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Posts posted by soap


    - From Big C, proceed north on the A2 Superhighway, past the Airport

    and Chiang Rai Rajapat traffic lights.

    - As you approach the next lights (1209 turnoff to the right), get

    into the left hand lane and go straight on, preparing to turn left

    500m past the lights (HHH sign).

    - After 600m, fork left (HHH sign)

    - after a further 400m fork left yet again (HHH sign).

    - pass a landmark temple on your left after a further 300m

    - the start of the hash is a further 300m where the road divides again

    - park here and await developments (Google Earth place marker


    We will start at 3.30pm (Well-Oiled - read 3.15pm) so that we have

    plenty of time - although the route should not take even the most

    challenged of our number (clearly not a reference to Shocking, our

    most popular ever GM, rumoured to have returned - albeit empty-handed

    - from the city of his birth) much more than one hour.

    PS In case you are wondering why there is no reference to our Chiang

    Mai Hash Brethren - they apparently decided not to come this month. So

    Thaitanic won't need that extra truckload of Chaang Beer.

    And to Do It Yourself - a request for recyclable water this month?


  2. This thread seems to have narrowed down to PP Travel and calling lady travel agents liars.

    Up to 6 years ago i booked many times with the Indian Gentleman (Mr Songcran i think his name is)

    First i would check the price of the ticket i wanted with a couple of Travel Agents in Chaingmai

    there was never 500Baht difference in the price then i would go and see Mr Songcran at PP Travel

    who would always match the price from Chaingmai.

    The last time i called into PP Travel about 6 years ago Mr Songcran was not there and his wife dealt with me

    i asked her for the price of the same ticket that Chaingmai had quoted.

    her price was 3,000Bhat more than what i had been quoted by 2 Chaingmai agents but when she checked availability

    she said that there was no availability for my return leg in the January (this was August when i asked ) but for 5,000Baht more

    she could get me on the flight.

    Those who know me know i am to much of a Gentleman (ha ha) to call any lady a liar so i just said thank you

    and booked the next day for the price and availability i wanted with Travexnet .com who have a office in Chaingmai

    with a excellent web site.

  3. 100 and 100's for sale in Chiang Rai as they are useless now.

    I do not agree with you that the Dynast receivers are useless now.

    they are still an excellent Free To Air receiver and can identify and pinpoint at least 20 satellites

    not everyone in Asia only wants english speaking programs there are many Chinese speakers

    that have hooked the Dynasat receiver up to Satellite China Sat 6B and are watching at least 50 Chinese chanells

  4. Hash House Harriers

    The Chiang Rai “Start slowly and taper off” Hash

    Fondled 15th Nov 2003

    Report of run Saturday Dec 19th 2009

    Annual Xmas Hash

    Hares: Well oiled and Oiled well

    Unwilling to fix something that’s not broken, the Xmas Hash was again held at Ban Sai Mun with George (Well oiled) and Noot (Oiled well)acting as hares and hosts.

    An early start was set to allow more time for post – Hash entertainment. Oddjob press–ganged Hashers into standing with pieces of paper in front of the camera to enable ease of identification for us as new scribes. (As you will find, it hasn’t helped us much yet.)

    After a short briefing from Well Oiled promising us the walk was “easy” and “only 6km” long, we set off for the start in a fleet of chauffer driven and air conditioned vehicles. Those Hashers riding shotgun found themselves at risk of a free pedicure from the unprotected engine fan, whilst those in the rear enjoyed a slow but convivial drive to the start point.

    The first ithean disgorged its cargo whereupon some elected (Win, Jan and Scrotum Face to name a few) to set off early whilst others decided to be goodie two shoes and wait for the starting pistol. With the benefit of selective hearing, calls of “come back” were ignored, knowing that any advantage gained would soon be lost. Sure enough the early birds soon heard the thunder of feet and were passed by Nam Ron, Wirgin Bluce , Sean and the other “normal” FRBs.

    The hash was predominately flat with a few gentle inclines towards the end. Most of the route used hard packed earth tracks passing through paddy fields and small plantations. Another great Hash route for those of us who favour looking at the fine views at a sweat free strolling pace. There were no challenging ascents of Everest, perhaps to the annoyance of those who really like to exert themselves, but some tricky checks had been laid out to delay the FRBs and allow the less gifted a chance to catch up. Some of the detours had a paper trail that lead for quite a distance before stopping. Titanic complained he had been led off course for a kilometre at one point. Naughty Well Oiled and Oiled well.

    First over the finish line were Sean and Ms Jubb (we think) at 16:00 followed shortly by the rest of the runners. One of the runners came panting in wearing no clothes – and after crossing the finish line leapt into a nearby stream and played in the mud. Bushwacker was the called to heel by Jeff and they trotted back home to make a start on the beer.

    Well oiled and Oiled well with the assistance from Santa’s little helpers put on a super buffet, lit by xmas lights. For me the star dishes were the home made fruit cake and plum and hibiscus juice. Many thanks to all who helped with the food.

    After a huge dent had been made in the victuals, Well Oiled donned his Santa hat to start the Xmas raffle. Amazingly all the children managed to win a prize, the variety of which is too numerous to mention in this limited space. Everyone appreciated their gifts.

    The circle.

    We were missing our new GM Sten (Stoned). I am not sure why he was absent but I did hear the words “VD”, “infectious” and “water buffalo”. (A whispering source said that Sten had been seen getting stoned whilst he was cruising Jetyod road on Saturday night.) Ian Swan stepped back into his old post (much to his disgust as this reduced his beer drinking time.) Remembering something outstanding , Ian gave thanks to the outgoing committee members, and to the Hares for their grand efforts. General consensus was positive about the course, though some questioned the length, “seemed more like 9kms to me and all uphill”, was a typical comment. 7 virgins to the Hash were welcomed. One was promptly given the name Blow Job, due to his choice of T-shirt, (the logo was ‘I love cocaine’).

    An unseasonally harsh decision by the circle forced Oddjob to drink beer. He had failed to walk the course, his excuses of being needed to assist with transport, to take photos of the Hashers arriving back, and ,even, not wanting to blind runners with the sun reflecting off his head were rejected. Down,down.

    NamRon noted we were letting our standards slip – thrusting an under-age drinker into the circle, he berated our lack of vigilance – for a brief moment we thought he was being serious until he produced another beer for the guilty one.

    Burrito Buff, visiting from the Chiang Mai Hashers, extended an open invitation to their Hashes. (she has e-mailed you all with details). Their “Bunny Hash” is held last Sunday in the month – traditionally an all-female affair, men are welcomed if they cross dress for the circle. Hashers from Chiang Mai will be joining us for our January 16th Hash. Bleepers and blinkers may be required for those of us of a more sensitive nature as their circle is reported to be a rather different affair to ours.

    Hares for January and February were confirmed – but we can’t remember who they were- it was now 7 pm and past my bedtime.

    Committee for 2010/2553

    G.M – Sten (Stoned)

    Hash Cash – Peter (Doesn’t Matterhorn)

    Hash Beer – Titanic

    Hash Scribes – Jan (oohMatron) and Terry (Oddjob)

    Contact us via e-mail: [email protected]. Especially if you are reading someone else’s copy and want to be added to our mailing list.

    P.S Thanks for your feedback about the hash, it’s good to get different viewpoints. Whatever our reasons for attending – Chiang Rai Hash appears unique in offering a family friendly and welcoming atmosphere – long may it continue. See you on January 16th.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  5. The 6th Anniversary Chiang Rai Hash

    November 21st 2009/52

    Venue: Able Semen’s usual, this time going round clockwise.

    Firstly, an apology to all the Hashers regarding the lack of detail on attendees and ‘who did what’. This is due to us not taking any notice, and only appreciating we had to act as scribes after the event. However, from the recesses of brains badly needing de-fragmenting, this is what we retrieved.

    The Hash

    The weather was kind, almost cool. We had an earlier start to take account of the night’s drawing in and no one wanting to have to retrieve lost souls in the dark.

    The starter pistol went, some hared off and the rest of us took a more measured approach, needing to save our strength for other things, like breathing.


    The walk run was set in pleasantly forested teak and fruit plantations, amidst ponds and very dark bamboo groves – though no ghosts were seen, thanks to the presence of one of the new runners. No really challenging hazards were met, apart from a steepish descent and a sneaky sharp left turn through a barbed wire fence. One hazard was man-made, with a number of us spending some time blindly following a distant yellow shirted figure tramping across a paddy field, all the time muttering ‘ I can’t see any paper’ – perhaps this should have alerted us to consider we were not on the trail. However, no ill was done, and any shortening in distance was off set by the rougher terrain. Yes, it was.

    Arriving back, the usual smugly grinning crew were already re-assembled, looking remarkably as though they had appropriated wheeled transport round the first, hidden, bend to complete the course with. We were later informed that Jeff (Nam Ron) had run in first at 15.15 p.m., since this was fifteen minutes before the start time, he must be really fast.

    The rest of us marched, strolled, ambled in, most making some attempt to pretend effort had been made. Only one Hasher really letting the ethos of the event down by openly admitting taking the opportunity to investigate the pruning methods for Sandoricum koetjape planted along the way. Shame.

    Post event.

    Many thanks to Pat on the Back and assistants of the day for a delicious post-Hash repast, in particular, a wickedly hot som tom.

    The Circle

    This was a fairly lengthy affair due to pressure of business.

    The Chairman asked for comments on Hash – all were complimentary, though we all felt Pat’s excuses for non-attendance at his own Hash were pretty poor.

    George ( Well oiled) was called into the Circle to describe/entice us with a description of the December Hash. We are promised a ride on a local taxi bus, delicious food, a non-arduous run/walk, and (we swear) we heard mention of Santa Claus. Don’t miss it. 3rd Saturday in December. Details to follow.

    Three Hashers were given their Hash names:

    Iceberg – having declared she was ‘into gardening and flowers’ she was promptly given the name of a lettuce.

    Ball-tickler – this having something to do with his facial hair, not soccer skills.

    GhostBuster – see previous comment about dark bamboo groves.

    We nearly had one Virgin, but he was sent out of the circle in disgrace when the Chairman discovered that he’d only traversed a dizzying 250 metres and then turned back. This was due to: a, arriving after everyone else had set off, and b, not having a clue what he was supposed to do. This latter shows great promise, just the calibre of person who will fit in well with the C.R. Hashers. Please come again.

    Hares were confirmed for Hashes up till March.

    Being the Anniversary Hash, the present Committee members were desperately looking to off load their roles on new victims. Nominations were received for the posts of Chairman, Hash Cash, Hash Beer and Scribe(s). Not one of the nominees seemed to have grasped any element of what was involved in the roles, so this bodes extremely well for the next year. Many thanks to the out-going committed for their efforts and hard work.

    After this, the Circle degenerated further but, we think, there was some further discussion on the following matters:

    T-shirts – they will no longer be given away (free) after the qualifying period of Hash attendances – but the ones you will now be able to buy will be of ‘superior quality’.

    Jeff suggested the purchase of a G.P.S device for use by each month’s Hare from any Beer cash surplus. The decision about this was drowned out, but the words ‘Sven’, ‘new truck, and ‘no surplus’ seemed to figure.

    There was also an invitation to form a contingency to go to Chiang Mai for their Hash this weekend. Contact Jeff (very, very quickly) for more details.

    The only details of your new committee that we can remember:

    Chairman –

    Hash Cash – Doesn’t Matterhorn

    Hash Beer -

    Scribes – Ooh Matron and Odd Job

    We hope to see you all at the December Hash. We will pay more attention.

    On, On.

    Ooh Matron and Odd Job


    Dear All, as you may know, I am standing in as Hare in place of las year's and the all time favourite GM, Pat. The news is not all bad since Pat on the Back, or Nid, is providing some refreshmant on the day.

    If starting in Chiang Rai, the proceed south pass Big C on the superhighway and turn left at the traffic lights by the Little Duck Hotel. This brings you on to the 1020 which is signposted to Thoeng among other places. Proceed until you reach Kilometere stone 11, which is peeling badly and so the 11 is difficult to read. You will recognise it easily enough for it is the KS after KS 10.

    Slow down here. After about 500 metres, turn right into a narrow road signed to a Forestry Commission site but in Thai only. Do not fear however since a Hash sign will be displayed at this point prominently. Yes, thats right, prominently.

    Continue for some 1.5 k and then turn right again where you see another helpfully placed Hash sign. After 2 further kilometeres, you will reach a T junction. Turn right again and proceed for 250 meters where you will find the Hash meeting area.

  7. Report of HHH Run# 72: Saturday, October 18, 2009


    Location: Baan Lao at the Huai San reservoir (off the Old Chiangmai Road )

    Hares: Nam Ron assisted by Tony the Lonely

    As the days grow shorter, the light-sensitive hashers become ever more punctual and by 4 p.m. some 24 had already gathered at the starting point. Including the absent hare, there were eleven men all farang, ten women of whom eight were Thai and four kids plus a dog. Then the ever vigilant Hand Cock observed that Nam Ron, the hare was missing. After a few minutes stunned silence, Tony the Lonely admitted that he was also part of this hash’s miss-planning committee and that in fulfillment of the hare’s promise that no feet would escape dry, the run begins by crossing the reservoir dam that was already overflowing with water.

    Just before crossing your helpful correspondent asked if this was the only place we would get our feet wet. Tony the Lonely assured us that indeed this was the only location. What he neglected to clarify however was that the trail would oblige one to pass this location a second time and that staying dry elsewhere depended on one’s dexterity navigating two precarious bridges.

    Consistent with Nam Ron’s reputation, the trail was a masterpiece of confusion and obfuscation. Two checks followed by false trails were so successful leading the diligent astray, that Wild Woman, Rolling and Do It Better, briefly found themselves in the lead simply by loitering at a scrubbed out check.

    Nam Ron made a number of other promises to entice the unsuspecting. On a scale of one to ten rating difficulty he said this one ranked a seven. Like his side kick, Tony the Lonely he neglected to mention a few critical details: for example, ten represents a 100 meter slippery cliff topped by an overhanging precipice. He also suggested that Allo Allo would be able to do the 6.1 km trail in 48 minutes while Shocking would finish 48 minutes later. Suspicious that Tony the Lonely might abscond with the beer, Allo Allo did indeed complete the track in record time while the equally skeptical Shocking failed to materialize at all.

    Inured to this culture of cynical abuse, imagine then the shock and disbelief which greeted the gallant Doesn’t Matterhorn who after delivering his precious Swiss Roll and Swiss Cream to the other side of a particularly treacherous bridge, re-entered the water to help virgins and other inept hashers across. Odd Job and Ooohmatron didn’t even have the decency to pretend self-sufficiency.

    The last promise Nam Ron made was that the trail would climb 342 meters. He neglected to add that the climb was through a corn field, all in one place. There were no helpful hands to assist Pat on the Back and Superglue pull and push their virgin guests up the hill. When Tight Lips and Lip Service appeared in the distance, all the ladies declared a break as if in solidarity with the late-comers.

    Following his nose rather than paper and keenly focused on the scent of beer, Allo Allo found a short cut back to home base. In this deception he was cheerfully assisted by fellow FRB’s Stoned, Do It Yourself and Able Semen who re-laid paper to implicate the others. Thus the group by-passed the most scenic part of the trail. At least was the defense of the hare who claimed that the greatest bucolic splendors had yet to be seen. According to him, only Wild Woman passed by the intended route but she declared that it must have been too dark to notice anything special.

    As dusk fell and visions of distraught virgins wandering lost in the bush began to afflict the conscience of our now present hare. Nam Ron accordingly drove back out the road in search of the distressed. Meanwhile your faithful correspondent, together with Hand Cock and Virgin Abbey hitched a ride in passing pick up full of Able Semen’s relatives. It was conveniently dark by the time the group reassembled and the G.M. accordingly kept the circle session short. This strategy appealed especially to the Hash Beer, Hand Cock who departed the scene shortly thereafter with a cold box nearly full of surplus drinks.

    Being the 72th event, this hash concludes the sixth cycle of our existence. On Saturday November 21 we will celebrate the anniversary and hopefully elect a new mismanagement committee. Last year we reelected the same gang in spite of hash they did of managing our affairs. It was said at the time, that however bad these guys may be, they are better than any of the alternatives on offer. This year however glum the outlook, we are determined to do differently, if not better. So if anyone has any bright ideas for improvement, nominations and especially volunteering for executive functions, would you please send them to me in response to this hash report for election at the anniversary gathering.

    To underline the obvious, those who take exception to way our history is written, now have an opportunity to rewrite the past simply by voting the Scribe out of office. Volunteers welcome!

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

    Hares for Upcoming Hashes include:

    November Able Semen and Pat on the Back

    December Well Oiled and Oiled Well

    January 2010 Hand Cock and Helping Hand

    February Able Semen


    Tony the Lonely, Stiffy and Nam Rom have teamed up to create one of the most beautiful and challenging hashes of the year. It is at the base of Doi Chang Mountain and offers fantastic views and lots of forest trails.

    Directions -- go south on the old Chiang Mai Road 21.5 km from the Den Ha intersection OR (8 km past the turn to Khun Korn Waterfalls) and turn right at the signs towards the Natural Tea Gardens (HHH Sign.) Drive for 3.5 km to the reservoir and park at the dam.

    We GUARANTEE your feet will get wet so bring a change of shoes. The hash will start at 4 pm.

    See you Sat.


  9. Report of HHH Run# 71: Saturday September 19, 2009

    Location: Behind Wat Phrathat Jomsak on Soi 6 off the Asian Highway just south of the international airport.

    Hares: Loose Spoke assisted by Tight Sprocket and Third Wheel

    By 4 p.m. 40 hashers were stamping with excitement eager to get started before threatening rain or dusk could overtake them. As usual all 12 males but only one of the eight females were farang. Still we waited for Odd Job and Oooolmatron who were to bring a guest. The Oileds were also absent at starting time. Upon arrival Odd Job then confessed that the guest had become so inebriated the night before that she fell off her motorcycle and could not join them. All thought of the delinquent Oileds now forgotten, the herd took off in pursuit of paper, accompanied by cattle which must have recognized the scene from Pamplona .

    Allo Allo soon left all but Able Semen and Peter Doesn’tmatterhorn in the dust. Third Wheel and his pal Sticky Goo followed at a distance. Tony the Lonely demonstrated the inappropriateness of his name by arriving with Stoned and Mike.

    Fat Cat became so absorbed in trying to recover his viral name Tom Cat that he completely forgot his daughter. The nubile Kitty Kat and her cousin Kat in the Hat seized the moment to escape his chaperonage.

    Meanwhile seeking safety in numbers, Wild Woman, Do It Better, Swiss Roll, Swiss Cream, Pat on the Back, Superglue, Tight Sprocket and Rolling moved at a gentle pace which allowed them to appreciate the bucolic views. There was not much elevation; the trail stuck to gravel roads; it was perfect for a possibly rainy day.

    Likewise Nam Ron made a lazy day of it. He pretended that sons Kenji and Kodi were responsible for the slow pace.

    Only Boy Magnet distinguished herself looking ravishing in her HHH t-shirt.

    Unfortunately there was no opportunity to sell t-shirts to ardent men she inspired. No sooner had the last group arrived but the rain began to fall in earnest. The Hash Cash, Do It Yourself declared that this was the best hash so far as there was no time to consume beer in a circle. Shocking then made resolution to be among the front runners in future so he could be sure to get his money’s worth of beer.

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

    Hares for Upcoming Hashes include:

    October Nam Ron

    November Able Seaman and Pat on the Back

    December Well Oiled and Oiled Well

  10. I knew i could not take the chance of the last Air Asia flight being delayed so i booked Thai Airways.

    I checked the Air Asia Web page this morning the price of the flight showed 1,890 Baht

    When i checked the Thai Airways Web Page the price of the flight showed 2,895 Baht when i called to the

    Thai Airways office to book they told me SORRY the price today was 2,195 Baht if i would have booked yesterday i would have paid 1,895 Baht

    the tax was now 850 Baht

    I have just checked the Thai Airways Web Page and now it shows the price of the ticket 3,195 Baht

    So i have paid 305 Baht more than flying Air Asia but if i would have booked on line with Thai Airways it would have cost me 1,000 Baht more


  11. Could anyone give me there personal experience with a Dynasat satellite receiver/disc?

    Is it any good? And what shop could you recommend me to get it done...?

    Prices.. and do you need a contract?

    I know there are already topics about this.. but in televisionland everythings seems to change very fast...



    My partner got dynasat, in Chiang Mai. its cheap, its not bad for the price.

    But on the down side. I already had Internet installed with TOT.

    Dynasat uses my Internet from my router. I don't know why.

    The system often freezes. especially when your watching something good or its raining.

    I wanted to get rid of it, but for 300 baht a month cant really complain.

    Lots of channels, but they took BBC entertainment off and that was the only channel I enjoyed watching apart from the sport channels.

    I haven't been home for a few months so cant give you any more info until I get back next month.

    Are you sure this receiver Is a Dynasat box? what model is it?

  12. I've just been fortunate to receive a lump sum life assurance end payment. It has been credited to my UK account in pound sterling.

    Would it be wise to move this to a Euro account or should I hedge my bets and spread it between pound/ Euro/Baht.

    Bangkok Bank have a Euro currency account. Should I move the money here or keep it in a Euro account in the UK. The good lady in our branch says," baht bad! pound bad! Euro vely good!"

    With stock markets low, it might be a good time to trickle some into equities.

    I'm planning to partially retire from teaching next year and apart from my coming UK state pension I have no other resources.

    I'm not a financial expert so I would appreciate the advice of members more in the know in these matters.

    For me i would leave it in sterling and see how the pound goes for at least one year.

    You can get 3-1/2% with Anglo Irish I.O.M

    The Irish Goverment have Nationalised the Bank and Guarantee all deposits for at least another year,

    I dont think there is any danger that they will not Guarantee beyond the year plus the I.O.M goverment

    have Guaranteed all deposits up to 50,000pound or 100,000 pound for a joint account

  13. All threads that have over 100 replies need to be pinned. This one an hash house need pinning

    Thats a matter of opinion,

    The HHH thread was started nearly three and a half years ago and as attracted 147 replies (big deal)

    The Chaingrai Football thread was started 30th April 2009 and as attracted 100 replies.

    What Mumbo Jumbo wants is that these two threads to be pinned so someone else can conplain that there are to many

    pinned threads so the Mods can send them off to the Darkest depths like they did with the Chaingrai Classified that in my opinion,once it was taken out of limelight a very good local thread will go dormant.

    Its all about Houses sorry Horses for Courses

    Or good Pitches and bad Pitches

  14. OK, democracy in action- 7 now.

    I think the remaining have at least some interest as pinned topics.

    I cant believe that you have Deleted the Chaingrai Classified,the thread as been very popular with

    people looking to rent,buy, sell houses,land advertse their wares for sale.

    The top two adverts were Premium Adds who had paid Thai Visa to advertise

    we were told last year that we could not advertise by posting the likes of a House For Rent on the forum

    but any adverts must go on the Classified.

    So what happens now,were do we put the LOCAL adverts

    do we put them in the General Classified so some one in Phuket knows if he wants to buy Manure

    (that was once advertised) he can get loads of it from Chaingrai

  15. I have booked a long haul flight for next month,the 10-pm Air Asia Flight out of Chaingrai

    gets me into Bangkok at just the right time to check in ETC.

    Anyone had any experience of this flight being Delayed, Cancelled

    or any good reports about being on time ETC

    I am only interested in this flight i know my other options





    Here are the directions to the hash :

    >From central Chiang Rai, go north on the superhighway. Measuring from the traffic lights just north of the bridge over the Mae Kok, continue north about 2.9 km.

    >Turn left on Soi 6. The sign uses only the Thai numeral ๖, but there will be a hash sign there. (About 250 meters before the turn you will see Bahn Kua Krae School (โรงเรียนบ้านขัวแคร่) and 150 meters before the turn you will pass a sign that says Hunter Engineering.)

    >Follow Soi 6 about 2.2 km until you reach Wat Prataht Jom Sak (วัดพระธาตุจอมสัก) at the “T” in the road. The road meanders a bit, but it is easy to follow – just don’t turn off of it on one of the many sois. There will be a hash sign at the wat too.

    >Follow the road around the north (right) side of the wat another 0.7 km to the hash starting point.

    Please let me know if anything isn't clear.


  17. Yes, it is a lot of dosh but it's because I'm returning to Thailand 20/12/09. it's close to Christmas. I've tried a lot of airlines and they are all about the same price. I'ts also easier for me flying into Glasgow.

    I could of bought this ticket for 33,290 baht from TRAVEXNET.COM CHAINGMAI but decided on a January return i also emailed

    SAVE FLIGHTS and MTT and was qouted around the same price

    2 EK 419 U 30SEP 3 BKKDXB HK1 0230 0535 30SEP E EK/DBNXXB

    3 EK 017 U 30SEP 3 DXBMAN HK1 0755 1225 30SEP E EK/DBNXXB

    4 EK 020 U 22DEC 2*MANDXB HK1 2010 0705 23DEC E EK/DBNXXB

    5 EK 372 U 23DEC 3*DXBBKK HK1 0940 1840 23DEC E EK/DBNXXB

  18. I do not want to be too disrespecful.... but arent you paying too much really. I mean you pay more than double... is there a

    reason that is good to know for others. maybe Emirates are having free girls or something???


    I was thinking the same thing myself,i was qouted 42,000 baht for a emirates ticket BKK--MAN return when i pointed out i

    only wanted a 3 month ticket they came back with 33,290 baht all inclusive

    I think wee jimmy has bought a 1 year ticket when he should have asked for a 3 month ticket or the travel agent wants to

    pocket the difference


    Location-----Nong Pueng Pond Northwest of Doi Khau Khwai

    Hares----- Doesen"t Matterhorn and Swiss Roll

    In the absence of are renowned hash scribe Virgin Bluce who his believed to be on a touring holiday

    of all the Whiskey and Beer Distillerys of Canada

    I offer my humble contribution

    There was a very good turn out for our Virgin hares trail that consisted of 17male,12 female 3 Children.

    The FRBS of Allo Allo,On Fire and Virgin Jessica who had only been jogging around the pond until

    Reverse Thruster press ganged her into the hash set the pace.

    Within the first kilometre the pattern of the scenic trail unfolded,the FRBS panned out to trace some

    very crafty checks giving the rest of the field time to bunch up,this suited the mid division that consisted of

    Oops Matron,Odd Job,Super Glue, Do It Better and Pat On The Back, the only major obstacle was a

    rather unsafe looking bamboo bridge that had over half the field queueing up to cross,Bushwacker showed the way by bravely skipping over the bridge together with Speedy Gonzarlis,Rolling,Sealed Lips and Lip Service while Manipulators 5 month old Rottweiler pup had to be coaxed over .

    As the FRBS came home in under 40 minutes with the rest of the field not far behind only to be greeted by our devoted GM Able Semen who had stayed behind to guard the beer stocks just in case anyone from Liverpool was holidaying in the area.

    The circle was called with the thanking of Doesen"t Matterhorn,Swiss Roll and of course Swiss Cream for

    their efforts and hospitality of Mango and Sticky Rice also Somtam Cowneo.

    we had 6 virgins Hannie,Mike,Ryan,Jessica and Darryl & wife,Darryl must rate as a future ardent hasher

    has he brought his own beer just in case the hash stocks ran out.

    Next up the 3 hashers who were due names, Tony whose hash name from Manilla is Tony The Lonely

    but it was sugested that as this was the first hash he had not got lost it should read Tony was The Lonely,

    but after a tight vote his Manilla name stood.Next up was John who after giving a detailed account of his navagation skills was donned the name "Titanic"his wife is due a name on her next visit,Stuart received the name The Better Man.

    4 hashers,Flying Dutchman,Dutch Treat,Fired Up and On Fire had completed our very stringent 6 hash free shirt rule and after vowing not to resell them on E bay for a vast profit received their shirts,

    Before the circle was concluded,Nam Ron tried to bring to task Stoned, Do It Yourself and Yours Truly for their objections to his idea of a 5pm start,he was soon shot down when it was revealed he had been offered

    a "Job Lot" of very cheap Miners Headlamps that prompted him into cashing in by palming them off on the hash.

    on on


  20. Next Hash Saturday 15th August Start 4 pm



    Hi all HHH

    We will start our August City-HHH at the large pond (called nongpueng) northwest of "Doi Khau Khwai" on Saturday August 15 beginning at 4 pm.

    "Doi Khau Khwai" (ดอยเขาควาย) as known as The City View Point, is located about 3 kilometers west of the old Airport Runway.

    Driving direction : Start at the old Airport Runway heading west. after passing the Driving Range, The Buffalo Hill Guesthouse and Sinthanii 8 you

    will arrive at the the entrance up to the View Point. just before the entrance turn sharply right (HHH signs) and follow the few HHH sings for about

    1.5 kilometers. the start will be at the "salaa" (ศาลาชุมชนหนองปึ๋ง) next to the pond on your left hand side (HHH signs).

    For those who are Chiang Rai Virgins and don't know the old Airport or "Doi Khau Khwai", please have a look at Google Earth!

    On On !

    Swiss cream, Swiss Roll and Doesn't Matterhorn

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