, congratulations, you have passed the first initiative test. The second is parking! Car parking at my place is not great. I have a big area of grass but it has sprinklers all over it which makes getting in and, especially, out quite difficult. There are also a couple of adjacent fields. Access to one is very tricky and I do not wish to use the other since the owner is in Singapore and I am unable to ask his approval. The only viable option is to use the road outside the house. I have told the local head man that he can expect some congestion on the day and he simply asked that we park as far to the side of the road as we are able.

    If travelling by motorcycle, then please use the garden to park up. However, take care on the drive. I have just regravelled it and used too much stone so motorcycles tend to be a bit unsteady on it at present. It needs a good fall of rain!

    This being Christmas, Santa Claus has a special request. Every adult should bring a wrapped present for exchange not over 200 Baht in value. These will be numbered and then corresponding numbers drawn out of a hat for presentation by Santa himself. If what you get is not appropriate for you then you can trade it afterwards. Parents can bring a gift for each of their children with his or her name on it for distribution by Santa as well. We have done this the past three years and it has been a lot of fun.

    Finally please remember to get back to me by reply by Tuesday to let me know if you are coming or not so I can organize the food etc.PM soap to confirm

    Hope to see you all on the 17th.


    Drinkers 150 Baht

    Non Drinkers 50 Baht

    Kids Free

  11. Chiangrai family frienly HHH

    8TH anniversary hash report, run no 97, 19th November 2011

    Location: Wild Woman House, Santiburi Golf Course

    Our latest hash starting time was set for 15.00h („winter“ schedule, haha), yet at 14.40 a line of limousines was already parked in front of our hosts’ home. No doubt a combination of their well-deserved reputation for hospitality and the refined setting both contributed to the high turnout. There was a palpable frisson of anticipation in the air.

    Wirgin Bluce was kind enough to give a long and pedantic explanation of the ‘rules’ for the benefit of the virgins. Thank you, thank you. Finally the fog has lifted for many hashers.

    There were indeed a number of unfamiliar faces, including some picturesque young specimens from our host country (daughters? girlfriends? so hard to tell) as well as some healthy competition for them from the Disunited States. Likewise it was good to see some old faces like Smoked Wiener who floated out of Bangkok on the floods plus Scotch on the Rocks and Sperm Bank who migrate from the north as the weather turns cold. Accompanying Sperm Bank were his missus, Missed Period and their three beautiful Powder Puffs who travelled all the way from Phaya Mengrai. Once Well Oiled and Oiled Well finally appeared, habitually twenty minutes late, everyone knew the moment to depart had arrived and, without further ado, the group headed out.

    The new scribe did not wish his genuine journalistic interest to be misconstrued, so no contact was made and detailed fabrications regarding the virgins will have to wait until a later date. Nonetheless it is worth observing that Doesn't Work (alias Crash) enticed ‘Chompoo’ (this is a real name, not a hash name) to attend for the first time.

    The excuse for our get-together, sorry, the Walk, did not disappoint. The landscape was charming, and thanks to crafty Wirgin Bluce’s numerous false trails we were able to admire all parts of it at least twice. The staff of the Santiburi had thoughtfully combed the path beforehand, so there was far less trash along the way than we are accustomed to, apart from the shredded paper that we ourselves deposited (and which is NOT biodegradable, so the trail is conveniently reuseable), and one eyesore of a house whose feckless inhabitants had omitted to remove the spare tyres and other detritus littering their yard before our passage through said yard.

    At the beginning of the Walk, for reasons unkown, some hash-smokers, er, hash harriers, chose to walk along the ridges in the rice paddies rather than over the perfectly good path. From a distance the effect was akin to watching someone walk through a snake at the airport, but without there actually being a snake. The farmers tending to their fields did not pay any attention to this strange behaviour and continued with their tasks, either because they had been briefed by our hosts not to stare at the guests, or because they are accustomed to eccentric behaviour due to the proximity of the golf course.

    About three quarters of the way, the trail divided into two routes the long one being 50% longer than the short way. The hare forwarned the group that only runners should attempt the long version. Gorf, Do It Yourself, Soreasses, Able Semen and Rubber plus his girlfriend Teng went for the challenge. One check which seemed to go forward with misleading bits of paper, actually required backtracking and that kept these FRBs searching for 15 minutes. Eventually this group found the way forward and arrived back just before the walkers. Unfortunately not everyone heeded the hare's advice. One walker, the Lost Samurai, lived up to his name, but not as much as his companion, Nok Easy whom he cunningly sent out ahead of him on kamikaze missions through prickly bonsai bushes. They eventually returned to home base 45 minutes after the others.

    Finally back at base everyone was more than ready for the festivities to begin. A suspiciously high number of participants turned up only for the party. Nam Ron wins the prize for the most fantastical excuse. Apparently a cat hit his bicycle so he couldn’t make it for the Walk. Nonetheless all were made to feel welcome. Nothing was omitted, right down to lifejackets in order to prevent any unfortunate declines in membership numbers. And of course the swimming element provided the additional treat of seeing some of our fellow hashers, such as Hand Cock, in far more detail than we would have ever imagined. Nevertheless, everyone seemed to have a good appetite and the buffet was most popular thanks to the efforts of Wild Woman, Pat on the Back, Men Noie, Oiled Well and Thaitanic. A valiant attempt was made by Shocking to cover the costs of this extravaganza through the sale of t-shirts, but the results were inconclusive, possibly due to the current financial crisis. Or due to the t-shirts.

    The business section of the gathering was soon done. On Fire was elected Hash Cash and Nam Ron eagerly assumed the task of Hash Beer. Comes Twice was congratulated on adding two more hashers to our community thanks the efficiency delivery of his wife Jolly Molly. No sooner than he had departed to rejoin his new loved ones, then the group promptly elected him Hash Scribe. Able Semen became Hash Trails and finally, but also least, Shocking was elected Grand Master after he complained that he had been serving in this capacity for ten months without election.

    A wonderful time was had by one and all and a final piece of good news is that now that Wirgin Bluce has so much more time on his hands following his relinquishment of the hash scribbler job, he has expressed the wish to host the hashes every month until further notice. (Dream on! on!)

    Comes Twice

    Hash scribe

    Nb: ‘any resemblance to real events or people is purely coincidental’

  12. I would just like to thank Wirgin Bluce & Wild Woman for setting the trail,

    and their hospitallity given at yesterdays Chiangrai Family Friendly 8th Aniversary Hash

    A total of 61 attended and for the first time i can remember the ladies 26 of them

    outnumbered the men 25 by one with 10 children who enjoyed the dip in the pond and the boats.

    A memorable hash was enjoyed by all

    On On

  13. To allay the fears of the hashers who have contacted me (some with tears in their eyes)

    to enquire if the beer stocks for Saturdays 8th anniversary hash have been drowned in Bangkok.

    Take note

    We have secured a canoe load of beer that will be served with spaghetti meatballs or if you prefer

    veggie spaghetti, at the Chiangrai Family Friendly 8th anniversary hash on Saturday. All Welcome

    On On

    Directions to the Chiangrai Family Friendly 8th anniversary hash

    Run no 97 Start 3pm prompt Saturday 19th November

    Location Santiburi golf course

    Hi all

    Wild Woman and I are organizing the 8th anniversary hash at our house (again) a week Saturday ie November 19. We will begin at 3 pm so that after the run, the young at heart will have an opportunity to go swimming and paddling (two boats) on the big pond in front of our house. Bring a swim suit and a towel. We have life-preservers for the kids.

    With Pat-on-the- Back's help, Wild Woman plans to put up a spaghetti dinner so it would help if you let us know by Wednesday if you are coming and how many people are coming with you. Send Soap a pm to confirm

    To get to the Wild Woman house, starting from Big C head south along the Super Highway and then turn left at the traffic lights. This is highway 1020 to Thoerng. Follow this road to the first traffic lights (about 6 km) where you will turn left again. Two kilometers along that road will bring you to Santiburi Golf Course which you cannot miss on your right. Enter the complex and turn right at the t-junction. This is a ring road which goes all the way around the complex. Carry along that road for 2 km never turning left. You will reach a big pond on your left. My place is on a pennisula sticking into this pond. You can't miss the cars parked out in front.

    As this is the anniversary hash, this is your opportunity to vote out the committee which has been mismanaging our affairs since November last year. Those refusing to serve once nominated will be punished with a down down. The lofty positions up for election are in declining order of importance are:

    1. Hash Beer

    2. Hash Cash

    3. Hash Scribe

    4. Grand Master

    Fees Drinkers 150 Baht

    Non Drinkers 50 Baht

    kids Free

    On On

    Wirgin Bluce

  14. Directions to the Chiangrai Family Friendly 8th anniversary hash

    Run no 97 Start 3pm prompt Saturday 19th November

    Location Santiburi golf course

    Hi all

    Wild Woman and I are organizing the 8th anniversary hash at our house (again) a week Saturday ie November 19. We will begin at 3 pm so that after the run, the young at heart will have an opportunity to go swimming and paddling (two boats) on the big pond in front of our house. Bring a swim suit and a towel. We have life-preservers for the kids.

    With Pat-on-the- Back's help, Wild Woman plans to put up a spaghetti dinner so it would help if you let us know by Wednesday if you are coming and how many people are coming with you. Send Soap a pm to confirm

    To get to the Wild Woman house, starting from Big C head south along the Super Highway and then turn left at the traffic lights. This is highway 1020 to Thoerng. Follow this road to the first traffic lights (about 6 km) where you will turn left again. Two kilometers along that road will bring you to Santiburi Golf Course which you cannot miss on your right. Enter the complex and turn right at the t-junction. This is a ring road which goes all the way around the complex. Carry along that road for 2 km never turning left. You will reach a big pond on your left. My place is on a pennisula sticking into this pond. You can't miss the cars parked out in front.

    As this is the anniversary hash, this is your opportunity to vote out the committee which has been mismanaging our affairs since November last year. Those refusing to serve once nominated will be punished with a down down. The lofty positions up for election are in declining order of importance are:

    1. Hash Beer

    2. Hash Cash

    3. Hash Scribe

    4. Grand Master

    Fees Drinkers 150 Baht

    Non Drinkers 50 Baht

    kids Free

    On On

    Wirgin Bluce

  15. Chiangrai Family Friendly Hash report No 96

    Founded 15th November 2003

    15th October 2011

    Location: Baan Fanta Luang near Wat Jom Sak 2.5 km west of the Superhighway just before Macro

    Hare: Fired Up and On Fire

    Despite the controversy surrounding the previous event, 23 intrepid hashers appeared one more time. The two hares, Fired Up and On Fire, ensured that no such criticism would be leveled at them by searching out a trail which was absolutely flat and without a leaf of grass which might stain a shoe. However through some oversight they failed to ensure that the day was clear of rain. Your faithful correspondent regrets to report that dirt from the mud roads did stick to his boots and this required some cleaning afterwards.

    Able Semen and Doesnt Work (Crash) rushed ahead oblivious to where paper may lead. Soreasses was foolish enough to follow them. When suddenly they broke from their reverie to discover that no one had seen paper for 10 minutes, they had to back track for a half kilometer. Later back in the circle Do It Yourself complained that these three had become so self-absorbed that they neglected to kick out the checks. Among the victims were the Lost Samurai and Nok Easy who guessed wrong. Nam Ron avoided all mistakes by pretending to supervise Ranger, Buffalo Bill and No Name.

    With the coming of cool weather, Scotch on the Rocks emerged from the north dragging compatriots Virgins Gale and Kelly with her. Cop Out stayed close by her side to ensure that these wild Scots did no harm.

    Meanwhile a name change may be due for Johnny Walker who ended up not far behind the FRBs. Likewise the Special Needs-Special Services duo surprised everyone by mysteriously appearing early at the finish line.

    Shocking became so enthralled by the trial that he walked right by the end point. Not far behind were Pat on the Back and the inevitable Super Glue who made no such mistake.

    At the circle thereafter our favourite GM ever thanked the hares of this run, Fired Up and On Fire, and Nam Ron for the most memorable September hash. He managed to squeeze these details in between the offer of t-shirts and the formation of an orderly queue of eager purchasers. Scotch on the Rocks splashed this truthful reporter for setting an alarm on his beautiful new car so all could appreciate his recent affluence and aesthetics. Finally the group refused to name Nearly Virgin Neil Doesnt Workwhich would honour his early retirement as an internet blogger. Instead this democracy perversely insisted on anticipating the future by calling him Crash.

    On! On!

    Hash Scribe (pro tem) Wirgin Bluce

  16. Directions to the Chiangrai Families Welcome Hash 15th October 2011

    Founded 15th November 2003 Run NO 96

    START 3-30 Prompt

    So, from Big 'C' head North on highway 1, direction Mae Sai, go over the river bridge, keep travelling North towards Bandu, the turning you require is 7.3 km from Big 'C'. After about 5.5 km you should pass an ESSO filling station, on your left, then a Shell filling station also on your left and a 24 hour LPG filling station. Once you see the 24 Hour LPG filing station start to slow down as you will shortly be turning left, just before the turn is HUNTER ENGINEERING and a covered car lot, HHH sign will be placed here from about 14.00.

    Keep on this small road for about 2.9 km, after the first kilometre you should be able to see a large Temple on your right hand side in the distance, that's where you are heading for. Once you reach the Temple, follow the road round to the right HHH sign here for about 200 metres then keeping on the same road, turn left HHH sign here, go up the the hill and the start/finish is on your right hand side HHH sign.

    For anyone coming from the North direction, the turn off you require is the first right turn after passing the airport turn off & MAKRO. Cross straight over and follow the directions above from "Keep on this small road for about 2.9 km".

    Extra bonus for Satnav users, latitude 19.955620 - longitude 99.831018, maybe ok, taken from a Blackberry using Google Maps.

    All are welcome and we start at 15.25 with instructions from the Hares, then off sharp at 15.30. The start is early, just in case the weather turns bad, it gets dark early and this course is not as demanding as the previous HASH.

    On, on !

    On Fire & Fired Up

  17. [

    I think it was more like a further bribe for the ref to act like the useless [7 letters, rhymes with looking] [4 lettters, rhymes with runt] that he most certainly was.

    If I were Liverpool I'd worry that even against 10 men they weren't safe until they went 2 up.

    Yes i agree 100%

  18. does anyone know what happend to Fords 1600cc Fiesta attempt, or 1600cc limit in general? I am about to order a car under this scheme, and prefere the FiestaS hatch or Altis1,6 over City, if I can choose

    My wife tells me that it was on the news this morning that the goverment had declined to include

    a 1600 cc in the scheme, but please wait for confirmation.

    Can anyone 100% confirm that this scheme is only for Thai and does not include the farang.

    I am pretty sure it does not include a farang but as yet i have not read anything that says the farang

    cant be included.

  19. The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

    S2ATO the Family Friendly Hash

    Founded 15 November 2003

    Report of HHH Run# 95: Saturday, September 18, 2011

    Location: At the foot of Doi Tung off rural route 1149

    Hare: Nam Ron, Big Bic and Yes She Will

    Twenty-nine intrepid hashers gathered in the backs of pick up trucks for the short ride from the Pang Sarapee Green Resort to the foot of Doi Tung. No one imagined that the merciful gods which had held back the threatening skies all day would allow the rains to affect the virtuous family-friendly hash. However they must have detected some sinners amongst the blessed group for the heavens did indeed open up and the rains did fall torrentially upon both the good and evil in equal measure. Naturally one immediately wonders who among this otherwise fine group could have brought upon it such a punishment which was as brutal as it was unusual. Could it have been one of the seven visiting hashers from Chiangmai like Sleep On It, Proping Ninja or Sleep On It? Or maybe the sinner is Humper Dick, Hollow Legs or Gets Wet who also come from Chiangmai. Skid Marks likewise looked guilty. Thoughts also turned to the Virgin Family Reich of four freshly out from Florida.

    In the deluge and resulting confusion, the hares forgot where the trail began and drove beyond the turn off. You can imagine the joy among hashers as they shivered in the rain while the hares tried to figure what to do next. Eventually we arrived at a mud sodden lane where Nam Ron declared the dreaded words, “The trial begins here!”

    Hardy souls like the Chiangmai Seven, Do It Yourself, Nearly Virgin Rose, Paddy Boy and Fired Up immediately set off in defiance of the elements. More discrete individuals like the perpetual G.M. Shocking, Comes Twice and Special Needs hid in the truck cab as witnessed by your devoted scribe who also remained there to accurately record their cowardly deeds. Five minutes later the rains stopped and eventually the secreted ones risked leaving their refuge. That is when Special Needs suddenly discovered that for the first time since arriving in Thailand he is without the constant ministrations of Special Services. Totally disoriented he rashly set off in the direction of paper in desperate hopes of finding succor.

    Special Needs was not the only one in need of support that day. The trial headed steeply up hill and then an equally steep gradient downwards to be repeated over three peaks and valleys. The scenery was magnificent but few hashers had the opportunity to appreciate the verdant landscape so focused were they on where their feet were slipping. Special Needs was wise enough to bring a walking stick. Fired Up had sufficient resourcefulness to grab a stick along the way. Your faithful correspondent fell on his back and nearly cracked his head open. Fortunately the land was soft.

    After the first hill, Shocking persuaded himself that despite the absence of paper, the trial must lie along a road somewhere. The devoted Pat on the Back and son Super Glue fearing that they might lose their colossal companion followed in his enormous wake. Nam Ron eventually discovered them on the Super Highway headed towards Mae Sai.

    For this particular event Nam Ron took it upon himself to set a number of false trials in addition to circle checks. This made it difficult for FRB’s to clearly indicate to those behind where the trial led. Consequently each group had to find its own way forward. The result was that while the FRB’s finished in 50 minutes, the last ones in (Soreasses, Marmalaid, Special Needs, Special Services) required 2 hours and 15 minutes.

    The FRB’s were not complaining. The trial ended at the Big Bic compound which is one of the most beautiful spots in Chiang Rai province. Moreover there was a swimming pool and Big Bic had outfitted the French Mediterranean style house with a pool table and ping pong table for those who remained sober enough to use them.

    In recognizing our seven visitors from the Chiang Mai hash, the perpetual G.M. reminded the circle that this is a family hash and anyone who doesn’t like free speech is free to bugger off. We then proceeded to toast the hares, the virgins and elect names for the newcomers as follows. Appreciating the positive “can do” posture of Preng and her special link to Big Bic alias “Will” she acquired the name “Yes She Will.” Likewise the group admired the stamina which made Jolly Molly doubly pregnant and therefore gave Christian the name “Comes twice.”

    In expressing his appreciation for the trail Soreasses congratulated the hares upon creating an environment which risked terminating any unsuspecting hasher. The G.M. then turned to the circle over to our visitors from Chiang Mai who gave up when they discovered that there was no beer remaining for more “down downs.”

    The fun and games continued well into the night following the On! On! On! at the Pang Sarapee Green Resort.

    Hash Scribe (pro tem) Wirgin Bluce

  20. Chiangrai Families Welcome HHH

    Saturday 17th September Meet at 3-30 prompt

    There are two significant changes for Saturday's hash. First we are meeting at 3:30 pm not 4 pm. Secondly we are meeting at the Pang Sarapee Green Resort instead of going directly to the Big Bic compound. Please see details below.

    Hi all

    The Big Bic compound is one of the most beautiful in Chiangrai province (it has been featured

    in Thai homes and gardens magazines) but it has one significant problem.

    There is not a lot of parking. To overcome this problem we will meet at the

    Pangsarapee Green Resort 20°16'15.05"N, 99°50'25.72"E and then travel in a fewer number

    of cars to the Big Bic compoound where our run will begin and end. So please be in

    the resort parking lot by 3:30 p.m. The truck will leave at 3:45 so the run can start at 4 pm.

    The Pangsarapee is on the right hand side, two kilometers from the Super Highway along the

    road to Doi Tung. See the map available at


    As for the On! On! On! dinner, resort has indicated that they are able to organize this provided

    we give them two hours notice. So Nam Ron will ask for a show of hands before the run and he

    will then contact the resort accordingly.

    On! On!

    Wirgin Bluce

  21. Who is going to hotel for overnight????B)

    Chiangrai Families welcome HHH 17th September

    See above post for details/directions etc

    I am for one

    We have now filled are quota needed to stay at this excellent resort at the discount price of 800 baht (inc breakfast)

    Anyone else who wishes to avail themselves to stay the night can still receive this special price.

    For those who wish only to take part in the hash but need transport to Doi Tung we will organise a Rot Song Thaew (mini bus)

    I think no more than 100 baht return.

    PM Soap for more details

    All Welcome

    Get yourselves out and see some of Chiangrais beautiful countryside and bring the kids

    ON ON

  22. >

    Directions to the Chiangrai Families welcome HHH run no.95

    Founded 15th November 2003

    Saturday 17th September start 4-00pm prompt

    > . Co-hare Big Bic has offered his beautiful compound

    > to use as a base for the run. To see pictures of his house and the

    > area, check out www.doitungvilla.com. Anyone with sufficient energy

    > after the run is welcome to take a dip in the pool so bring swim

    > trunks and towels.


    > This hash is also the first outstation for Chiang Rai. Available for

    > nearly 1/2 price will be rooms at Pang Sarapee Green Resort, at the

    > foot of Doi Tung, close to the Big Bic villa. Normally 1,500 baht we

    > have been offered the price of 800 baht including breakfast BUT we

    > need to have 15 rooms to get the deal so let me know if you are

    > interested by Friday evening, the 9th. Check out the resort's website

    > at www.pangsarapeegreen.com Non-hashers are welcome to stay at the

    > resort, use the pool and go shopping at the Doi Tung outlet, just down

    > the road. PM Soap if interested

    > To get to the Big Bic compound allow yourself one hour to drive from

    > downtown Chiang Rai. Head north on the superhighway, go about 13 km

    > past Mae Chan until you come to Huay Krai Village. Turn left at the

    > first traffic light, towards Doi Tung. Go approx. 2 km. Turn left at

    > the intersection just as you enter the village. Follow that small

    > road approx. 1.5 km. The house is on the left. Alternatively there

    > will be a special prize for any intrepid hasher who is able to figure

    > out the shortcut from the highway without the use of HHH signs.


    > For the location map -

    > http://wikimapia.org/#lat=20.2619958&lon=99.8497152&z=16&l=0&m=b


    > Finally we will organize either an On-On-On at the above resort or a

    > catered meal at Big Bic's so pls let me know if you are interested in

    > that as well. I guess about 150 baht per person.


    > Namron


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